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Ron Patton | August 8, 2022

Scientists recently announced an experiment that rings all sorts of alarm bells about the morality of reanimation of the dead. It was reported in the New York Times that a group of Yale researchers injected the bodies of dead pigs with a new concoction that brought the organs of dead animals back to a partial level of life. As mad science is now in the business of putting Humpty Dumpty’s cells back together again, they are creating real-life Frankenstein’s monsters and casting legions of demons into pigs. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about LEGION – CASTING DEMONS INTO PIGS.





Today is a time of unprecedented official lies about everything, endless wars hot and cold, class wars of the rich against the poor, medical wars of international elites against everyone –  it is a daily electronic digital barrage meant to pound people into the deepest despair.

These lies have sown a vast sense of bewilderment, as intended.

If you want to know what is up all you have to do is do the scroll of doom every morning.

Check your cell phone and head down the primrose path to unreality.

It is very difficult for many conventional people to admit that the life they have known is disappearing while they dawdle in a fantasy land, believing the propaganda of their rulers.  To live in the U.S.A. is to live in Neverland where no one ever has to be alone, never grow up, and will always be coddled to death.

To quote Leonard Cohen:  “Everybody knows the boat is leaking. Everybody knows the captain lied. Everybody got this broken feeling Like their father or their dog just died.”
It is that unreality of hearing everyday that the air your breathe, the food you eat and even the heat of the sunshine will kill you.

We all know that everything dies — the technocrats want it and they want to replace all of us with robots and enhanced transhuman puppets.

We all have to deal with that awkward question of what to do with your body when it’s no longer needed by you.  When you’re taking up space and drawing flies, I am sure many of your loved ones think that a traditional way of taking care of your body is appropriate.

There is always the idea of a casket, and a traditional viewing where you are literally turned into a preserved wax figure and are on display in a funeral home. Then comes the church service, the hearse driving your corpse to the cemetery and then there is a burial.

Some people avoid all that by taking the body to a crematory, where you are wrapped up in a large baggy, stuffed into a cardboard box and then baked at 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

Creepier said than done as you are reduced to your basic elements of ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

Practiced in many ancient civilizations, it wasn’t until the advent and spread of Christianity and its belief in the resurrection of the dead, that cremation fell into disfavor during the 4th century, and by the time of the fifth century, had become almost completely obsolete. “Modern” cremation began again in the late 1800s with the invention of a practical cremation chamber.

Many Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic church allow cremation. The Pope lifted the ban on cremations in 1963 and in 1966 made it permissible for Roman Catholic priests to conduct a cremation service at a crematorium. While cremation is forbidden by Orthodox Jews and Muslims, it is the usual method of disposal for Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists, and as crematoria ceremony halls are non-denominational, you can have the person conducting the funeral and ceremony of your choice.

I remember telling a minister of my desire to be cremated at one time in my life and he said that perhaps God requires you to find your body and reanimate it –and how hard would that be if you were just recued to a find powder without even a skeleton to have as a frame.

Pretty dark conversation, especially if you are one of the unfortunate people to die in an explosion, or a plane crash or some other method where your body parts are spread for miles.

The whole idea of reanimating your corpse during the first resurrection sounds a bit spooky.

I am sure that is what Mary Shelley thought when she wrote her terrifying novel, Frankenstein.

Scientists throughout history have been less than scrupulous in their efforts to restore life to dead bodies. For example, around 1800, the Italian physicist Giovanni Aldini performed a series of experiments in which he electrically “stimulated the heads and trunks of cows, horses, sheep and dogs.”

It wasn’t much of a science at the time but a form of spectacle for the side show circuit.

They called it electric performance art.

The theatrical display of electrically manipulated human bodies.

A witness of Aldini’s performances said in a book that The jaws open, the teeth chatter, the eyes roll in their sockets; and if reason did not stop the fired imagination, one would almost believe that the corpse is suffering and alive again,

Aldini did further experiments on decapitated arms and legs from a local hospital. He also “took his show on the road and gave very successful demonstrations in London with the body of a recently hanged criminal,

When Aldini directed current between the corpse’s mouth and ear, its mouth convulsed, and the left eye opened. When he applied electricity to the rectum, “such violent muscular contractions were excited, as almost to give the appearance of re-animation,” Aldini wrote.

This field, which involved electrically stimulating animals’ muscles, was called galvanism. It was so named after Aldini’s uncle, Luigi Galvani, who made frogs’ legs twitch by running electricity from the spinal cord to the muscle via metal rods.

Mary Shelley was five years old in 1803 when Aldini electrified the corpse of the hanged criminal George Forster.

Shelley heard about Aldini’s work from her friend, the chemist Sir Humphry Davy. As Aldini’s deceased human bodies moved and decapitated kittens ‘bounded about,’” Davy wrote referring to an experiment in which a headless kitten’s spinal cord was replaced with a zinc-and-silver battery. It appeared in Shelley’s lifetime that reanimation would be a real possibility in the near future.” it was also rumored that Shelley’s husband Percy “. . . dabbled with galvanism; it has been said that he even tried to cure his sister’s sores with electricity. Although she survived, the family cat was not so lucky and was electrocuted.

Just take a moment in your minds eye and think of the nightmare of flesh puppets being animated by electric arcs– that dead cats and dogs –and a dead human criminal can dance when electric current is sent through their bodies.

Lon Chaney Jr. Well known by B- Movie fans as the Wolfman made his acting debut in a film called, Man Made Monster.

The film was released in 1941 and also starred Lionel Atwill.

The plot of the film begins with a tragic accident  when a bus hits a high power line. The incident has claimed the lives of all on board, except for one Dan McCormick, [laid by Chaney  who survives because he is, surprisingly, immune to the deadly electricity. McCormick does a sideshow exhibit as Dynamo Dan, the Electric Man and is taken in by Dr. John Lawrence, who wants to study him. However, Dr. Lawrence’s colleague, mad scientist Dr. Paul Rigas, played my Lionel Atwill  desires to create an army of electrobiologically-driven zombies.

Dr, Lawrence, does not approve of Rigas electric reanimation and says to him:

“Sometimes I think you’re mad.”

” I am!” Rigas snaps back and then goes on to say  “So was Archimedes, Galileo, Newton Pasteur, Lister and all the others who dared to dream. 50 years ago, a man was mad to think of anesthesia. 40 years ago, the idea of operating on the brain was madness.

Today, we hold a human heart in our hands and watch it beat. Who knows what Tomorrow’s Madness may be?”

Well, the answer is somewhat disturbing.  We have been recently hearing about uses for dead from cannibalism to making it into  compost.

There are shows that travel to museums showing bodies that have been plastinated for display — like stuffed trophies.

We have seen movies where we laugh out loud when an guy named Bernie Lomax dies in an off the wall black comedy about two buddies whose boss, Bernie, has been bumped off by gangsters but whose death goes unrecognized the entire weekend by his self-centered beach friends. Who find clever ways to animate him like a puppet.

Weekend at Bernie’s was funny but the reality is that the guys would be animating a bloated green corpse.

I remember a sick movie by Bob Clark called, Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead things which also was billed as a comedy where an acting groups plans to ritualize the digging up of Orville’s corpse which raises the dead and then the sick hilarity ensues.

Again, this is the lesson and that is no one should play with the dead –as this leads to things like necrophilia and mad science,.

For no reason laid out in scientific literature, religious scripture or your foulest nightmares, the mad scientists over at Rice University, Texas, have discovered a way to turn dead spiders into tiny gripping robots, using only a syringe full of air and some super glue. Apparently this monstrosity is good for 1,000 uses, so even if you want it to die, it won’t.

They are calling them Necrobiotic Grippers. Animating dead spiders for use in picking up small items.

The research began in 2019, when the scientists came across a dead spider curled up in the lab. Curious as to why spiders curl up when after they die, the scientists soon learned that the arachnids have what is effectively a hydraulic pressure system that controls their limbs.

To create the gripper, researchers tapped into the internal valves of the spiders’ hydraulic chamber with a needle, sealed it with superglue and attached a handheld syringe to the other end of the needle. By delivering small amounts of air through the syringe, the scientists could open and close the spiders’ legs like an arcade claw machine.

The scientists found that the dead spiders could lift more than 130 percent of their own body weight, with at least one of the ex-spiders lasting up to 1,000 open-close cycles.

It is similar to puppeteering the spider –animating the dead in a nightmarish way.

Scientists recently announced an experiment that rings all sorts of alarm bells about the morality of reanimation of the dead.

It was recently reported in the New York Times that a group of Yale scientists injected the bodies of dead pigs with a new concoction that brought the organs of dead animals back to a partial level of life.

The pigs had been dead for more than an hour — no blood circulating, no brainwaves, just dead. But when the scientists coupled their new concoction with a machine to start the beasts’ hearts pumping again, things changed things considerably.

As the Times noted, “Although the pigs were not considered conscious in any way, their seemingly dead cells revived. Their hearts began to beat as the solution, which the scientists called OrganEx, circulated in veins and arteries.”

“Cells in their organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys and brain, were functioning again, and the animals never got stiff like a typical dead pig.”

In contrast, the scientists used a machine to pump regular blood through the bodies of other pigs — this control group having been dead for the same period of time as the experimental group and the results did not revive their organs in the least.

The control pigs remained entirely dead, their bodies and organs still disintegrating.

The researchers say their goals are to one day increase the supply of human organs for transplant by allowing doctors to obtain viable organs long after death.

And, they say, they hope their technology might also be used to prevent severe damage to hearts after a devastating heart attack or brains after a major stroke.

They hope to eventually use this drug on humans.

This whole discussion, however, is fraught with ethical questions that must be answered before we begin using drugs that can seemingly bring humans back from death in whatever fashion.

The OrganEx has nerve blockers in its mixture that are meant to stop the firing of neurons in the brain, the Times noted. And even with that, the researchers said that the “revived” pigs still had muscle movement. Some even experienced head jerking.

But what if the drug is altered to exclude ingredients that don’t keep the brain from firing neurons? Would that make the brain active again? Would that mean the subject is conscious and alive again?

But how will this drug work on humans who have died but whose organs can benefit others? When is the drug used?

Many countries require a human to be dead for two hours before organs are harvested. But, if this drug is used, is the person still alive? How do we know they aren’t? And if they are alive, are we harvesting organs from a live human?

These are extremely complex moral questions. Can we reverse death with experiments like this? If so, what does it mean? Indeed, it is an argument eerily similar to the discussion over abortion: What is life?

But instead of asking when  it begins — we have to ask when does it really end.

But there is even more controversy with life and death questions as mad science again is about to eliminate all arguments about who controls life and death in the world.

Researchers have created synthetic mouse embryos out of stem cells, removing the need for sperm, eggs and even a womb. They were then grown to almost half the entire gestation period, at which point they had all of the organ progenitors, including a beating heart. The tech could eventually be used to grow organs for transplant.

And of course eventually full term babies outside the womb.

The new study, from researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, built on two branches of the team’s previous research. The first involved reprogramming stem cells into a “naive” state that allows them to differentiate into all other cells, including other stem cells. The other work focused on developing a device that could grow embryos more effectively outside of the womb.

By combining the two techniques, the team has now grown some of the most advanced synthetic mouse embryos to date. They started with naive mouse stem cells, which had been cultured in a Petri dish for several years prior. These were separated into three groups that would play key roles in the embryo development.

One group contained cells that would develop into embryonic organs. The other two were treated with master regulator genes of extra-embryonic tissues – the placenta for one group and the yolk sac for the other. The three types of cells were then mixed together in the artificial womb, which carefully controls pressure and oxygen exchange, and gently moves the beakers around to simulate natural nutrient flow.

Once inside, the three types of cells clumped together to form aggregates, which had the potential to develop into embryo-like structures. As might be expected, the vast majority failed at that stage, with only 0.5% – or 50 out of about 10,000 – successfully developing further.

Those lucky few started to form spheres of cells, and eventually elongated structures resembling natural embryos, complete with placentas and yolk sacs. Thy were allowed to develop for over eight days, which is almost half of the mouse gestation period, by which point they had formed all the early progenitors of organs. That includes a beating heart, blood stem cell circulation, a well-shaped brain, an intestinal tract and the beginnings of a spinal column.

The world’s great religions, understand that at the heart of human existence is the presence of a  negative reality, a “nothingness” interpenetrates with the positive of being alive so that our knowledge coincides with our ignorance, our lives with our death, and our truth with untruth.

This is also common sense.

But now we face new trials and questions about what is life — is it wise to control it? And how far will one go to protect life?

We look back at emotional right to choose arguments and realize just how old and cliche they will become as new pathways are leading to epigenetics and reanimating the dead.

This is why I always lament the fact that many of our politicians act as if they are still living in the 20th century. They would rather rally around old push-button issues and indulge in self-aggrandizement than taking on issues that will shape our future.

Researchers have predicted the “ethically sound” creation of the so-called designer babies will be ready in its early stages later this year.

It is expected to spark a revolution in a new wave of genetic modification of humans. The rapid growth of these trends will, like it or not, continue to move exponentially into our nebulous future.

Once again, you now have a responsibility to be ready for the philosophical challenges that face us in the not-too-distant future. There is no more room for hate or misunderstanding – it is time for us to open our minds and learn about uncomfortable things and try to cope with the abrupt changes that come with future shock.

Mary Elizabeth Williams admitted what everyone instinctively knows, a human fetus at every level is a human life. But her conclusion in her written piece for Salon was, “so what?”

It is becoming an anti-moral argument: Life is just a clump of cells at any stage. What we do with these cells is entirely up to our discretion.

This makes human life a utilitarian concept.

Through the anti-moral lens, life has no specialness, no sanctity and no meaning.

So, we need to have this argument — its importance spans larger than the mere concept of whether we can maintain an organ’s function past death. We’re fighting to define what human life is: Is it sacred, or is it something that we can manipulate at whim?

Mad science is now in the business of putting Humpty Dumpty’s cells back together again, they are creating a real-life Frankenstein’s monsters and casting legions of demons into pigs.

Well, not literally but I think we can all see this macabre metaphor for what it is and what it will mean for the future of mankind.


Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 6 comments.

  1. Wayne

    August 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    Give It To The GREAT RESTERS. So They Can Keep Acquiring Their MAMMON After Death.They Will Do Anything To Keep Thier Wealth Even After Death Only GOD Can Lift Adamlc Curse Of DEATH.


    • Eric

      August 8, 2022 at 9:04 pm

      It’s despicable what they did to him today. FBI are nothing but rogue commies now. Like the whole administration. There has to be consequences for this bs

  2. Greg

    August 9, 2022 at 5:30 am

    I think the sports nutrition supplements industry is a testing ground for this type of work. Athletes are getting stronger and faster. Supplements come and go and some stick around like creatine and bcaas which are branched chained amino acids. I remember when i was younger i got a tub of powder that said on it genetically modifies you for permanent strength. It was creatine with some kind of nitric oxide and other ingredients. It made my veins and arteries bigger. It made me stronger and i looked for more and couldnt find it. I recently watched the crossfit games and the second place woman was only 18 Mallory Obrien. And there was a 17 year old Emma Lawson in the top ten. They are stronger than like 99% of men. The pharmaceutical industry has years of research and development, i have no doubt they could reanimate dead bodies. I have discovered anti aging and body strengthening natural supplements from my life of athletic involvement. Plants have male and female parts that contain hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Canadian Pine pollen powder has phyto androgens and growth hormones as well as a wide variety of amino acids. With knowledge you can craft powerful serums, foods, drinks and supplements from mother nature.

    • Michael

      August 11, 2022 at 7:15 am

      I was in ICU for 2 months from ARDS. I know have muscle wasting syndrome from the hypoxia I suffered in there. Im actually not supposed to be alive according to the ICU drs. Im wondering about what supplements might help. Im back going to the gym again. Do growth hormone supplements really work? Is there one you would suggest? Thank you

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