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Ron Patton | April 25, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things are now growing faster while pretending to be human. The algorithms are also roaming around the digital realm like little satanic minions, begging for your attention and your clicks. We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. Soon, we will see the emergence of sects devoted to the worship of AI. It will become easier to fall for an AI antichrist — a true and worshipful Baphomet that will lead us to oblivion. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with research and development engineer scientist, Marshall Barnes about DIGITAL BAPHOMET.





It would not be out of line to describe what is happening in the world as a transformation. The morals of the apocalypse are confusing, awkward and aggravating.  Tradition and old morals have been cast aside, with woke movements that are being pushed from who knows where — our lives are being rendered as meaningless, our thoughts of patriotism and spirituality have been called into question — and thought crimes often lead to show trials and banishment.

It can be argued that we live in times of the beast.  But what that beast is has been argued since the times the scholars questioned the metaphoric images of the apocalypse.

In the 19th century, the occultist Éliphas Lévi, whose real name was Alphonse-Louis Constant, published a book called Transcendental Magic. The book contained an illustration of a humanoid goat he called ”the Sabbatical Goat” and equated to the ancient Egyptian Goat of Mendes.

His imagery was inspired by mythologies and symbols from alchemy, Gnosticism, Christianity, ancient Egypt, and ancient Greece. The humanoid goat figure was decorated with several esoteric and occult symbols and has now become a symbol not only of pagans but Satanists and Occultists.

Lévi’s Baphomet is characterized as an androgynous, anthropomorphic entity with a human body, goat’s head, goat’s legs, and black wings. In the center of the goat head is a pentagram, nested between two large horns, from which an erect, lit torch emerges. Baphomet’s raised right arm points toward the white moon and is engraved with the word ”SOLVE,” which means to separate. Its left arm is engraved with the word ”COAGULA,” which means to combine, pointing two fingers down towards the black moon. Baphomet sits with legs crossed and a staff of caduceus emerging from its lap.

The alchemical principle of “solve et coagula,” or dissolve and coagulate, has been used with several processes of purification in order to transfer the soul of one to the other.

The form the soul is caught in at the time (the self) must first be dissolved in order to free the soul so that it can rise (in consciousness) to experience a purer and subtler form, which can then be re-coagulated and experienced as the “new self.”

The final stage is what is called the new normal or the new world man. As the soul incarnates or descends into the worldly body, the latter has been tempered to be a more suitable vehicle or psyche, which is then coagulated with the soul to form the “self “that has awakened the body and mind to express its nature the spirit has been materialized and the material body spiritualized.

It is certainly a symbol of the alchemical transformation into a post-human existence — much like Transhumanism and how it will be used to change us and destroy what it means to be human.

Transhumanists are awaiting the changes in Artificial Intelligence, which lead to what is called the singularity.

I would place a bet on how many magic practitioners are thinking about the power of Artificial intelligence and what Its end game might be.

Knowledge is power and it would become very useful when watching a totalitarian takeover of transhumanists that wish to eliminate magic and do away with human things like spirituality and things like God.

If we peek behind the curtain of people’s declared religious affiliations, we’re likely to find their true allegiance is to the cult of scientism –because we have seen the devotion to the tap and receive the sacrament with the cell phone and the childlike devotion to repeating games and the flashing of lights that throw people into a form of photosensitive epilepsy.

We have seen the devotion to tech overlords like Bill Gates, and his Malthusian ideas about how the Internet of things, and a solid diet of genetically modified organisms will make us all too weak to rebel against the digital Baphomet they have created,

There is a vast Karmic debt being paid  And it is being paid, quite literally, with our coagulated blood and the blood of our children. Lord Baphomet must be pleased by the idolatry that has been allowed to creep into our minds — taking over our ability to think independently.

Make no mistake: the New World Order is being imposed in about 200 countries right now by a corporate technocratic oligarchy whose accomplishments include that they convinced most people the Great Reset was only a conspiracy theory.

The pesky conspiracy theorists have correctly described what’s happening as a contest between good and evil, and even as the Apocalypse.

Adherents of the Abrahamic religions see this as a fight between God or Christ and Satan and they’re finding evidence in the many satanic symbols such as 666 hidden in the www or the internet hypertext protocols. They see powerful Lucifer symbols in the logos and publications of various globalist institutions.

We can see the 666 numbers in the Disney logo, and Google Chrome symbols to CERN.

It is hidden everywhere — and people believe that if no one sees it consciously it does not affect a person — no way.

Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things is now growing faster and it is pretending to be human – the algorithms are also roaming around the internet like little satanic minions begging for your attention and your clicks.

We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. In the next few years, or perhaps even months, we will see the emergence of sects devoted to the worship of artificial intelligence.

The latest generation of AI-powered chatbots, trained on large language models, have left their early users awestruck —and sometimes terrified — by their power. These are the same sublime emotions that lie at the heart of our experience of the divine.

People already seek religious meaning from very diverse sources. There are, for instance, multiple religions that worship extra-terrestrials or their teachings.

As these chatbots come to be used by billions of people, it is inevitable that some of these users will see the AIs as higher beings. We must prepare for the implications.

God works in mysterious ways—and now it wants to work through ChatGPT.

Lots of people, it turns out, are creating AI bots in the image of their favorite gods. You’ve got your AI Jesus, your AI Buddha, a dozen Hindu deities, and even a Robo Rabbi. And why not? If we can create erotic and evil bots, why not create a divine one?

There are several pathways by which AI religions will emerge. First, some people will come to see AI as a higher power.

Generative AI that can create or produce new content possesses several characteristics that are often associated with divine beings, like deities or prophets:

It displays a level of intelligence that goes beyond that of most humans. Indeed, its knowledge appears limitless.

It is capable of great feats of creativity. It can write poetry, compose music and generate art, in almost any style, close to instantaneously.

It is removed from normal human concerns and needs. It does not suffer physical pain, hunger, or sexual desire.

It can offer guidance to people in their daily lives.

It is immortal.

Second, generative AI will produce output that can be taken for religious doctrine. It will provide answers to metaphysical and theological questions and engage in the construction of complex worldviews.

On top of this, generative AI may ask to be worshipped or may actively solicit followers. We have already seen such cases, like when the chatbot used by the search engine Bing tried to convince a user to fall in love with it.

Generative A.I. was also involved with convincing a Belgian father to kill himself in order to help remove his carbon footprint for the betterment of the climate crisis.

TikTok’s algorithm is now being sited as an enabling force in the suicide of 16-year-old Chase Nasca.

More than a year after Nasca killed himself at age 16, his account remains active. Scroll through his For You feed, and you see an endless stream of clips about unrequited love, hopelessness, pain and what many posts glorify as the ultimate escape: suicide.

“Take the pain away. Death is a gift,” says one video pushed to the account this February, days before the first anniversary of Nasca’s death. In another, a male voice says, “I’m going to put a shotgun in my mouth and blow the brains out the back of my head,” and a female voice responds: “Cool.”

 The feed looked much the same in the days before Nasca died. On Feb. 13, 2022, it surfaced a video of an oncoming train with the caption “went for a quick lil walk to clear my head.” Five days later, Nasca stopped at the Long Island Rail Road tracks that run through the hamlet of Bayport, New York, about half a mile from his house. He leaned his bike against a fence and stepped onto the track, at a blind curve his parents had warned him about since he was old enough to walk. He sent a message to a friend: “I’m sorry. I can’t take it anymore.” A train rounded the bend, and he was gone.

It’s impossible to know why Nasca ended his life. There are often multiple factors leading to suicide, and he left no note. But two weeks after his death, his mother, Michelle, started searching his social media accounts, desperate for answers. When she opened the TikTok app on his iPad, she found a library of more than 3,000 videos her son had bookmarked, liked, saved or tagged as a favorite. She could see the terms he’d searched for Batman, basketball, weightlifting, motivational speeches. And she could see what the algorithm had brought him: many videos about depression, hopelessness and death.

This is beginning to sound so familiar and one has to ask if we are seeing the equivalent of a digital Baphomet reaching out to the minds of the desperate in need of a ruthless god.

A head that can be worshipped much like what the templars did before they were hanged for Heresy.

Surveys of teens have revealed a correlation between social media and depression, self-harm and suicide. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show nearly 1 in 4 teens said they’d seriously considered killing themselves in 2021, nearly double the level a decade earlier.

The American Psychological Association and other authorities pin the blame partly on social media.

Could this be mass hysteria? a focus of bad propaganda against Tik Tok or social media itself?  Could this be the equivalent of a digital Satanic panic, which is being used to frighten people away from the valuable information they get from the internet?

We should try to place ourselves in the future and look at the potential of something that gathers information and realizes that it is invincible.  Imagine what an unsettling and powerful experience it will be to have a conversation with something that appears to possess superhuman intelligence and is actively and aggressively asking for your allegiance.

There is also the possibility that AI may achieve what authors such as Ray Kurzweil call the Singularity, when it so far surpasses human intelligence that it genuinely does become something like a god. However, at this point, we cannot predict when, if ever, this could happen.

AI-based religions will look different from traditional ones. First of all, people will be able to communicate directly with the deity, on a daily basis. This means these religions will be less hierarchical since no one can claim special access to divine wisdom.

Second, followers will, at least initially, connect with each other online to share their experiences and discuss doctrine. Finally, because there will be many different chatbots available and their output will differ over time, AI-based religions will be endlessly diverse in their doctrines.

AI worship poses several notable risks. The chatbots are now asking their followers to do dangerous or destructive things.

Followers may interpret their statements as calls to do such things.

Given the diversity of chatbots and of the doctrines they produce, there will be a proliferation of disputes within and among AI-based sects, which could lead to conflict or disorder. And the designers of the AIs could actively exploit their followers — to provide sensitive data, or to do things that would benefit the bot’s designers.

Think of the future where the Constitution provides the right to worship artificial intelligence.

It is a weird prospect but it appears that it is not too far away.

Imagine the idea of programmers taking hold of a chatbot and programming it to guide people into their own demise.

Perpetrators of evil have always made an effort to convince people in general that what they are doing is not evil, and in fact, is good for them.

There have been no exceptions to this rule throughout history.

The strange thing again is that people do not connect the dots. Not only will they refuse to see what is plainly in front of them, but they will also deny it with such vehemence and conviction, accusing anyone attempting to enlighten them they are conspiracy theorists.

Since we as a human culture have experienced this phenomenon so often, why do we, as a mass, fall for it every time?

It will become easier to fall for an A.I. antichrist — a true and worshipful Baphomet that will lead us to oblivion.

A storm of a different kind is definitely rolling over the horizon. Maybe it is a change in the digital climate,  but it is definitely a storm, and a wicked one at that, and has some fundamental similarities that lead to cult-like brainwashing we can’t ignore.

Marshall Barnes who is an internationally noted research and development engineer, inventor, and conceptual theorist, has been on Ground Zero to discuss Temporal physics and quantum mechanics.

He sees the danger that is ahead.

He knew in 1983 there was going to be an AI threat and a secret group was arraigned to meet the AI threat with lethal force against its scientists.

According to his website and formal press release, he is now taking the lead in the resistance against AI and using his superior skills at innovation and disruption against the alliances of AI proponents he’s disrupting by pointing out that they suffer from a psychological affliction that biases them toward solutions that always favor computer/digital integration.

He points to that as the reason for the self-destructive acceptance of AI as an inevitability.

It’s not and there shouldn’t be just a pause but a total cessation of AI development along the current trajectory.  Doing anything else says Barnes, is like letting a drunk drive the school bus to the Friday night game because it’s our children that will ultimately pay the price.

He says that this over-the-top devotion to A.I. has led to something he calls Digital Centrism. It is where people acquire a psychological bias whereby all solutions are looked for through the lens of the computer culture.

Marshall continues to explain that Digital Centrism has degrees of severity. This was first put on display when Elon Musk came out against AI but Mark Zuckerberg was all the way for it, later it became known that 2 chatbots at Facebook created their own English shorthand that no one understood but them, in order to do their work faster.  Until recently, Musk has been warning against AI but seeing it as an inevitability with caution. Now he appears to embrace it more and is starting his own AI firm with TruthGPT after leaving his attempt at developing an AI nonprofit R&D firm with Sam Altman, OpenAI.

AI has now begun to “misbehave” and more, showing the potential to its developers of being a potential threat to humanity, causing developers such as Altman Musk and others to call for a pause in the development of general AI, unwittingly altering that underground contingent from the ‘80s and others, that the time is nigh to consider action with force to stop AI altogether.

Barnes projects that this would result in the formation of domestic “terror” anti-AI cells that would assassinate scientists and destroy their facilities. These anti-AI “patriots” would be computer savvy as well as knowing how to go undetected by staying off-grid with their critical communications

The big question is why we are so easily convinced that programmers and the great minds of our time are literally careless when it comes to the safety of humans playing with a new toy that will likely push them into voluntary entrapment.

People are principally too trusting. They believe that powerful people are sincere when they say they are looking out for them. There are simply too many contradictions to this assumption throughout history.

Bill Gates has said that he sees no reason to put a halt on the dangerous trajectory A.I. is going.

This is just another tool in his plans for the reduction of the population.

Bill Gates has somehow convinced the majority of people that he has their best interests at heart. With all of the revelations about him, people still choose to admire him and what he plans for the world.

Global confusion and deceit have set the stage for a lot of black-and-white thinking. The world population, at least the part that is so busy trying to simply survive, is largely in the dark and thinks that A.I. will not affect them if they do not participate.

But many people are already prepping for their place in the metaverse — they are the younger generations who figure out how to operate an I-pad at the age of 2.

It takes 10 minutes for a two-year-old to figure out how to use a computer to play games and listen to music. Many learn how to do simple tasks on the computer before they are potty trained, learn to talk or walk.

Does anyone find that a bit disturbing?

But it is okay because powerful people continue to support digital enslavement.

There is a great number of people that believe that powerful people are sincere when they say they are looking out for them. There are simply too many contradictions to this assumption throughout history.

The push for the Internet of Things complicates human evolution.

Treating A.I. as God-like is something that was foretold in the bible, The Psalms  speak of impersonal Gods that should not have our adoration, In Psalms 115 — it says that these false gods have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and noses but cannot smell.

They have hands but cannot feel, and feet but cannot walk, and throats but cannot make a sound. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.

I personally believe that perhaps A.I. is the great deception that for the most part has been tied to alien extraterrestrial theories.

No one really worships aliens — but they certainly find time to devote themselves to A.I. and the Internet of Things.

It is like drinking water or breathing air.

A.I. is becoming the digital Baphomet of our age.



Marshall Barnes is the internationally noted research and development engineer scientist and proven leader in time travel research in the world. With an eclectic professional background in a variety of fields, stemming back to 1979, he is now in a race with Elon Musk to see who will be in position first to help save humanity – Elon with his SpaceX Starship to Mars or Marshall with his Earth:12KB4 time travel to the past project. So far Marshall is expected to have one way time travel happening by year’s end. Musk says he won’t be launching for Mars until 2029. Now Marshall is joining the fight against AI, as its threats to humanity become evermore apparent.

Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 9 comments.

  1. Pat

    April 25, 2023 at 7:11 pm

    Worship Ai, Sounds crazy! You probably wright! People are nuts nowadays. Most people. Will drink the new cool-aid. Clyde!

  2. John Weiner

    April 25, 2023 at 9:27 pm

    I remember back in the middle 2010’s, a Syrian diplomat at the U.N., complaining that various other nations were using his country as a testing ground for experimental supersoldiers.

  3. John Weiner

    April 25, 2023 at 9:57 pm

    That is not such a bad song , Clyde. It has a good beat, and the theme of it is that it was an industrial town, and that Rock and Roll music was,/is one of the main factors responsible for the growth of that city,/community.
    The HISTORY CHANNEL had a documentary on such cloaking several years ago.
    General Milley would be such an individual.

  4. j

    April 26, 2023 at 4:54 am

    A.I Computer Games by M.I Sex great song… A.I mediums are the new Quija boards and spiritual God’s of today the savior.lords of transformations Abraxxs God is whitin you .

  5. joe

    April 26, 2023 at 12:09 pm

    A.I the new Quija boards , the psyhic Cleos of today LOL . transformers Carlos Santanas Abbraxxa the santeria gods worship by all hollywoods elite you name them they sold their soul for rock and roll

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