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Ron Patton | August 16, 2023

August 15 marks the day when Japan remembers the end of WWII. Although most of us remember only carefully selected historical points of this period, like Hitler burning books and Hiroshima being the site of an atomic explosion, there’s always more to the story. The occupying Allied forces in Japan also burned books and engaged in harsh censorship. This continues today, where the history not only of WWII has been obscured, but of the Japanese Samurai, along with the Jomon culture which provides us with some of the oldest artifacts in the world – making this a matter of human history. Furthermore, Japan itself is a magical repository on the level of Egypt and yet gets left in a very obscure past or a superficial present. Tonight on Ground Zero, Ryan Gable talks with Antony Cummins about DARK SIDE OF THE RISING SUN – MAGICIANS OF THE SAMURAI.





Talking about the buying up of land and real estate in Hawaii on Monday’s show got me thinking of something else: the WWII bombings of Japan, and the following occupation and corporate investments in the country.

This is especially relevant because I was just reading an article yesterday August 15th, that talked about the destruction of Japanese history during Allied occupation.

August 15th is also when Japan celebrates the end of the war. This year they had thousands gather at the Nippon Budokan arena in Tokyo.

We know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were strategically selected while other cities were equivalently not. Tokyo had just been burned with experimental napalm weeks prior in March and the war had turned severely against Japan.

Italy had surrendered on September 8, 1943, AND Hitler had supposedly killed himself April 30, 1945 – Walpurgis night.

Japan wasn’t really a wartime threat the public was led to believe.

Of course, the American public like the British, Italians, Germans, Russians, and Japanese were thoroughly brainwashed with propaganda, although not everyone believed the narrative. But the Japanese as a people were so conditioned by propaganda to think they were winning that even when statues were melted down and food ran out some thought they were that much closer to victory.

There is a lot here to put in context:

Winston Churchill famously called the Japanese ‘yellow dwarf slaves’.

Admiral Bill Halsey called the Japanese ‘bestial apes’.

Leatherneck, the marine magazine, called them lice and said on March 5th, 1945: “Before a complete cure may be effected the origin of the plague, the breeding grounds around the Tokyo area, must be completely annihilated.”

And you thought this war was between God’s Chosen People and the Master Race.

Part of the reason for dropping the power of the sun on the Land of the Rising Sun had to do with the Japanese being considered relentless. Historians have pointed out that culturally the Japanese don’t know what it means to give up or lose. This certainly played a role in their destruction.

But those bombs also were meant to warn the world the US was now the dominant power, and this of course sparked the Cold War.

Those bombs also allowed something else to happen – the corporate west to get into Japan. Germany and Nazism were already doing big business with Ford, General Motors, Boeing, IBM, big banks, etc., not to mention Disney, and much later NASA.

Although Germany saw many cities from Hamburg to Dresden destroyed, mostly civilians were targeted – over 200,000 in Dresden alone – YET some businesses were spared due to western interest. Although this is a hotly debated subject.

What not is this:

Jim Mars wrote in his book Rise of the Fourth Reich that:

“In 1941, 171 American corporations had more than $420 million invested in German companies. “

That’s about 8.7 billion today.

The story was different in Japan, a country that opened to the west in 1853 and did limited dealings with the Dutch prior.

According to Mira Wilkins, Professor of Economics at Florida International University:

“At the eve of Pearl Harbor, a U.S. Treasury Department census concluded the investment totaled $32.9 million.”

 This was down from a high of $61.4 million.

 In other words, at peak, there was just over $1.2 billion in today’s money. That number was substantially smaller by Pearl Harbor in 1941, just down to $32.9 million – or about $684-million today.

The point is, there was a lot of money to be made in Japan, among other things.

Following the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, the Japanese government met to consider what to do next. After many debates and votes, another Imperial Council was held the night of August 9-10, and this time the vote on surrender was a tie, 3-to-3.  For the first time in a generation, the emperor stepped forward from his normally ceremonial-only role and personally broke the tie, ordering Japan to surrender.

On August 10, 1945, Japan offered to surrender to the Allies, the only condition being that the emperor be allowed to remain head of state in a ceremonial role.

Despite this, Leslie Groves, who ran the Manhattan Project, was ready to deliver a plutonium implosion bomb on either Japanese war factories or Niigata. Tokyo was also suggested even after napalm killed 100,000 plus weeks prior.

On August 12, the United States announced it would accept the terms of surrender and would allow the emperor to remain in power.

Once again, despite this, air raids nevertheless resumed in Japan on the 13th, with thousands more civilians being killed.

The formal surrender took place on September 2, 1945, when the “Instrument of Surrender” was signed.

So, this weekend and week are a pivotal historical marker for a lot of reasons.

According to America’s initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan, the ultimate objective of the occupation was: “to ensure that Japan will not again become a menace to the United States or to the peace and security of the world.”

The Japanese military was completely disarmed and the Japanese government was used to control the country through Allied direction.

The entire process of the parliamentary system was conducted under the strong directives of General Headquarters (GHQ), which ordered a series of sweeping reforms of the Japanese government.

Those reforms included the dismantling of the zaibatsu (business conglomerates that dominated the prewar Japanese economy) and agricultural reforms to distribute land to tenant farmers, and labor reforms.

A recent article from Japan-Forward points out that GHQ did a lot more than that though.

According to Keiko Naka-mura, a Hokkaido native and author, the GHQ employed tricks to prevent the Japanese from ever becoming a strong nation again.

She points out the role the Allies had in distorting the history of Japan.

After all, the GHQ was largely made up of members of the New Deal Washington faction, and many have clearly compared the New Deal politics of the U.S. to Nazism in Germany. Although there is more to the story and a lot of propaganda and disinformation, Nakamura points out that the GHQ even ordered books to be burned.

Isn’t that what Hitler did? Isn’t that what Ron DeSantis is doing?

Well, banning and burning are two different things. Censorship is a third. Hitler wrote about the destruction of smut and perversity, so in that way DeSantis is like Hitler. But the Soviets banned and burned books, and a lot more than the Nazis did, and the Allies in Japan did the same thing. This isn’t a contest, just an important neutral historical POINT.

Nakamura says they formulated the groundwork for the ongoing indoctrination of the Japanese people:

“This propaganda makes Japanese people believe that Japan is a bad country. This is, the so-called ‘self-flagellating view of history.’ This is still being carried out by those who are said to have benefited from the war and their associates. As part of this, shortly after the war GHQ ordered the burning of 7,769 books that they did not want Japanese people to read.”

As Nishio Kanji also points out for the Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact in 2010 report:

Surprisingly, it is not widely known that the American army perpetrated just such a barbaric act in post-war Japan. From the start, America, treading roughshod over international law against an occupying army writing the constitution of the country they occupy, should not have conducted censorship of newspapers, magazines, the content of broadcasts, or opened private correspondence. Likewise, it is only right that they should not have erased the history of the country they occupied, proscribing books and “burning books.” The post-war constitution expressed “freedom of thought” and “freedom of the press,” but it was America who violated this in occupied Japan on a grand scale.

The Allied occupation also used straight up Marxism to paint a class struggle between the Edo (Tokugawa) Shogunate, the military government of Japan from 1603-1868, and the Ainu, the indigenous people largely from Hokkaido.

Nakamura says that:

“This framework depicts the Japanese as villains and the Ainu as the oppressed. But it neglects to mention that the 1669 Shakushain Revolt and the 1789 Menashi-Kunashiri Rebellion by the Ainu both began with the slaughter of several hundred and dozens of Japanese, respectively.”

She explains further that the samurai of the Edo period risked their lives to protect Hokkaido. If that propaganda is not addressed that history would be lost.

But there’s even more to the story than that and it isn’t just about JAPAN, it’s about the whole WORLD.

The prevailing view of Japan is that the AINU are the true indigenous people, particularly in Hokkaido. But evidence greatly disputes that.

Northern Japan contains an abundance of other evidence of Jomon settlement long predating the Ainu. The world’s oldest earthenware is 16,500-year-old Jomon earthenware excavated from the Odai Yamamoto I site in Aomori Prefecture. In Hokkaido, the world’s oldest Jomon earthenware with traces of boiling and cooking is 14,000 years old. It was excavated from the Obihiro Taisho 3 site.

The world’s oldest lacquerware product was also discovered in Hokkaido. It is a 9,000-year-old lacquered shoulder strap excavated from the Kakinoshima B site in Hakodate.

So, we aren’t talking only about Japanese history being lost. We are talking about world history being lost.

I’m getting at something deeper. A lost history and more.

We know general things about certain historical sites and archeological locations, and probably more than we think we know, with entertainment being what it is, about mythology and symbolism.

But few of us in the west know much else about the east, and particularly Japan.

You’ve probably heard of the Yonaguni site as a famous pre-historic location off the coast of that island and just east of Taiwan. You know about the stereotypical things we call Japanese: anime, karaoke, geisha, samurai, ramen, Gojira, etc., which are as popular there as western things like jeans and our music are there.

What few know about outside of a few niche fields of researchers, or if you’ve traveled there and learned a few things in passing, is that Japan has a rich history as occulted as Egypt. In fact, there are striking similarities between the two countries and beyond, even as far away as the Americas.

Both the scared Maya book Popul Vuh and the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead document a belief in “stellar rebirth” – the ability to be reincarnated as a star. Part of this process included special rituals like the opening of the mouth ceremony.

In Central America this was called p’achi, a word meaning “human sacrifice” and to open the mouth. In Mexico, the sacrificial location was within a pyramid and was conducted by a high priest and four assistants.

In the Egyptian rituals, taking place within pyramids or other temples, a cutting tool called peshenkhef was used to open the mouth of the physical body by priests.

The practice of opening the mouth also stunningly stretches into the ancient Japanese world too. Antony Cummins explains in The Dark Side of Japan how:

 “when a local person dies, the village will put money together to call a shaman and have them perform the ritual of ‘opening the mouth of the dead’ to help the soul on its way.”

What about the Eye of Providence, the Third Eye, and Pineal Gland?

We know the Eye of Horus was taken to help Osiris see in the underworld.

When Odin visited the Well of Wisdom, guarded by Mimir the wise, he was only allowed to partake if he paid with his eye.

BUT ALSO, the left eye was taken from Izanagi, a creator god of Japan to whom, along with Izanami, the radiant solar goddess Amaterasu was born.

Another story from Japan informs us of a woman killed by her husband with a farming sickle and turned into a vengeful spirit. She is usually portrayed with one open and one closed eye. According to The Dark Side of Japan by Antony Cummins: “The closed eye has come to represent the moon, the open the sun.”

The Kami of Japan are a combination of nature spirits, sacred location spirits, ancestral sprits, etc.

Izanami and Izanagi are the parents of the Japanese islands and gave birth to these Kami from the rainbow bridge.

Fire was the final Kami born before their more well-known children like Amaterasu.

As the final element of creation, the fire burned Izanami’s body and sent her to Yomi, the underworld of Japan.

In classical Greek Persephone fashion, Izanagi ventures to Yomi to rescue his wife. But Izanami had eaten food in the underworld and was therefore bound there.

Izanagi said to his wife, “The lands that I and thouh made are not yet finished making; so come back!”

Izanami informs her husband to wait while she speaks with the higher powers of that land. Bu unable to wait patiently, Izanagi follows his wife and sees her in the inner sanctum covered in maggots.

As a result, Izanami is filled with shame and rage, and chases Izanagi to the surface. Izanagi then goes to purify himself in a body of water, stripping his clothes in a manner similar to that of Ishtar and her clothes or gates. It is here, supposedly, that Amaterasu and her siblings were born.

This story is in direct parallel to not only Persephone and Ishtar, but that of Orpheus and Eurydice in Hades.

Amaterasu and her tempest producing brother Susanoo can also be paralleled to the Egyptian sky goddess Nut and earth god Geb.

The entire story of Amaterasu is parallel to stories told all over the world. She goes into a cave for three days and is then resurrected bringing light and life back to the world.

After her entombment like Jesus or Persephone, she awakens from her deep sleep like Sleeping Beauty – what we call physical life – and restores light to the world like Demeter or Ceres. She then merges with her male kami and becomes Amateru, before descending to the shrine of Ise Jingu.

The name “Ise” relates to Isa, Arabic for Jesus, or the Egyptian Isis, who is the patron of Giza.

Priestesses of the Ise Jingu shrine were known to use a rattle that bears striking resemblance to the sistrum used by priestesses of Isis, and by name to the ISTAR (Ishtar) instrument of the Hittite people.

The two goddesses also share other striking attributes; both were married to a husband-brother, which signified the sacred alchemical marriage; both were repositories of divine wisdom; both mourn in hiding; and both oversaw a yearly inundation that brings fertility to their land. In Egypt this inundation was that of the Nile River and in Japan it was the rain that assured a descent rice harvest.

Graham Hancock documents a lot of the history of these islands, as they pertain to ancient apocalypse, in his book UNDERWORLD.

Two interesting points he brings up is the Pizzagano chart and the Jomon peoples.

Although the west first made contact officially with Japan in the 1500s, the venetian Pizzagano chart from 1424 seems to show the islands.

As for the Jomon, reports from Ecuador document their pottery dating back 5,000 years.

Loring Brace from the University of Michigan’s Museum of Anthropology, there is “strong evidence supporting earlier work suggesting that ancient Americans… were descended from the Jomon, who walked from Japan to the Asian mainland and eventually to the Western hemisphere on land bridges as the Earth began to warm up about 15,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age.”

 I even talked to a leading Jomon scholar here in Arizona and although she was very nice, she refused to come on my show because of the question I had.

And this is just the JOMON and Japan, and what we can find if we go looking. We also don’t consider the Amazon, Sahara Desert, and many other places, which potentially hold the keys of human origins.

It should also be pointed out that Shintoism is not just an indigenous practice dating to some barbaric past, with a mixture of Confucianism and Buddhism. Not to mention the original Hindu roots. As Jordan Maxwell used to say, it all goes back to India.

Shintoism is Japan’s oldest mystical practice and is rooted in the Shén Dào of China – “philosophical path of the spirit” – otherwise known by the name Tao or Taoism, for which we acquire the popular image of a yin yang. Taoism professes the spiritual harmony found within the individual and is thus associated with Hermeticism, or The Way of Hermes. We find this way mentioned in the Quran, Bible, Buddhism, etc.

We know Buddha walked the middle path, Jesus was “the way, the truth, and the life,” and the Quran says Allah “will show them the way” (Quran 47:5). By extension, the adherents of Amaterasu practice The Way of Ise secluded in a lengthy ritual space called Place of the Way. The famous inscription of Isis expresses the heart of these mysteries: “I, Isis Am All That Has Been, That Is Or Shall Be; No Mortal Man Hath Ever Me Unveiled.” She is the way.

Shintō literally means True Way and it is an extremely sophisticated system, and a peculiar one at that. It is not simple animism.

There are no sacred texts, god, devil, angels, demons, heaven, hell, prescribed rituals, belief and so forth. There is no dogma, doctrine, codes, laws, guilt, or even suffering as is the case in Buddhism.

Shintōists see life and humans as inherently ‘good’ while “misfortune is associated with all that is warped, curved, or crooked, including one’s own mind and heart.” This ‘curved spirit’ is called magatsubi, the cause of evil deeds, diseases, disasters, misfortunes, etc. As a result, there is no karmic influence in Shintō, and ultimately “living in the world is a positive experience,” though “it is not regarded as the only reality and never should the present and power of an ‘unseen’ world be denied.”

In essence, it is the veneration of nature and a practical belief in the existence of Kami (divine beings or lords). Since nature was created by Kami it is inferred that this is their natural dwelling place – trees, rocks, mountains, etc.

 Put simply, the practice of Shintō is an intention to connect our internal mind and external body with that of nature.

 Motohisa Yamakage explains: “It does not matter how one believes in and chooses to describe the divine power or powers, as long as that belief is not used to justify destructive ambition or to do evil to others.”

Shintoism is about: cleanliness, happiness, duty, and honesty. It has a lot in common with BUSHIDO – the warrior way.

The idea of ancestor and nature worship is certainly pagan to Christians but in shintō it is the equivalent of everlasting life. The creator in Genesis is really the law of nature. Personal duty in shintō easily fit into the Christian paradigm and the practice of misogi, or ritual purification, was the Japanese version of baptism.

The practice of ringing bells at shintō shrines, much like those used in Christian churches, is twofold: to ward off evil and also to alert the kami, or townspeople, to the intentions of worshipers. Since Japan was already a proud nation of four seasons, even their holy days would fit into the Christian-pagan calendar system. This was the case in Nagasaki which was destroyed.

So while I have your attention and this platform I thought that of all the things we could talk about let’s blend some history, current events, and the occult all together tonight. If occult is scary, call it folklore, legend, myth, symbolism, etc., which is often identical in the east, but often much different.

In Japan they don’t say day break, but night break, despite the opening of the mouth ceremony being pretty much identical. There are enough cultural and architectural and aesthetic differences, but some historical facts that are too specific. Little things like this should tell us that Graham Hancock is probably right. There probably weren’t aliens but there probably was an interconnected global civilization during the ice age and it included Japan.

Just like with the GHQ and what Keiko Nakamura was explaining about erasing the history of Samurai, distorting the Japanese culture, and relegating the Jomon to second class, we sadly see Japan today losing population at an alarming rate today. And again, this is about world history, not just the Japanese.

Tokyo, Japan, is always used as an advertisement for overpopulation, or the idea that we are running out of resources and space to expand as a species. With 14 million people direct, and 37 million estimated indirect – around Tokyo – it would seem to certainly be a case of overpopulation.

However, Japan has been grappling with population decline for years. The most recent numbers show twice as many people dying than are being born. In fact, Japan’s population has been falling from its peak of 128 million in 2008 to now 124.6 million.

Tokyo, like many cities, is actually overcrowded since more than a third of the entire population lives in the general vicinity. How can Tokyo be a sign of overpopulation in a country with one of the lowest birth rates in the world; so bad, in fact, that the country is in a state of emergency, according to the Prime Minister. This is coupled with an older generation, still one of the healthiest in the world, which is dying.

Now it seems that Japan’s population is not the only thing declining, as its culture, language, and history is sold off and cheapened. This makes Japan the blueprint for the new world, a sophisticated culture, as with ancient China, opened to expansion by powerful forces that effectively eliminate the power of people and tradition in place of collective ideology. The irony is, Japan has a collectivist mindset, based on harmony, but it was, and remains, different than the authoritarian mindset of some other countries.



Antony Cummins is an author-historian who concentrates on medieval Japanese warfare and is the founder of the Historical Ninjutsu Research Team, a team dedicated to the translation and publication of historical shinobi manuals into the English language. His goal is to bring together the greatest amount of reference material on the ninja and to help form a correct image of the truth behind Japanese samurai warfare. In his works you will discover the lost ways of the ninja, ancient stories of samurai heroes and secrets that have been hidden away for centuries.


Ryan Gable is a veteran radio personality and producer for his show, “The Secret Teachings.” His broadcast focuses on the Synchronicity and objective analysis of Alternative News, Health, History, the Paranormal, Symbolism, the Occult/Esoteric, Alchemy, Magic(k), Philosophy, and more, in the most distinct ways by finding parallels and patterns often overlooked. Spending much of his life on air, and having written several books, Ryan has also been a guest on dozens of other radio shows and has had his broadcast aired on a variety of networks. He’s on Ground Zero Radio, Monday-Thursday at 10 pm, pacific time and on Fridays at 10:30 pm. His website is:

Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 4 comments.

  1. John Weiner

    August 16, 2023 at 3:14 pm

    If so, we Americans aren’t the only ones censoring Japanese history. I understand that back in the 1980s, the Japanese themselves produced a doctored history, ignoring the atrocities they committed in China, during their occupation and rape of Nanking. I understand it also ignored their ,” UNIT 738,” I believe they called it that was staffed with an entire unit of Doctors Mengella, who committed the most heinous experiments on humans, whitewashing them by labeling them as ,” MONKEYS. I even understand, also from a, “HISTORY CHANNEL, documentary that they successfully tested a nuclear bomb on the Korean peninsula before we dropped the first one on them.

  2. John Weiner

    August 16, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    One is nieve if they think that the German Nazis would have treated us better than we treated the Japanese, if they had defeated us in W.W.II; or that Vladimir Putin’s SOVIET UNION would have treated us any better than we treated the Japanese had the SOVIET UNION had won the COLD WAR; in fact they most likely would have given us 48 hours to join their WARSAW PACT, and become COMMIES like them had they won THE COLD WAR, in spite ofvthe fact that we were on their side during WORLD WAR TWO, and in fact, did help them to win that war, and save THE SOVIET UNION from Hitler and the Nazis, perish the thought; or that the Japanese would have treated us as well as we treated them after we defeated them in W.W.II.,; in fact, during the 60th Anniversary of the end of WORLD WAR TWO, THE HISTORY CHANNEL,” aired a documentary stating that one of their delegates during their surrender stated that they would not have treated us as well as we treated them, had they-perish the thought- defeated us in WORLD WAR TWO.

    Maybe we should have left Japan a shouldering dungheap after WORLD WAR TWO, and not help them to rebuild, as you seem to suggest, afterall, if we had left them in that degraded condition, they would not have likely overtaken our auto and electronics, industries, and to a lesser degree sporting goods industries in the 1980s ; although, I suppose some other nation(s) would have picked the mantle up and helped Japan rebuild after WORLD WAR TWO, as a way to ,”befriend,” them, and turn them against us, subverting ,subjugating, and coopting them-the Japanese-the way RED CHINA does to other countries with their notorious, nefarious BELT AND ROAD policy most likely the SOVIET UNION.

    As I have stated previously here, the reason we firebombed Germany and Japan, was to punish them for their war atrocities, against us and our allies, during WORLD WAR TWO, such as China.

  3. John Weiner

    August 16, 2023 at 10:01 pm

    Taiwan is not considered a part of RED CHINA. In fact we have a mutual defense agreement with them, as we do with Ukraine. Russia started that war with Ukraine. If they want to end it, they can, any time they wantall they have to do is leave, at will. Also if they do want to end their war of aggression against Ukraine, it shows it must not be going so well for Russia, afterall.

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