SPECIAL GROUND ZERO 6/25/12 – Clyde Lewis will Host a Special Ground Zero to Discuss why Author and Researcher Maximillien de Lafayette was Silenced Live on the Air!
SPECIAL GROUND ZERO 6/25/12 – Clyde Lewis will Host a Special Ground Zero to Discuss why Author and Researcher Maximillien de Lafayette was Silenced Live on the Air!
On Monday 6/25/12 Clyde Lewis will host a special Ground Zero Radio to discuss the events leading up to the On Air Censoring of researcher Maximillien de Lafayette live on the air! The incident took place at the beginning of the third hour when de Lafayette abruptly announced he had one minute to finish then apparently read a prepared statement retracting his research then quickly hung up the phone with no further details. The abrupt termination of the interview left the Ground Zero team shocked and bewildered as they struggled to understand what had just happened. Callers jammed the phone lines as they discussed what may have occurred and who was behind this obvious censorship.
Who silenced de Lafayette? Why was he silenced and more importantly what does this mean? Clyde will discuss the event on Monday along with other members of the Ground Zero Team who were present. He will also discuss what de Lafayette had been disclosing and about to disclose when the interview was shutdown.
This is a very special Ground Zero, so please mark your calenders, tune in and join the conversation about this amazing event!