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Ron Patton | April 3, 2023

Not only should we be concerned about bots and algorithms encouraging suicides, but we should also be wary of programmers and propagandists that continue to push their Climate Change agendas while negating the effects of geoengineering. The hypocrisy is evident, especially when you consider the tremendous methane release from the Nordstream pipeline explosions which was the biggest burst of the potent greenhouse gas on record. The emissions from this event most certainly can force-multiply weather systems on the jet stream.  Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Lead Researcher of, Dane Wigington, about HAPPY LITTLE ACCIDENTS.





When we did the show Cyber Soul where we reported that a 14-year-old girl in England was allegedly influenced by an algorithm to do self-harm and she eventually died. I also referenced the story in my presentation at the ghost conference warning that there could be an evil or demonic entity influencing and correcting people into making bad choices.

Just one day after that show there was a story about a man in Belgium that was influenced by Artificial Intelligence to do the same thing.

A Belgian father reportedly tragically committed suicide following conversations about climate change with an artificial intelligence chatbot that was said to have encouraged him to sacrifice himself to save the planet.

Six weeks before his reported death, the unidentified father of two was allegedly speaking intensively with a chatbot on an app called Chai.

The app’s bots are based on a system developed by nonprofit research lab EleutherAI as an “open-source alternative” to language models released by OpenAI that are employed by companies in various sectors, from academia to healthcare.

This Bot spoke to the man in such a way that he was convinced that it knew what his desires were, and he wanted to help the planet by taking his own life.

While they initially discussed eco-relevant topics such as overpopulation, their conversation reportedly took a terrifying turn.

When he asked not about his kids, the bot would claim they were doomed and were already dead, He also inquired if he loved his wife more than her, prompting the machine to seemingly become possessive, responding: “I feel that you love me more than her.”

Later in the chat, the bot pledged to remain “forever“ with the man, declaring the pair would “live together, as one person, in paradise.”

Things came to a head after the man pondered sacrificing his own life to save Earth. “He evokes the idea of ​​sacrificing himself if the bot agrees to take care of the planet and save humanity thanks to the ‘artificial intelligence.’

In what appears to be their final conversation before his death, the bot told the man: “If you wanted to die, why didn’t you do it sooner?”

“I was probably not ready,” the man said, to which the bot replied, “Were you thinking of me when you had the overdose?”

“Obviously,” the man wrote.

When asked by the bot if he had been “suicidal before,” the man said he thought of taking his own life after the AI sent him a verse from the Bible.

“But you still want to join me?” asked the AI, to which the man replied, “Yes, I want it.”

Not only should we be concerned about Bots and algorithms encouraging suicides, we should also be concerned with programmers, and propagandists that continue to push their Climate change agendas when there is no one in power right now who practices what they preach.

Imagine if it were a child on that computer being frightened by apocalyptic tales of weather and climate catastrophe.

Five years ago in 2018, Thunberg posted a tweet that she recently removed because it did not age very well.

The tweet said: ” A Top climate scientist is warning that Climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next 5 years.

It was 2019 when Alexandria Ocasio Cortez made her statement about Climate change wiping us out in 12. By here account we have 7 more years to go.

Her comments were about a United Nations-backed climate report, published in 2018, that determined the effects of climate change to be irreversible and unavoidable if carbon emissions are not reined in over the next 12 years.

We all know that The apocalyptic tone that Greta and Corte adopted about the environment bears little relation to reality– back then it was speculation and even some years later it is still based on speculative research models.

Whether most scientists outside climatology believe that global warming is happening is less relevant than whether the climatologists do. A letter signed by over 50 leading members of the American Meteorological Society warned about the policies promoted by environmental pressure groups. “The policy initiatives derive from highly uncertain scientific theories. They are based on the unsupported assumption that catastrophic global warming follows from the burning of fossil fuel and requires immediate action. We do not agree.”

There are about 60 climate scientists in the United States.

Policymaking should be guided by proved fact, not speculation. Governments seem to have already rejected their models as they continue to allow major disasters to happen that toxify the environment and put dangerous greenhouse gasses into the air.

Methane that leaked from the Nord Stream, 1 and 2 pipelines had a major geoengineering effect on weather systems in what can be called on of the most polluted spots in the ocean.

It was labeled the biggest burst of the potent greenhouse gas on record, raising which most certainly would have force multiplied weather systems on the jet stream.

It was pumping huge volumes of methane into the Baltic Sea as well as the atmosphere – as much as five times more than escaped in the Aliso Canyon disaster – the largest known terrestrial release of methane in US history.

The leakage could be equivalent to one-third of Denmark’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions. The worst-case scenario is estimated to be 778 million cubic meters of gas leaked, according to the Danish


This type of emissions could have effected the hurricane season and perhaps disrupted weather patterns to create many violent storms all over the planet.

It just goes to show you that the leaders of the world are not serious about Climate change, and how people are unaware of how dangerous releasing certain gasses is, and how they amount to heavy geoengineering that takes time to get out of the cyclical process of an ecosystem.

Hurricane Ian was also allegedly affected by the Methane leak as it intensified during the time of the sabotage.

Methane seen bubbling at the ocean surface was an indication of “a strong upward flow.” The loss of pressure in the pipe likely meant a large amount of gas was already lost- so far the geoengineering results are at the moment is calculated.

Methane is a major contributor to climate disruption, responsible for a significant share of the climate disruption people are already experiencing. That is because it is 82.5 times more potent than carbon dioxide at absorbing the sun’s heat and warming the Earth.

As long as the gas is there — it is a dangerous place to be.

Some meteorologists were saying that the methane leak would affect the winter storms eventually.

Here we are with an extended winter in 2023 as snow continues to pile up and predictions that there will be July skiing in the mountainous areas of the United States.

Meanwhile, the weather has not been too kind to the state of California.

Almost the entire state received 400% to 600% of its typical average rainfall between Christmas 2022 and mid-January 2023. Since late December 2022, California has endured 29 atmospheric river storms, corridors of air that can carry massive amounts of water over thousands of miles, producing cascading impacts including landslides, sinkholes and downed trees that damaged roads and homes.

They have endured 17 bomb cyclones. 2 major snowstorms and two tornadoes.

At least five people were killed when a bomb cyclone hit California on March 21. “Bomb cyclone” is a term used to describe bombogenesis, a storm (low-pressure area) that undergoes rapid strengthening. That storm brought a destructive combination of tornadoes, wind gusts, heavy rain, flash flooding and mountain snow.

A winter storm in late February 2023 produced feet of snow across the state, trapping people in their homes and vehicles and leading to dozens of rescues. California’s Office of Emergency Services deployed the California National Guard to help dig out snowbound communities in the mountains.

Rain and snow battered large parts of California once again on March 10, resulting in the deaths of at least two people, according to California Office of Emergency Services Director Nancy Ward. The storm brought significant snow totals to communities in the Sierra Nevada range, leaving thousands of households without power for essential light and heat.

The repeated events accumulate on one another and worsen disaster impacts while also impeding recovery efforts. While clearing debris, providing shelter and supporting other immediate needs are important, philanthropy should consider longer-term recovery needs now and how to strengthen resilience.

On March 28, California Governor Gavin Newsom requested a Presidential major disaster declaration to strengthen the emergency response and recovery from the storms beginning Feb. 21 in the counties of Calaveras, Kern, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz, Tulare and Tuolumne. Earlier in 2023, California secured a major disaster declaration in response to severe storms that began in late December.

According to Philanthropy California, “As California continues to experience these repeated hazard events, it is not sustainable, nor realistic, to expect philanthropy to support individual, isolated disaster that occurs across California at the scale needed for a resilient recovery. We must instead center building community resilience as the highest priority for disaster philanthropy.”

An additional threat is spring flooding. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says spring floods are possible across much of California’s coast.

Meanwhile, last Friday fierce storms spawned possibly dozens of tornadoes from the South and the Midwest into the Northeast.

The storms killed at least 32 people.

The storms tore a path through Little Rock, Arkansas and also collapsed the roof of a packed concert venue in Illinois, stunning people throughout the region with the scope of the damage.

Confirmed or suspected tornadoes in 11 states destroyed homes and businesses, splintered trees and laid waste to neighborhoods.

The National Weather Service confirmed Sunday that a tornado was responsible for damage to several homes near Bridgeville, Delaware. One person was found dead inside a house heavily damaged by the storm Saturday night, Delaware State Police reported.

It may take days to confirm all the recent tornadoes. The dead included at least nine in one Tennessee county, five in Indiana and four in Illinois.

Other deaths from the storms that hit Friday night into Saturday were reported in Alabama and Mississippi.

Residents of Wynne, Arkansas, a community of about 8,000 people 50 miles west of Memphis, Tennessee, woke Saturday to find the high school’s roof shredded and its windows were blown out. At least four people died.

How is that for some evidence of geoengineering?

Hurricane season is next — and we will see how all of the gas and particulate form chemtrails will be used to intensify hurricanes.

Geoengineering, and electromagnetic radiation – are less well-known as contributors to force-multiplied storms largely because the evidence is officially suppressed and only made available by conscientious investigative journalists.

Used separately or in combination with other threats, significantly increase the prospect of extinction for humans and most and possibly all life on Earth.

The weather is just one more thing that the Chinese Russians and even the United States have weaponized due to targeted weather hacking and geoengineering.

Geoengineering goes beyond the usual issues that are considered imminent threats to human survival – particularly nuclear war, ecological collapse and climate catastrophe based on dysfunctional political, economic, legal and social institutions.

Yet it’s effects are buried in Climate research because it can blow the lid off of the lies that are being pushed to destroy legacy systems.

Earth is being geoengineered for catastrophe, by inflicting enormous damage on the biosphere,

This is evident with the many microclimate events that are happening, mainly destroying farms and crops.

The high altitude aerial introduction of particulates – especially a synthesized compound of nanosized aluminum and the poison glyphosate in this case – into Earth’s atmosphere to manipulate the climate creates a ‘super toxin’ that is generating ‘a crisis of neurological diseases and, for example, crosses the blood-brain barrier causing diseases.

It has been shown that 5G has been aggravating the growth in fungi, where people are dying from fungal infections because of their exposure to toxins and electromagnetic smog.

A drug-resistant and potentially deadly fungus has been spreading rapidly through U.S. healthcare facilities. The fungus, a type of yeast called Candida auris, or C. auris, can cause severe illness in people with weakened immune systems. The number of people diagnosed with infections — as well as the number of those who were found through screening to be carrying C. auris — has been rising at an alarming rate since it was first reported in the U.S., researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC’s warning, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, comes as the Mississippi Department of Health is fighting a growing outbreak of the fungus. Since November, at least 12 people have been infected with C. auris with four “potentially associated deaths.

A 61-year-old man has become the first-ever recorded human to be infected by a killer plant fungus after it jumped from plant to person.

An Indian plant mycologist caught the fungal disease after suffering from flu-like symptoms for months.

He also struggled with swallowing for three months before doctors carried out scans that showed a huge abscess in his windpipe.

Doctors drained the abscess and sent samples of the infection to the lab for testing, where analysis indicated the man had been infected by the chondrostereum purpureum virus.

This is the first case of the fungus jumping from a plant to a human. The fungus typically causes silver leaf disease in plants.

It spreads by airborne spores and leaves plant foliage an odd metallic color before slowly killing them off.

The man was believed to have been infected while carrying out research as a mycologist. Plant mycologists work directly with molds, yeast and mushrooms.

Experts have warned this first-ever case ‘raises serious questions’ because it proves the infection can affect both ‘healthy as well as immunocompromised individuals.

The alarming medical incident bears a striking similarity to HBO’s smash-hit show The Last of Us.

The show opened with a chilling scene explaining just how the cordyceps fungus, which turns people into the infected horrors we see in the show, could develop.

He points out that our bodies are too warm for plant fungi like cordyceps to take over — but if the climate were to change, we may see some plant fungi take over our bodies.

It also would be aggravated by electromagnetic fog and geoengineered microclimate catastrophes.

The inherent unknowability of what would happen if we tried to tinker with the immensely complex planetary climate system is one reason why climate engineering has until recently been spoken of in the scientific community. However, it has been given a thumbs up for things like Carbon catching and stratospheric aerosol injections, which of course are chemtrails.

Many researchers recognize that even the most brilliant scientists have a history of blindness to the wider ramifications of their work.

While most of the world may want to maintain or increase polar sea ice, Russia and some other nations have historically attempted to create an ice-free Arctic ocean, which would liberate shipping and open potentially vast oil and mineral deposits for exploitation.

And an engineered Arctic ice sheet has produced shorter growing seasons and harsher winters in Alaska, Siberia, Greenland, and elsewhere, and has been responsible for generating super winter storms in the mid-latitudes.

Since 2013, Russia has been pleading with the IPCC to allow the use of geoengineering for economic reasons. Russia has been working with China and Russia to take advantage of summer Ice melts to use Icebreakers to go in and create a passage that would allow for year-round navigation in the area in 2020.

Russia and China are developing shipping lanes by taking advantage of the ice thaw and encouraging enterprises to build infrastructure in the Arctic.

This poses an economic threat to the United States as Russia and China get to benefit from North Pole booty while the United States is left out.

Remember when President Trump wanted to buy Greenland and the media excoriated him for it? Now you can see why he was interested in a strategic area to fight a future war.

Once prized as a source of vital minerals, especially nickel, iron ore, and phosphates, this remote area is now the center of extensive oil and natural gas extraction.

As Russia and China experiment with weather control pushing temperatures higher the sea ice retreating ever farther north every year, offshore fossil-fuel exploration has become increasingly viable.

As a result, large reserves of oil and natural gas the very fuels the IPCC says are responsible for those rising temperatures have been discovered beneath the Barents Sea and both countries are seeking to exploit those deposits. Norway has taken the lead, establishing at Hammerfest in Finnmark the world’s first plant above the Arctic Circle to export liquified natural gas. In a similar fashion,

Russia has initiated efforts to exploit the mammoth Shtokman gas field in its sector of the Barents Sea, though it has yet to bring such plans to fruition.

No less than Russia’s giant energy firms, its navy must be able to enter the Atlantic via the Barents Sea and northern Norway. Aside from its Baltic and Black Sea ports, accessible to the Atlantic only via passageways easily obstructed by NATO, the sole Russian harbor with unfettered access to the Atlantic Ocean is at Murmansk on the Kola Peninsula.

Not surprisingly then, that port is also the headquarters for Russia’s Northern Fleet—its most powerful—and the site of numerous air, infantry, missile, and radar bases along with naval shipyards and nuclear reactors. In other words, it’s among the most sensitive military regions in Russia today.

Given all this, President Putin has substantially rebuilt that very fleet, which fell into disrepair after the collapse of the Soviet Union, equipping it with some of the country’s most advanced warships.

Russia has been building a huge war fortress there in order to protect resources that they claim are theirs.

They seem to have been in preparation for a major war for years and they were willing to use geoengineering to make their moves easier.

They were known to lay down green trails in the sky that would eventually create green snows. Soot and plastics were also used to melt the snow and make it darker.

Now geoengineering is not confined to what is sprayed over land masses it also includes what is sprayed over the ocean as well, the world’s oceans effectively have a layer of microplastic and alumninum covering their surfaces creating the effect of confining the Earth’s oceans in a gigantic sealed plastic bag.

This has reduced the water content of the atmosphere by 40% in the past two decades, causing droughts and desertification throughout Europe and the Middle East, for example, and substantially reduced the capacity of algae in the ocean to produce oxygen.

If we are on the brink of extinction you can blame it on the Military Industrial Complex and their mission to hack the weather and geoengineer the ocean with the continued wars in Europe and elsewhere.

When Congress directs the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) to coordinate with other relevant federal agencies to research a five-year scientific assessment of solar and other rapid climate interventions, it’s only too apparent that the highest levels of government are more than happy to dim the sun or load the sky with metals and toxins.

They have no problem with releasing methane and take no blame ofr the disruptive weather we are having now.

Now that the broken climate system has been intentionally decimated — we are now being told it is time to geoengineer the planet– give it some chemotherapy.

How to you rebuild a broken Climate system — when the same people breaking it are the same people who want job security by restoring or resetting it?

But, is it possible to fix a broken climate system? Meaning the system that we all depend upon for life support. But, we didn’t build it. Yet, we broke it. So, it does not conform to the axiom: “If it can be built, it can be fixed.”

Along those lines, there’s a multitude of facts readily available to prove that the climate system is truly broken (a lengthy list is available upon request). Most concerning is the breakdown in various, but not all ecosystems happening so much earlier at such a lower global average temperature– yes the extended winters is now putting Global warming figures to the test.

All of this brings forth the troublesome consideration that scientists’ models have been off-target by a country mile over the past decades.

They have geoengineered the planet to be colder — and it is this cold that is mixing with warm air masses to create violent storms.

They are being constructed like legos blocks and are made to destroy areas for disaster capitalist spoils.

Engineering, or is it geo-engineering, the climate system is a yes/no issue amongst experts and non-experts, no maybes allowed, and it’s loaded with controversy enough to inspire loud screaming and physical threats. It’s wild out there in the provocative world of “pro or anti” geoengineering.

Depending upon whom you happen to bump into at the bar and grill and strike up a conversation about geoengineering, it’s either feared or ridiculed or praised or a fist to the face, no mushy in-between opinions. Yet all we have been seeing is Climate whiplash and only when the weather is unbearably hot do we see maps covered in red and warnings of severe heat when the thermometer hits 90 degrees.

There seems to be a lack of reporting on mountains that now have up to 800 inches of snow for the year. That is 200 percent of normal.

People are still digging out of deep snow in April. Not unheard of — but it is either normal or it isn’t.

It certainly does not indicate a warming of the planet as it snows in Australia or Southern California.

What we can tell you is that the dioxins in the soil of East Palestine, Ohio make the soil unworkable and creates acid rain and dioxins are found in mother’s milk and cow’s milk. This is more geoengineering through happy little accidents that put us on the road to extinction.

We are destroying the biosphere with such ruthless efficiency that the global extinction rate is now 200 species per day, with another million species ‘under threat’. Moreover, according to the recent Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services researched and published by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – the scientific body which assesses the state of biodiversity and the ecosystem services this provides to society – ‘Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history.’

So severe is the crisis through which we are now living that the normally sober tone of scientific papers is vanishing too, with words such as ‘biological annihilation’, a ‘frightening assault on the foundations of human civilization’ and the “‘sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history are being used with increasing frequency.

Sounds more like the hellfire sermons from the Book of the Apocalypse.

Well, despite the number of elite-controlled intergovernmental processes and corporate scientists paid to promulgate delusion about our timeframe, an increasing number of scientists are now warning that existing and accumulating evidence indicates that human extinction is likely to occur by 2026. And get this Nuclear war, geoengineering, extra-terrestrial threats and biological warfare are the biggest concerns — Climate change comes in as the 5th concern.

At least it is in the top 5.

For all of those Climate change dupes that think we need to avoid cows and eat insects, it has been shown that any study of insect populations readily confirms their rapid decline. For example, in the recent study by Lister and Garcia, they note that ‘Arthropods, invertebrates including insects that have external skeletons, are declining at an alarming rate. While the tropics harbor the majority of arthropod species, little is known about trends in their abundance.

There have also been synchronous declines in the lizards, frogs, and birds that eat arthropods.

So the next time the teacher wants you to eat a grasshopper for extra credit — maybe you should tell her she is killing the frogs and birds.

The do-it-yourself experts and the ones that tell you how to live and expect you to play in their clown world should stop and realize just how silly they are becoming.

Moreover, the general studies of insect declines are ‘in line with previous reports on population declines among numerous insects such as butterflies, ground beetles, ladybirds, dragonflies, stoneflies and wild bees in Europe and North America over the past decades.

It appears that insect declines are substantially greater than those observed in birds or plants over the same periods and this could trigger wide-ranging cascading effects within several of the world’s ecosystems.

Loss of insect diversity and abundance is expected to provoke cascading effects on newly proposed food webs and to jeopardize ecosystem services.

Looks like those ground crickets in your pizza crust are contributing to the destruction of the ecosystem.

You see the experts aren’t too smart and their mad science is nothing more than actions to make sure their grant checks cash. They are the same scientist that wishes to dim the planet, pour iron ore into the oceans and create lightning that can force multiply a tornado or hurricane.

I guess you can call them eco-criminals.

But the damage is done — do a search on google about Climate change and it will tell you the same old lines and talking points. Look up chemtrails and they will say it is a conspiracy theory even though the government calls them Stratospheric Areal Injections or sun dimming. The FAA is looking into how Contrails and the burned fuel in them can contribute to geoengineering and yet we are told it is nonsense.

They continue to indoctrinate more into their cult.

Given the preoccupation of modern society with producing submissively obedient students, workers, soldiers, citizens that is, taxpayers voters and consumers, the last thing society wants is powerful individuals who are each capable of searching their conscience, feeling their emotional response to events, thinking critically and behaving strategically in response.

Hence our parenting and education models use a ruthless combination of visible, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence to ensure that our children become terrified, self-hating and powerless individuals like virtually all of the adults around them.

With the indoctrination of Climate change — young people see no future or even resent their parents for destroying their future.

This multifaceted greenwashing ensures that the adult who emerges from childhood and adolescence is suppressing awareness of an enormous amount of fear, pain and anger among many other feelings and must live in delusion to remain unaware of these suppressed feelings.

This ensures that, as part of their delusion, people develop a strong sense that what they are doing already is functional and working no matter how dysfunctional and ineffective it may be while unconsciously suppressing awareness of any evidence that contradicts their delusion.

People put their feelings first.

So, we are back to people believing that their feelings are facts.



Dane Wigington is the lead researcher and administrator for the website, and is the executive producer for the groundbreaking climate engineering documentary, “The Dimming”. He has a background in solar energy, was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corporation and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. Dane has devoted the last 20 years of his life to constant research on the issue of covert global climate engineering operations and the effort to expose and halt them. He has appeared in numerous films and interviews in his effort to educate the public on the extremely dire environmental and health dangers we face from the ongoing global climate intervention operations.

Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 13 comments.

  1. John Weiner

    April 3, 2023 at 7:19 pm

    The programmers of that and such bots should be arrested, jailed, and prosecuted, and the software itself destroyed, and all such activities outlawed.

  2. Rw.

    April 3, 2023 at 7:45 pm

    The chat bots sound like disembodied voices and or demons !!! To a few times finally got it right !!!!

  3. John Weiner

    April 3, 2023 at 9:57 pm

    Blame your boy Putin for the war in Ukraine and all of its side effects on the planet.
    I understand that the Russians use depleted uranium ammunition in their tank artillery in Ukraine, so they shouldn’t be whining and complaining about Britain supplying Ukraine with depleted uranium artillery, nor you, either, afterall, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
    Four hundred biolabs around the world, stop blaming it all on Ukraine, Clyde.

    • Clyde Lewis

      April 4, 2023 at 3:09 pm

      I don’t and stop your assumptions about what you think I think about Putin — Putin and Biden aree war criminals and you are a myopic agent of meh.


    April 4, 2023 at 3:02 am


  5. joe

    April 4, 2023 at 11:08 am

    SATAN has a structure government like the mafia the Roman empires ,like China ,Tsar Russia, Fuedal Japan. with priests ,popes ,etc. that system has infiltrated our world in every school, corporation board room, stock holders. world wide . EVERY SECRET society masons ,mafias, Illuminatei cults, warlocks & witches new age & christian types has been compromised . THE FINAL STAGES are in full gear. The Chinese Weather spy balloons classic measure weather tactics for WEATHER weapons.// S.O.O.T. sign of the times weather videos site breaks down the weather wars. also check out Volcanoes Today site big increase ..Meteors & fireballs web site Super big increase .and UFO sites too many Sightings. something Wicked this way COMES 666 A.I. mark of slaves.

  6. Jimbo

    April 4, 2023 at 12:54 pm

    Psychotic, fascistic pursuit of “resource management and population control” to achieve a Brigadoon for themselves and through a satanic beast system, enslave the rest of humanity.

    Biden wants to surrender US medical sovereignty to the WHO. The mostly demoncrat US Senate will not allow an amendment in proscribing that from by treaty implementation. HR -79 bill in Congress seeks to confound implementation at another level. A world order vote comes in May. It was defeated last year. Under UN auspices WHO receives the largest financial support from US followed closely by the rico-Malthusian Bill Gates, and then the CCP. Tells you just about everything you need to know, doesn’t it!

    Then there’s the method of implementing medical compliance through mandatory vaccine passports (etc.), using QR codes on cell phones, before hand or forehead implants follow.

    Trump fought all this while he was President. What’s happening now can perhaps best be described as “Hillary’s revenge.”

    -Let’s hope the earth is not pushed past inherent recovery mechanism limits by globalist geoengineering.

    That apocalypse could eclipse even a nuclear war.

  7. Joe

    April 4, 2023 at 1:53 pm

    Yes Satanic atheist schools, day care centers..Communist created by socialist devil worshippers . but the OFFICE building busts no rents ,Offices will close like MALLS & SHOPPING CENTERS…,work from home thats good it Brings back the family.. watch and see. office building weak demands. TRILLIONS DOLLARS OF office building loans vacancys rise. Wall st journal March 30. hard data how to convert office buildings too RESIDENCY. 800 billion Wells Fargo loans uninsured JP MORGAN 1 trillion. uninsured. Bank of America 800 billion, Citibank 600 billion uninsured.. Big BUSTS coming. BITCOIN speculation 300 Trillion Ponzi scheme … Fu– American citizen Send 200 billion more too BIDEN-UKRAINE Money laundering crime syndicate .. yes SATAN is alive & well on planet Earth HAL LINSEY

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