There is an old biblical verse that says for now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. This took on a special meaning for me as I prepared my notes for an appearance on national TV show.
Today I was supposed to be on a plane to Las Vegas to discuss my investigations into the dark eyed beings that I fist brought up prior to Halloween. I was on the phone with the producers of the show discussing my position that Satanic panic has returned to the world but this time it is well grounded in ritualism and the possibility of some hybrid alien or demonic spirit that has attached itself to many people.
In some cases this dark entity shows itself in the form of a shape shifter. Maybe I have been watching too many episodes of Fringe or maybe we are obsessed with shows like Supernatural or Paranormal activity and now American Horror story—but I am being haunted by the dark eyes again and more stories are turning up that actually confirm that this phenomenon exists. There are many instances where people are noticing others who appear to possessed by demons or are walking alien hybrids. I received a number of e-mails after I first spoke of the dark eyed children.
There were many people who told me that they believed they were demonic and there was at least one person who was offended because he suspected that the Black eyed condition was natural. I was given information that was useful for further investigation into the shape shifters and I want to share it with you.
Originally Broacast On 11/16/2011