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Ron Patton | March 6, 2023

In recent years, we have witnessed the proliferation of related sustainable buzzwords including ‘eco’, ‘ethical’, ‘green’, ‘responsible’, ‘upcycled’, and ‘bio-degradable’, to name but a few. The question remains – how can we quantify the true commitment of these bold claims made by the green cultistsThe bottom line is that the fear porn about a global warming catastrophe is based on mostly greed and a bit of Hegelian manipulation.  Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with renewable energy expert, Paul Chambers about GREEN PORN – LIFTING THE MASQUE OF THE GREEN DEATH.





There has always been a difference between theories of conspiracy and the fact that a conspiracy exists.

History shows, though, that there have been many times when governments or individuals have participated in conspiracies. It would be naïve to think that intelligence agencies, militaries, government officials, and politicians don’t sometimes cooperate in covert, secretive ways.

While they may not openly organize into political action committees, their hold on federal levers of power dangerously skews the government’s actions and inactions toward the preferences of the political extremist left.

Any mention of this is immediately discounted and attacked by the media as conspiracy theory because they have a symbiotic relationship with these unelected officials in the intelligence community.

They belittle and deride all challenges to their so-called facts as conspiracy theory and continue to use it to serve their joint purpose of advancing an extreme leftist agenda globally.

They do this regardless of which party has political control of government, although their cooperation with a few pawns in the Democratic party are now in the process of undermining of Republicans of course it is how the narrative is framed and of course, all of the players will certainly adjust their methods of control depending on what members of any political parties they can count on to undermine the substantive processes of running a constitutional republic.

What we have been witnessing is a framing war of narratives that survive in an echo chamber of cognitive bias.

One of the biggest efforts of conspiratorial gerrymandering is the green wash techniques that the government insists upon pushing –and the bleating sheep wish to enforce these green deals out of fear.

Sustainability, as defined by the United Nations in 1987 can be determined as the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

But such a broad official interpretation lends itself to misinterpretation. The Environmental Law Institute stated as a practice and term, it still “suffers from the ambiguity that must be overcome if governmental and private-sector decision-makers are to optimize the concept’s potential”.

With this, in recent years, we have witnessed the proliferation of related sustainable buzzwords including ‘eco’, ‘ethical’, ‘green’, ‘responsible’, ‘upcycled’, ‘bio degradable’, ‘transparency’ and ‘empowering’ to name but a few. The question remains how can we quantify the true commitment of these bold claims made by the dominant players?

As we dig deeper we find that all of the Climate Change window dressing is green washing. Some call it Green Porn as these so-called green cultists fall for the latest whim because it is how the virtue signal into thinking they are doing something to protect the earth from a global warming catastrophe.

The bottom line is that the fear porn about global catastrophe is based on greed and a bit of Hegelian manipulation.

It appears that everyone wants to be deceived.

I have gone on and on about the mass idiocy of the media’s daily barrage of lies and stupidities that pass for news on the front pages and newscasts of the corporate media. And the people who believe them.

I feel the frustration of those who wish to break through it all and tell their loved ones that they are being deceived and that the government and the media force us into making bad decisions.

When you think they must realize they have gone too far since even a moron could see through their fabrications, they double down.

They get more and more ridiculous.

There’s a make-believe quality to this vast spectacle of totalitarian power and false innocence that baffles the mind.

Especially when we have to constantly be told that the wicked weather is because of Climate Change — the lie is being told so many times that it programs people into becoming more cult-like — willing to give up their lives and change because they are being fed government-sanctioned apocalypse porn.

To see and hear the corporate masked media magicians’ daily reports is to enter a world of pure illusion that deserves only awkward laughter or outright anger –but sadly it captivates so many adult children desperate to believe.

Even as the government, led by the media, leads the world toward nuclear annihilation– even as we pull away the mask of the green death –we realize that the wars we face are going to somehow be eco-friendly and one with nature.

I posted a story on Facebook that apparently they did not like as I noticed it was not even circulated in my newsfeed or it was put so low on the list that the algorithms choose to ignore it because it demonstrated that the Climate Cult and those who are a part of it are dangerous because it appears that they are taking green washing to a new level of death porn.

Scotland has banned the inhaled anesthetic desflurane due to its alleged devastating impact on the climate. It is the first country in the world to do so.

The gas, which is used to put patients to sleep safely during surgery apparently has a global warming potential 2,500 times greater than carbon dioxide, according to the UK’s National Health Service,

Various hospitals in other parts of the UK have already begun phasing out the anesthetic. NHS England plans to stop using desflurane completely by early 2024, except in exceptional circumstances.

Apparently, the anesthetics that we use to sedate people during operations account for two to five percent of the so-called carbon footprint.

On a typical day, according to one study, anesthetists can produce up to 500 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent. An average citizen’s daily equivalent is 25 kg.

Other anesthetic techniques such as intravenous agents and regional anesthesia offer safe alternatives with significantly lower climate impacts.

The impact of anesthetics could also be reduced by reducing gas flows and developing technology to capture the gases.

This again is a demonstration of how the sustainable resource crowd are putting human lives in jeopardy as the attempt to fight an invisible enemy– Climate Change.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced on March 1 it is seeking information from the public “on chronic chemical hazards from gas stoves.” Back in January Fact checkers were doing overtime trying to dismiss the notion that The Biden Administration was even considering banning gas stoves.

The New York times published an article with the headline “No, Biden Is Not Trying to Ban Gas Stoves.” Saying that gas stives have become a political football being fueled by right-wing conspiracy theorists.

But the facts are that Richard Trumka Jr. a Biden appointee floated a ban on gas stoves in January.

Trumka also wrote in an internal memorandum that “the need for gas stove regulation has reached a boiling point” and that the commission “has the responsibility to ban consumer products that emit hazardous substances, particularly, when those emissions harm children, under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.”

There is sufficient information available for CPSC to issue an NPR in

FY 2023 proposing to ban gas stoves in homes,” Trumka also wrote. NPR stands for notice of proposed rulemaking.

Trumka and other critics of gas stoves have pointed to research including a study from the Rocky Mountain Institute, an environmental group, to support their efforts to restrict or ban the appliances because they allegedly trigger breathing problems. That group, though, later said the study didn’t assume a causal relationship between the stoves and asthma or other breathing abnormalities.

Talk of banning gas stoves and “unregulated indoor air quality” could be a Trojan horse designed to get even more “smart” monitoring technology into your home.

Again all for the purpose of control.

The propaganda spinners have stated:

The emissions have been linked to illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions. More than 12 percent of current childhood asthma cases are linked to gas stove use, according to peer-reviewed research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health last month.

Now would be a good time to talk about the phrase “linked to”. It’s always a good one to look out for in any mainstream publication. Journalists love it because it implies causation without stating it.

Manipulative use of language should always be a red flag in sniffing out greenwashing propaganda.

It is also an effort to link bad indoor air quality to things like heart attacks, sudden death and many of the maladies that allegedly affect those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

It is a two fold lie to not only benefit the green cult — but to also cover up the negligence of the pharmaceutical companies.

It is a huge swindle when you consider that two days after a toxic chemical spill in Ohio, the authorities set fires intentionally to burn off the chemicals and then said that residents were safe to return home two days after the disaster.

It is an even bigger flim flam when the Nord Stream pipelines were intentionally destroyed sending methane, a dangerous green house gas into the air.

It is complete and utter hypocrisy for the green cult to play eco-cop when Al Gore lives in his posh 10,000 square foot mansion flying around the world in private jets, going to Davos and the World Economic Forum lecturing us, we the people, on why Styrofoam and regular lightbulbs are bad bad bad.

Actually he has several mansions, one in Tennessee and then one in California: Al Gore’s California home consumes more electricity in 1 year than the average US family uses in 21 years.

The Green Pimp is a flaming hypocrite and yet no one speaks up about it.

Bill Gates, is a staunch advocate for the fight against climate change – but he also frequently uses a private jet, which has led to questions about authenticity when it comes to his activism.

A few weeks ago Gates spoke with BBC journalist Amol Rajan, who asked, “What do you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner, but you also travel around the world on a private jet, you’re a hypocrite?”

Gates quickly defended his actions, saying he’s “not part of the problem.”

“I buy the gold standard of funding Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family’s carbon footprint and I spend billions of dollars on climate innovation,” he said.

Gates has been fairly open about his private plane, saying on Reddit nearly a decade ago that “owning a plane is a guilty pleasure.” According to aircraft charter broker Private Jet Charter, Gates has four private jets, a seaplane and a helicopter.

Commercial and large business jets contribute 10% of U.S. transportation emissions and make up 3% of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, citing the EPA.

The philanthropic Gates, said, “Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?”

“I’m comfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets,” he said, “but also through the billions that my Breakthrough Energy group is spending that I’m part of the solution.”

Gates’ Breakthrough Energy is an initiative started to help accelerate technology and innovation to help tackle the climate crisis through five “grand challenges” – manufacturing, electricity, agriculture, transportation and buildings. According to a December report by Reuters, Gates has invested more than $2 billion toward climate technologies.

All of this grand spending he talks about or brags about does not really do much — but he will be the first to tell you just how wonderful he is. He spends a lot of time alone now that his wife has divorced him and his buddy Jeffery Epstein is dead.

But bothers me more than the Climate Pimps are the excuses being made for the gobbling up of resources to fight the war in Ukraine.

Now that is real eco-pornography. Is this really, what the greening of the world means? — Flights to Ukraine, trillions dumped into weapons, trillions put into satellites, trillions here and trillions there, now that is green pimping to the max. You know, keeping the bankers safe with those diesel and gasoline powered metal and titanium battle tanks, missile launchers, helicopters, jets.

Now here is some real violent eco-porn. Just the headline is triggering.

A warning: “Green New Army? NATO Wants Eco-Friendly Tanks — NATO’s tanks may be getting solar panels.”

War, what is good for? Certainly not the environment, and as a result, the tanks rolling across Europe could soon be green, and not just the paint scheme. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has addressed the fact that the militaries of the world emit a considerable amount of greenhouse gases, and has called upon efforts for the tanks to go green by adding solar panels.

How considerate of the war machine –they will be eco-friendly as they destroy resources and kill people — how comforting is this?

This is violent green porn in real-time. It is not just porn, it is the raping of resources with solar-powered tanks.

So for the average greenie, this stuff is WAY beyond their “green washing wet behind the ears” knowledge base–and this should be seen as a wake-up call — Climate Cultists — you have been had. This is a huge money-making scheme that will continue to destroy resources and human lives.

Pornography is also in the rhetoric, the motivations of technologists, technocrats, and scientists, a lot of them working on these highly technical projects. It is driven by the bizarrely human quest to see if we can do it mentality. That quest is of course driven by profit motives. Not so much about saving the world.

The U.S. drops a bomb on another nation every twelve minutes. It is no wonder that the U.S. military, which serves as the armed body of the state responsible for protecting the interests of Wall Street, fossil fuel corporations, military contractors, and monopolies of all kinds, is treated as a trophy by all sections of the U.S. political class.

But hey Greener bombs, and cleaner jet fuel for bombers. That’s the green deal, the eco-porn at its pinnacle?

Sure they get off on killing you — but at least it is eco-friendly.



G. Paul Chambers, PhD (La Plata, MD), has worked as a contractor with the NASA Goddard Optics Branch and is currently working on the development of renewable energy sources with Bellatrix Energy, LLC. Formerly, he worked as the supervisory research physicist for the Energetic Materials and Detonation Science Department of the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Maryland and as a research physicist with the Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC.

He is a regular cohost at


Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 7 comments.

  1. Pat

    March 6, 2023 at 5:57 pm

    My kin, Were coal miners in western. Pa. That’s was their way of making aliving. It was hard work . My uncle was killed in a cave in. Coal can be use to heat . Make electric! Outher county’s use it. We can us it now!!!!

    • Neil Barron

      March 6, 2023 at 6:14 pm

      Green Porn alright. Coal is a product of the SUN. The Sun had 2 CME’s just before these unconventional storms. It takes about 2 days for them to get here. As the norm goes so does our weather The coronal mass ejection of plasma is magnetic in nature and electrical charges. We as humans cannot affect the climate we are to insignificant. Remember the Trillons of dollars to save the planet from the Ozone hole ? For you freek green meanies now there are 3 Ozone holes and the Sun is doing it’s job right or wrong you can’t fix it.

  2. John Weiner

    March 6, 2023 at 8:41 pm

    While I am not a CHICKEN LITTLE, THE SKY IS FALLINL, THEVSKY IS FALLING environmentalist, to me it sounds like those of
    you who support Vladimir Putin’s WAR OF AGGRESSION against Ukraine are the real WARMONGERS, not those of us who oppose it, and want to see him and his terrorist Wagner Group, and military go back to Russia where they belong, and that hopefully all of your and others cynical, Orwellian, PRO PUTIN WAR PROPAGANDA, Putin is God, Putin is Great, supporting Putin’s WAR against Ukraine is Peace., and supporting all efforts to thwart him from his WAR OF AGGRESSION against UKRAINE and thwart his efforts at world domination is war, are starting to wear thin, and fall on deaf ears.
    Is it me, or was there some cynical, perhaps, pompous, pretentious glee in your voice when you announced the name of the suspect in the terrorist attack against the San Jose, California power substation, against your own country? I hope not.
    With any luck, and reasonably competent prosecuters, along with plenty of evidence, they will either, hopefully convict him, or get him to cop a plea, and in either event, hopefully turn him state’s evidence.

  3. Rusty

    March 6, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    I heard somewhere that it requires 40,000 tones of earth to be mined to get enough copper, metal additives (for the special steel in the blades), and rare earths for the circuitry, to make one Wind Mill.

  4. John Weiner

    March 6, 2023 at 9:49 pm

    Hydrogen, isn’t that what powered the Hindenberg that gorgeous spring day, in 1937, in New Jersey, until the flash of lightening, I think it was? Oh, the humanity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. joe

    March 7, 2023 at 2:15 am

    bitcoin ponzi pyramid scam swindle back by zero SPECULATION Con MEN,,, Crash 3 TRILLION BE WARN.. warn ahead. too late SUCKERS HOUSI NG Rentals offices empty thousands of businesses closing every MONTH !!!!!!WAKE UP WAKE UP 1923 1929 Hoover 23 skidoo skid-row 2023 1918 flu=20019-20 covid. PATTERNS CYCLES HISTORY REPEATS Biden worst president ever…

  6. Pat

    March 7, 2023 at 6:33 am

    I guess soon. The feds will be after my chain saw!!!! I heat my house with wood!!!!! You nailed it tonite Clyde…..

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