Episode 157 – THE DEVIL’S TOY BOX
Episode 157 – THE DEVIL’S TOY BOX
A very dear friend of mine moved to upstate New York about two weeks ago. He told me that in his storage he found an old box that belonged to me and in it, he believed were haunted artifacts that I should recover and remove them from his shed.
I kept the box in an old storage shed at his place because over the years, I have picked up various artifacts that have been considered haunted, or somehow they hold on to some active energy and so I conveniently kept them out of sight, which of course means they are out of mind.
Many people may or may not know that ghosts have attached themselves to objects. Sometimes evil spirits often attach themselves to dolls, clowns, and idol figurines, or Ouija boards. But wearable’s like clothes and jewelry, art like paintings and photographs, as well as household objects like wooden boxes, furniture, and musical instruments seem to be popular places for lost souls to take up residence.
Originally Broadcast On 10/10/2016