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Ron Patton | June 29, 2012


In 1920 a film was released in Germany called ALGOL: Tragedy of Power. The plot dealt with an evil alien creature named ALGOL. ALGOL was a visitor from the demon star of the same name. He appears to a poor miner and gives him superior technology. It is a free energy device that has indescribable power. ALGOL told the man that anyone who possessed it could become master of the world.
The film was released two years after World War I. The story was the first of its kind anywhere. It was probably the first time a story about alien intervention and secret technologies had ever graced the screen. It was considered at the time to be a remarkable film dealing with the occult. The very idea of an industrialist with a secret technology used to enslave a people was an ominous foreshadowing of things to come.
Many occult historians have written that the film was actually part of an “open conspiracy” to promote an occult socialist order. There were many German artists and writers who were becoming members of a very powerful society called the Vril. The Vril would meet under a veil of mystery and secrecy. They discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age and they used The spear of destiny and a magical black stone to make contact with ancient peoples and beings distant worlds.
Many people have commented that the Vril were actually inspired by the book “The Coming Race” By Edward Bulwer-Lytton who was a member of Alistair Crowley’s Golden Dawn. The book is about a civil engineer who finds a race of beings living in the earth called the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are uberterrestrials that resemble aliens.
The Vril Society was a group of women that claimed to have psychic Powers. The leader was the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-Il” Vril translated means “Like God.”
The Society allegedly taught trance like exercises similar to remote viewing. These exercises were designed to awaken the forces of Vril, and their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and a cult called Men of the Black Sun to fund an ambitious program involving the construction of a flight machine based on technology that as delivered to them by aliens in The Black Forest.
In the 1936 there were reports of a large bright light that came down from the sky and landed or crashed somewhere in the Black Forest near Poland.
SS troops from the Jelenia Góra garrison came and brought the disc to Jelenia Góra township, where it was examined and back engineered by Scientists who were members of the Thule Society and answered to the Vril.
The Thulist scientists laid claim to the idea that the technology left behind by the aliens was propelled by something called The Black Sun. A very powerful energy source that can not be seen by the naked eye. It was allegedly thought by the Vril and the Thulists to be in the godhead’s inner light in the form of a cross. It was also said to be found in antimatter. It was the all powerful energy source directly from the hand of God to mankind. In Nazi architecture you will see the symbol of the Black Sun right along side the Swastika as a mystical symbol of power. Both symbols represent the round and perfected winged disc or “god” vehicle.
Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. The NSDAP (National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Friedrich Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist. With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disc development programs aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine.
Meanwhile in 1936 a Movie was released called “Things to Come” based on the H.G. Wells Story “The Shape of Things to Come.” The movie was eerily prophetic as it gave the world a dose of predictive programming with a story dealing with new technologies, a world war predicted to start in 1940, and the world brought into a new order by a criminal dictator who fortifies the war machine.
Wells of course was an avid supporter of the One World State and was also aware of the new world agendas and what was in store for the future . He openly discussed the idea of an Open conspiracy that was being implemented to bring together avant -garde science and new age philosophies to crush religious thought in favor of a New world order.
It was Wells’ story “War Of the Worlds” that was turned into a radio play for The CBS radio Theater. When it was performed in 1938 the thought of alien invasion panicked America. While many sociologists try to explain why the broadcast was so effective in scaring people , there never seems to be any explanation as to what the psychological climate of the country was at the time of the broadcast. It can only be determined that the occult underpinnings of the age had taken hold and the rumors and murmurs about people from distant worlds invading were buried in the sub-conscious minds of the “New Deal” America. Meanwhile what was science fiction in the United States was becoming a Science nightmare in Germany.
In the Sudetenland’s Owl Mountains near the Polish Czech Border many scientists who were committed to the great Secret of the Black Sun worked in underground facilities buried in the Wenceslaus mine. They hired slave labor to carry out experiments with super weapons. Hitler required round the clock work on what he called kriegsentscheidend. A term meaning “make or break factor.” The weapons that were being made were actually some of the most remarkable doomsday devices ever conceived. Hitler wanted so badly to be victorious in the war he pushed for Der Wunderwaffen or “Wonder Weapons.”
The Vril and Haunebu Saucer models were fixed with cannon turrets. The Vril and Hannebu craft looked threatening however the technology to make them fly was still being back engineered and while some were capable of flight, the bad maneuverability and the unstable fuel source made them difficult to fly. The Scientists had a lot of work to do.
Some of the saucer craft were propelled by a Vortex engine that utilized a power source that propelled the craft using a Tornado effect. This type of technology was perfected by Nazi scientist Victor Schauberger
The SS E-IV, a development unit of the SS occult “Order of the Black Sun” was tasked with researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative energies and fuel sources through coal gasification, research into grain alcohol fuels, less complicated coal burning engines for vehicles and generators, as well as highly advanced liquid oxygen turbines, total reaction turbines, AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) motors and even EMG (Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic) engines.
The SS developed in 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.
The early Haunebu I craft of which two prototypes were constructed were 25 meters in diameter, had a crew of eight and could achieve the incredible initial velocity of 4,800 km/h, but at low altitude. Further enhancement enabled the machine to reach 17,000 km/h! Flight endurance was 18 hours. To resist the incredible temperatures of these velocities a special armor called Victalen was pioneered by SS metallurgists specifically for both the Haunebu and Vril series of disc craft.
Hitler believed that war had to be harnessed for the interest of Science and was very happy with the progress of the Saucer programs and ant gravity propulsion. He also knew of a super weapon that was being tested including one with nuclear capabilities.
The Nazis had a device called the anti-gravity “bell” (Die Glocke) that had indescribable power. They claimed to have received it from alien beings. They were given plans to construct technologies that could only be described as magical. They claimed that the technology and magic they possessed came from other civilizations, donated to them through means of communication through remote viewing and Trance like Drug induced states of mind.
Heavy column platforms were constructed where the Bell technology was tested. The heavy-duty concrete construction of the test-rig at the Wenceslas Mine, remnants of which have been photographed and are still in existence, is reported to be complete with heavy steel mounting-rings and chains , indicative of the massive scale of the forces that the research produced.
Reportedly the project was considered by the Nazis as of such importance that it was security classified as “War decisive”, as important as their research to develop an atomic bomb.
Further details of the “Nazi Bell” are described in a book “The Hunt for Zero Point”, by Nick Cook, The Bell device according to Cook is the “Holy Grail “ for the Zero Point Energy Field which is a concept arising from Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, and which many modern physicists believe may hold the key to the solution of the world’s energy crisis, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. There are many UFO enthusiasts who believe the aliens are out there just waiting to give us tips on free energy devices and many of these UFO nuts are demanding UFO disclosure by our government so this technology can be used.
If we are to believe the Nazis. This energy system was given to the Vril in the 1930’s, Taken over through a covenant with the SS or Black Sun and experimented with in Central Europe.
The Bell or Die Glocke was not a New age answer to our energy problems. It was a energy device that was dangerous because of what it allegedly contained. It contained two counter-rotating cylinders filled with a substance similar to Mercury that glowed violet when activated, known only as Xerum 525. It has been speculated to be Red mercury. When active, The Bell would emit strong radiation, which led to the deaths of several scientists and various plant and animal test subjects.
Dr. Joseph Farrell who is an expert on the Bell history states that The Bell was considered so important to the Nazis that they killed 60 scientists that worked on the project and buried them in a mass grave. The deaths of the scientists were attributed to an SS General Jakob Sporrenberg. He was tried for War Crimes after the war. It is still however unknown if the scientists were murdered or died of exposure to extreme conditions.
Skeptics always say that if the Nazi saucers existed and they were such a secret and effective weapon why weren’t they used to insure the victory of the third Reich?
The simple truth lies in the fact that these machines, despite their superior overall performance to conventional piston-engine aircraft and early jets, could not be realistically adapted to any useful military role other than the most basic transport and recon work. The ships did fly and there is plenty of evidence to support that the technology and science was not limited to just disc work. There were other modifications being done to the Vril saucers. There is also evidence to support that test flights were done over Europe and the United States.
Antigravity saucers remained in the research and development stage for some time. The war was a fast–moving monster and the scientists had a hard time keeping up with it. However, they did have pilotless remote saucers that kept the Allies busy.
The reports of mysterious lights in the night skies over Germany became frequent. In the area between Hagenau in Alsace–Lorraine and Neustadt an der Weinstrasse in the Rhine Valley, there were reports of large orbs that flew rapidly through the sky, harassing Allied planes. American pilots claimed that the Germans had created a secret weapon. Intelligence ops were reporting glowing orbs of light that would approach an allied plane and try to crash it.
Due to round-the-clock bombing the SS was forced to try even more drastic measures, launching unmanned interceptor discs from the Schwarzwald. These discs were known as the “Feuerball” weapon. Because the discs burned chemicals around its ring to create the electrostatic field necessary to disable Allied bomber engines and radar the object was soon nicknamed the “Foo Fighter” by the Allies who sighted this fiery halo weapon approaching them by day or night. FOO was a take on the French word Feu (Fire) and from the Smokey Stover comic of a bumbling fireman that actually started fires!
In 1942 a little–known invasion of a large flying saucer and several smaller ones was reported over Los Angeles. In what is known as the Battle of Los Angeles, 1,430 rounds were fired at the flying disc. And as many as 25 smaller aircraft accompanied it.
There were many people on the ground that were killed or wounded by unexploded anti–aircraft shells. There actually was picture of the saucer that wound up in the Los Angeles Times. It showed the aircraft being fired upon and searchlights were zeroing in on the intruders.
As early as 1943 Germans wee was seeing the writing on the wall. Hitler’s right hand man Martin Bormann realized that the Nazi’s could not possibly win the war. With the millions dead it was already assumed that there would be German’s rounded up and tried for war crimes. Even with all of the technological terror, and powerful alien technology there was little time to make it functional to win the war.
With the failure of the final large German offensive in Soviet Russia at Kursk in 1943, the Nazi leadership had but two courses of action: First, continue the war and hope for the realization of their secret weapons projects in time to provide a military resuscitation, or second begin the process of moving capital, technology, and personnel to ensure the survival of the Party by other means. The Nazi leadership chose both courses of action.
Third Reich story ends as strangely as it had begun. What about the mysterious Thule-Vril discs which were actually built in small numbers? By 1945 there were quite a few Haunebu II and Vril 7 discs flying. Vril had even tested the Vril 8 Odin and possibly the even more streamlined Vril-9 Abjager. These craft were not destroyed but evacuated from March 1945 to an area safe from Allied bombing or capture. It is believed that the fleet of saucers were flown to the Andes Mountains near Chile and Argentina. Some were sent to Antarctica where they are hidden in an underground base there.
As the Third Reich collapsed in the spring of 1945, the Russians were the first to enter Berlin and capture Adolf Hitler’s bunker. Then, the Soviet Union made a series of contradictory statements or lies concerning Hitler’s death. Stalin announced to Truman during lunch in Potsdam on July 17, that Hitler did not commit suicide but had probably escaped. After that, the Russians released photographs of what they claimed to be Hitler’s corpse on a floor with a bullet hole in his head. Finally, they asserted; that Hitler’s burnt remains, together with the body of his mistress Eva Braun, were discovered on May 4, by Soviet soldiers outside the Berlin Chancellery
Bunker, in the garden. All Pictures of Hitler’s body show no burnt remains. This fueled speculation about the possibility that Hitler was still alive.
Before his suicide Adolf Hitler issued his “Nero Decree” ordering all industries, military installations, shops, transportation facilities and communications facilities in Germany be destroyed. The Underground facilities at Wenceslaus mines were flooded out. All evidence of Saucer technology was gone.
It is also rumored that Hitler had hoped that his scorched earth policy be carried out worldwide. That the earth should not stand without the Third Reich. None of these orders were carried out. They died with Hitler. Or so we think.
Many speculated that the Third Reich had not truly ended. The rumors swirled that it just escaped for a short time. Similar to the mythological Phoenix it would rise up from the ashes and return. The Orders of Thule, Vril, and the Black Sun made a covenant with each other that the world would eventually accept a new resurrected Reich.
It is a matter of record that Nazi scientists and intelligence personnel were welcomed into the United states and Russia after the war. Were these Nazis truly reformed or were they pretending to cooperate to bring about a more devious plan of a Blood oath and Covenant with the SS? A plan that will usher in a New Reich or see the destruction of the earth.
There is a case to be made for the attempts to destroy the earth.
A long term plan that has commenced again.
Otto Skorzeny was captured as a war criminal but was secretly released to American authorities in 1947. Settling in Madrid on the payroll of the US Government he created the International Fascista in 1952. He and several other former Nazis were eventually placed in the middle east by the CIA to protect Israel from the communists. They trained Palestinian terrorists groups that to this day are responsible for the constant wars that are happening there.
The Pogrom to exterminate the Jews continues today. The terrorists were trained and equipped by the Nazis. So there is no need to march anyone to the ovens when Nazi Trained terrorist groups are still in power and are encouraged by some secret organization that has yet to be determined.
ODESSA was a three–tentacled plan which included the safe passage to hardcore Nazis in South and Central America, Mexico and the Middle East, and for transporting Nazi gold, mostly looted treasure from the Reich bank. The third tentacle was a far–reaching one and is responsible for the Cold War and placing Russia and the United States in position of creating Hitler’s vision of a Scorched earth Policy, The Black Sun Covenant.
Hitler’s spy master Reinhard Gehlen surrendered to the United States in 1945 and made a deal. He would develop the “Org” which consisted of hardcore Nazi spooks surrendering to the allies and then giving them information that would be the seeds of paranoia needed to create the Cold War. Gehlen claimed that as Hitler’s spy at the Russian Front He knew of a Russian plot against the United States.
The Org played a role in the creation of the “missile gap,” providing The Army Air force with reports on Soviet missile developments supposedly based on contacts with German scientists captured by the Russians at the end of the war.
Gehlen was known to exaggerate Military capabilities of the Soviets stating that they were combat ready with a ten to one advantage over western forces massed to attack west Germany as early as 1946. However the truth was far more mundane. The Russian troops were overextended, battle weary with no numerical advantage and with half their transport vehicles drawn by horses.
The Org played a major role within NATO, too, supplying two–thirds of the raw intelligence on Warsaw Pact countries. American intelligence ops swallowed it up and believed in the Soviet bogeyman stories.
Gehlen was actually exaggerating the Soviet threat. He began a campaign of fostering paranoia in the West about a worldwide communist conspiracy. Gehlen’s strategy was based on the Hegelian dialectic. The more paranoia, crisis and fear of an invisible enemy, the more political space for Hitler’s heirs to move in and secretly reshape American democracy to become a fascist order in which government relinquishes civil rights and rules with an iron fist.
The Cold war was beginning and both the soviets and The United States were using Nazi Scientists to develop more nuclear armaments all pointed at each other. One false move and the button would have been pushed killing untold millions of Russians, and Americans. This was the covenant of the Black Sun and Promise to Hitler. To destroy the enemy and rule over the remaining inhabitants with a glorious world order.
The United states and the Soviet Union were two sworn enemies of the Third Reich. The Nazi regime collapsed in May 1945, squeezed ever more tightly between two fronts – the Soviet Union on one side and the United States on the other. Can we now see where the loyalties of the “reformed” Nazis belonged after World War II? It wasn’t with the US or Russia. Their loyalties were to Hitler and the destruction of the old Governments and people to make way for the New World Order of the Reich.
This has been the alien threat from within that continues to return and it needs to be recognized.
Back in 1945 the American people would have been shocked to hear that we made deals with the Enemy. All this time we fought against a known menace to our freedom and our leaders were willing to pipeline Nazi Intel into the country in order to use them for secrets and believe their erroneous information. When the bomb was dropped on Japan Truman said we won the race against the Germans, The Truth is we became just like them in that moment. The sickest joke of all is that Nazis were now knocking at the door on American soil working directly with our government. And as for the Vril and their Dark magic?
The Vril Magic was stolen as intelligence and was used to empower the United States. If you remember the Vril used what is believed to be the spear of destiny in their rituals. The sword is also known as the Lance of Longinus, the sword that allegedly pierced the side of Christ on the Cross.
For more than 1,000 years, the spear had been a symbol of power to the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. Century after century, the legend of the Spear had been fulfilled for good or evil. Constantine the Great claimed the spear guided him through providence.
The Frankish General Karl Martel used the spear in battle. Emperor Charlemagne lived and slept within reach of the spear, and attributed 47 battle victories to its powers.
In all, 45 emperors over 1,000 years claimed the Spear of Destiny as a possession.
On April 30, 1945, the same day Hitler committed suicide, the American army invaded Nuremberg and took possession of the Spear of Destiny. In the months that followed, America unleashed the most destructive force ever known to man: the atomic bomb. While in possession of the Spear of Destiny, America became the undisputed ruler of the world. With the Nazi scientists working undercover we had let the devil through the gate. Our Government, were under the tutelage of the masters of destruction who got their information from alleged beings from other worlds. The detonation of the Wunderwaffen sent a signal and we edged ever closer to an apocalypse.
Americans were unaware that the next phase in this apocalypse was a war in heaven, where super technologies would be used by Nazi scientists to deliver death at supersonic speeds. Nazis were playing both sides with Scientists and Intel in Soviet Russia, and in the United States. One weapon that was not forgotten was the designs for the Vril, Haunebu Saucers and new flying wing technologies. It was time for them to return to the drawing boards and test them. More Nazi scientists were brought in and got jobs at aircraft companies in the Northwest, Dayton Ohio and White sands New Mexico.
In 1947 the United States was about to be acquainted with what the Central Europeans went through prior and during World War II. The Alien invasion both supernatural and physical was about to take place here.
And we would never be the same again.
The Saucer Magic was going to make its journey to the United States and soon there would be an event that would change the world, It would be enough to prompt the leaders of the United States to separate the intelligence apparatus and soon the biggest secret would be the new technology.
It would be technology that would be rumored to be from the secret alien chiefs.

Written by Ron Patton

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