Episode 199 – DARK BLOOD RITE
Episode 199 – DARK BLOOD RITE
Chalk it up to strange coincidence, the musings of the person selling the portrait , leans toward the vampire story with his tongue pressed firmly in his cheek. That doesn’t change how I feel about the creatures of the night or their existence.
I have secretly believed in vampires my whole life. In my opinion, the vampires, demons and aliens whether reptilian or otherwise are interchangeable. They all seem to have all of the same traits and yet they all seem to be drawn to blood.
If you want to keep a dark secret from people create a version of reality that contains a demon or an “other.” The demon, can be called a fantasy, however the reality is far more frightening. The reality can be called ludicrous and of course you have to prove why you are thinking those crazy thoughts and worry alone when the lights go out.
Originally Broadcast On 09/20/2011