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Ron Patton | February 15, 2024

Yesterday, there was a cryptic statement coming from Washington DC regarding a serious national security threat toward the United States. House Intelligence Committee Chair, Mike Turner, asked for the declassification of information from President Biden about this ongoing threat. The speculation was daunting. Is there an imminent nuclear launch? Are there terrorists at the border? Are ETs about to invade? As this story was developing, a mass shooting occurred at the Kansas City Chiefs parade. It was later revealed this immediate threat had to do with the possibility of Russia having space-based nuclear weapons. There has been ongoing speculation that secret weaponized space programs from leading countries are operating behind the scenes preparing for the next battlefield. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with military and nuclear weapons analyst, James Ponder about SPUTNUKE – NO REASON TO PANIC.



Does anyone remember The Chinese balloon saga that happened last year and the media was speculating during the reports that perhaps we were in the middle of a vague alien invasion?

I do.

I remember it was Jim Acosta on CNN inferring that whatever was in the sky, was metallic and cigar-shaped and was believed to be interfering with radar over Canada.

He wasn’t reporting about the balloon– it was already confirmed that it was a spy balloon from China.

What Acosta was talking about was the UAP that was being engaged by jet aircraft over the Canadian border.

A US fighter jet shot down an ‘unidentified object’ over Lake Huron.

US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said intelligence services were exploring all avenues – including the notion that some of the unidentified objects could be linked to extraterrestrials.

These stories have been lost on the public and the whereabouts of one of the metallic craft have now become classified.

People just remember the balloon story — not about the UFOs that were shot down soon after.

I was thinking this was our alien moment — but no, everything was foiled by a Chinese Balloon.

A few days after shooting down the Chinese weather balloon claiming “risks to national security”, Washington decided to deepen its conspiracy theories.

The US government claims that they were monitoring the activities of alleged UFOs in its territory. According to American and Canadian authorities, some of these UFOs would have been shot down in the border region between both countries – however, very suspiciously, the debris of the unknown objects has not been found yet.

The American government has refrained from accusing any country of launching the alleged UFOs, although some propagandists have suggested Chinese involvement.

But again we should not forget the words of General Glen VanHerck — anything was possible — and alien UFOs were not ruled out of the investigation.

They Still aren’t.. but that is last year’s news.

The U.S. military and U.S. Intelligence Community are still trying to sort out the details about the three objects that were shot down in different areas within American and Canadian airspace.

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO. has remained silent on the matter and has distanced itself from the ongoing investigation This is both conspicuous and curious since this office was created specifically to focus on issues relating to UAPs.

The objects that were being observed were metallic cylindrical objects.

The whole story is now classified.

Yesterday, I barely missed another alien moment as murmurs in Washington were dropping hints that there may be an extraterrestrial security threat that was headed for the United States.

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner announced that there was an immediate national security threat to the United States.

Now mind you, there was no real specification as to what an immediate threat was — and there were many taking to social media believing that this threat was either an alien invasion or possibly an asteroid heading to Earth.

“Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat,” Turner said.

“I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.”

Turner’s cryptic statement is a rare example of a top House official calling for the president to declassify information about an ongoing threat.

So If he says it — it has to be big. There was panic in Washington.

House Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters there is “no need for public alarm” about the threat, adding, “Steady hands are at the wheel, we’re working on it.”

The speculation was daunting — Is there a nuclear launch? are there terrorists at the border? Are extraterrestrials invading?

These were all different thoughts — but as the unthinkable was rolling in the heads of politicians in Washington — it all was silenced by the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs parade.

This story broke and the panic from Washington took a back seat.

Panic and tragedy in Kansas City as gunmen opened fire at Union Station killing one and injuring 22 more, most were children.

Kansas City radio station KKFI reported that one of its DJs, Lisa Lopez, host of Taste of Tejano, died in the shooting.

As I was watching coverage of the shootings — I noticed that the media had to do double duty as they wanted to find answers about the shooting and at the same time get information about the security threat against the United States.

It was later revealed that this immediate threat had to do with the possibility that Russia had Space-based nuclear weapons.

I thought, “What?”

Two sources familiar with deliberations on Capitol Hill said the intelligence has to do with Russia wanting to put a nuclear weapon into space.

That seemed odd as I thought we already knew that both Russia and China were building their hypersonic capabilities, their direct energy weapons, and their satellite weaponry.

With all that was going on — it seemed like something was badly timed — or that either one of the events, the Kansas City Shooting and the National security panic were badly times distractions.

But the question is which one and was the real National security threat extraterrestrial?

In a way, it was — but not in that Independence Day sort of way.

It was more like a Sputnik moment where someone pushed the panic button over Russian space weaponry. Something that I thought everyone knew about.

In 1957, the sense of security the United States had come to accept after America’s victory in World War II had drastically changed.

The NBC radio broadcast on the night of Oct. 4 told its audience, “Listen now… for the sound that forevermore separates the old from the new,” as the sound of the Sputnik satellite came through the airwaves.

This moment didn’t just signify a groundbreaking technological achievement with the launch of the first satellite into orbit. It also conveyed to the rest of the world the Soviet Union was outpacing the United States technologically a decade into the Cold War.

It posed a major security threat to the United States — in fact, the announcement of Sputnik struck fear in the hearts of Americans and fortified the paranoia of possible nuclear warheads in space or the possible relationship between Russia and men from Mars.

Stephen King in his short Story “Danse Macabre” related that when he was a child of the 1950’s he remembered that while he was attending a movie the screen suddenly went dark. The manager of the theater walked to the front of the auditorium. With an ashen face and tears in his eyes, he told the crowd that the Soviet Union had just launched Sputnik.

The dread of this announcement would not even be felt today, however back then it was devastating because many people knew what this meant. It meant that the Russians now had the power to not only put satellites into space, but perhaps nuclear weapons would be next.

It was a sign back then that the world was being undone, unraveling like thread around a spool. The paranoia at the time was fertile ground for horrific tales of aliens, and nuclear annihilation from space.

Now the ante has been raised and while the aliens still haunt us with the stories of Roswell and the Betty and Barney Hill abduction, the thought of an outer space we can’t control and a battle in space that will most likely destroy the Earth is something that seems to be inevitable.

Representative Mike Turner, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement yesterday that his panel had “made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat.

Turner said:

“I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat,”

Lawmakers arrived at the committee space throughout the afternoon to view the raw intelligence for Turner’s warning, inside a secure facility in the basement at the Capitol.

A letter sent to members of Congress from Turner and Himes, obtained by ABC News, indicated the threat is linked to “a destabilizing foreign military capability that should be known by all Congressional Policy Makers.”

The White House’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan said at Wednesday’s press briefing that he had already scheduled a classified meeting with congressional leadership before Turner’s request.

Sullivan was pressed several times by reporters about the intelligence request, but he declined to specifically say if Thursday’s meeting will be to discuss the reported threat.

He also declined to provide further details about it beyond saying that, broadly, “Americans understand that there are a range of threats and challenges in the world that we are dealing with every single day,” such as terrorism.

“I am confident that President Biden, in the decisions that he is taking, is going to ensure the security of the American people,” Sullivan said.

It seemed that there was a hell of a lot of Damage control being done — after all Turner wanted this information declassified –and yet I am of the understanding that many of the American people already know of Russian capabilities.

As they continued to call for calm — would anyone fall into complete panic over what we already have suspected?

When the first few Starlink satellites were launched, it was a novelty to spot them, but that quickly changed as their numbers multiplied into the hundreds and thousands.

Consider this: since the Soviet Union sent up its first Sputnik satellite in 1957, about 13,600 satellites have been launched into orbit by state and private entities, of which about 6,700 are still active. SpaceX already controls nearly half of them and is pushing for many more. It has plans to deploy 12,000 satellites by 2026, but that could eventually expand to a total of 42,000.

At the moment they are being used for war –and Ukraine uses them for internet in the trenches. Something that both the Chinese and Russians could target in a space conflict.

This means that any UFO could be a threat to national security. Whether it be a killer satellite, a spy balloon, a nuclear warhead or aliens wanting a war of the world scenario.

This is the loveliest sort of uncertainty because it exists at a distance that allows us to make it whatever we want, whenever we want before we retreat to the stability of our everyday existences here on this planet.

It is easy to see why some people suspected that the supposed threat was aliens — well it was from space –and so this is how conspiracy theories start.

A lot of people probably are unaware that this happened, again because immediately the gunfire in Union Station was an opportunity for the media to exploit it and use it for their political strategies against the Second Amendment.

I am not diminishing the tragedy — only this appears to be a case of bad timing — or an immediate distraction with a mass shooting that most Americans are numb too.

The Space war has been in the planning for many years now and it probably has been secretly constructed after the proposed SDI or Star wars Program.

While there is very little known about the American secret space race, the Russians have had many stories spun about its various weapons platforms, many of them nicknamed Soviet Death Stars. One of the more threatening space platforms using the Energia Boosters was the Polyus.

The Polyus spacecraft, also known as Polus, Skif-DM, or 17F19DM, was a prototype orbital weapons platform designed to defend against anti-satellite weapons with recoilless cannons. It also was capable of deploying nuclear mines in space. It was a laser space combat station launched in 1985.

Now this space platform allegedly plunged to Earth — but there have never been reports of a recovery mission.

That is of course the U.S. Navy never reported or documented an attempt. The station was painted black to give it stealth capabilities. The question is could we see something like that with telescopes? Could this platform be in space now—were we lied to about the programs?

Although the United States is a founding member of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and is a signatory to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty banning orbital nuclear weapons, international treaties and agreements are so many worthless scraps of paper to be tossed aside when it inconveniences the fight for New World order supremacy.

There has always been a strategy for a war in heaven.

President Vladimir Putin hailed new missiles in Russia’s military arsenals but emphasized that the country would only use its nuclear weapons in response to an incoming missile attack.

But he used a term that stuck with me and as Putin has expanded his cause to that of some maniacal spirituality he claims that that such a conflict would end in Russians going “to heaven as martyrs.”

Putin has taken this war to a religious and spiritual level and the religious clerics have commented that this is an indication that perhaps they are dealing with something far more sinister– something that appears to be a biblical assault.

Citing nuclear exchanges and heavenly martyrdom is very creepy –as we are constantly being told that Putin is insisting on a scorched earth policy but what about Putin’s idea of setting Heaven on fire?

While we have been focused on the ground war between Russia and Ukraine — there have been just as many threats of warfare happening in space.

We knew that this would become an issue, but there is far too much focus on the ground and not enough focus on what can happen if Russia or even China decides to do damage to satellites or even the space station — since until now, Russia has been providing the United States with the resources necessary to maintain mankind’s presence in orbit.

Considering how President Biden and other leaders are describing their current diplomatic relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is unclear how long space agencies such as NASA and the European Space Agency, which includes 22 nations, can keep their working relationships with Russia untarnished by the fallout.

In some ways, NASA has already been disentangling itself from its ties to Russia– but we still have a relationship with them about the International Space Station.

A new film called I.S.S. approaches this issue with some Ice cold possible predictive programming.

The movie takes place entirely aboard the International Space Station, where it eventually becomes the staging ground for a proxy war when a nuclear conflict breaks out between America and Russia.

The premise looks like it could be taken from a Ray Bradbury Short story.

The six-member crew is evenly divided among astronauts and cosmonauts.

All involved try to treat the I.S.S. as a politics-free zone, after all, they are all workers in space and must share the same air.

In the trailer we see breathtaking images of Earth –and then suddenly flashes of red flame begin to shoot out from the planet.

Initially the crew mistakes them as a series of volcanic eruptions– but the unthinkable has happened,

Russia and the United States are engaged in nuclear strikes.

Houston tells the crew that they must seize control of the I.S.S, by any means necessary — and I am sure Russia has told the cosmonauts the same thing,

The question thus becomes who will strike first and whether mutually assured destruction will follow, with every seemingly mundane interaction ratcheting up the tension.

But could tensions in the real world escalate to this level?

Recently a Chinese satellite was observed grabbing another satellite and pulling it out of its normal geosynchronous orbit and into a “super-graveyard drift orbit.”

The maneuver raises questions about the potential applications of these types of satellites designed to maneuver close to other satellites for inspection or manipulation and adds to growing concerns about China’s space program overall.

On January 22, China’s Shijian-21 satellite, or SJ-21, disappeared from its regular position in orbit during daylight hours when observations were difficult to make with optical telescopes. SJ-21 was then observed executing a “large maneuver” to bring it closely alongside another satellite, a dead BeiDou Navigation System satellite.

SJ-21 then pulled the dead satellite out of its normal geosynchronous orbit and placed it a few hundred miles away in what is known as a graveyard orbit. These distant orbits are designated for defunct satellites at the end of their lives and are intended to reduce the risk of collision with those that are valuable operational assets.

The unusual maneuver was observed by telescopes belonging to the commercial space awareness firm Exoanalytic Solutions. During a webinar hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) this week, Exoanalytic Solutions’ Brien Flewelling said the SJ-21 satellite “appears to be functioning as a space tug.” Space Command has been silent on the issue– again it is suspicious that China is making waves in space and we are giving them a pass.

Space Force has been increasingly turning to commercial space companies to provide a variety of data and services to boost its situational awareness, and to that end, Joint Task Force-Space Defense awarded Exoanalytic Solutions a contract in 2021 to provide space domain data.

But the Chinese military researchers have concluded, after studying Russia’s struggles in the Ukraine war as a means to learn lessons for possible future conflict with the United States. They have been secretly preparing possible attacks on both land, sea, and now space.

Chinese military researchers have concluded, that China needs the ability to shoot down low-Earth-orbit Starlink satellites and defend its tanks and helicopters against shoulder-fired Javelin missiles.

It appears to be like a giant real-time version of the arcade game Missile Command.

A review of almost 100 articles in more than 20 defense journals has revealed an effort across China’s military-industrial complex to scrutinize the impact of US weapons and technology in Ukraine that could be deployed against Chinese forces in a possible future conflict.

Some of the Chinese journal articles stress Ukraine’s relevance given the risk of a regional conflict that pits Chinese forces against the US and its allies, possibly over Taiwan.

The Chinese-language journals, which reflect the work of hundreds of Chinese researchers across a network of People’s Liberation Army (PLA)-linked universities, state-owned weapons manufacturers and military intelligence think tanks, are far more candid in their assessments of Russian shortcomings in warfare than China’s official position on Moscow’s war, which it has refrained from criticizing.

Some of the Chinese journal articles stress Ukraine’s relevance given the risk of a regional conflict that pits Chinese forces against the US and its allies, possibly over Taiwan.

Half a dozen papers by PLA researchers highlight Chinese concern at the role of Starlink, which is Elon Musk’s project that many people have seen in the night sky — many reporting it as looking like a giant UFO.

China says that Starlink has been vital in securing the communications of Ukraine’s military amid Russian missile attacks on the country’s power grid.

It is believed that China aims to develop its similar satellite network – to find ways to shoot down or disable Starlink.

Back in 2005, The New York Times reported that General Lance W. Lord, then commander of AFSPC, told an Air Force conference that “space superiority is not our birthright, but it is our destiny. … Space superiority is our day-to-day mission. Space supremacy is our vision for the future.”

And with no public debate whatsoever, new weapons programs spawned in the bowels of the Pentagon’s black budget parallel universe were coming online.

There was speculation that a secret weaponized space program was operating behind the scenes creating the next battlefield.

The National Reconnaissance Office the secretive Defense Department that builds and flies America’s fleet of spy satellites, is ramping up operations for the “most aggressive launch schedule that this organization has undertaken in the last 25 years.

Among the most heavily outsourced American secret state agencies, NRO and its sister organization, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency are preparing the “battlespace” for new imperial adventures. The AllGov website reported Friday that NGA “recently awarded $7.3 billion in contracts for its EnhancedView commercial imagery program, which is intended to yield higher resolution photos of earth targets than what is currently available to the military.”

America’s drive for nuclear- and space superiority excludes any attempt to limit the deployment of new weapons systems anywhere, including space.

You can bet both Russia and China have the same goals — again I thought that this was all academic and that by now the organizing of the Space Force — gave us a major clue as to where the next battles will happen.

More frightening is the fact that we do not know what is above us. We do not know what weapons are there, or what space stations observe us, and what unnatural things are observing us from platforms that have been there for decades.

Think of it the countries that once had treaties banning the militarization of space one can “exploit benefits of democratization of innovation” and find better ways to kill people in the process.


James Ponder was in the Army from 1975 to 1987 as a Missile and Testing officer and Chief Data Officer. He was privy to Soviet tactics and strategies, Russian and Warsaw Pact equipment, and specialized in their nuclear and space systems as well as their deployment of forces.  In 2011, he was taught that the Iranian government-based cyber attackers were branching into all fields of attacks on Western sites (esp. US, UK, and Israel), including logic bombs, DDoS attacks, hidden malware, and ransomware. James is a co-founder of EMP Survival Systems.

Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 11 comments.

  1. MaygerSarge

    February 15, 2024 at 4:39 pm

    OMG, Putin could DEW a town not approved by the Cabal! And blue roofs might not protect the VIPs!

    • SARGE

      February 15, 2024 at 5:55 pm


      • SARGE

        February 15, 2024 at 6:03 pm


  2. Pat

    February 16, 2024 at 2:22 pm

    Possible firefight in the space station? Russia versus US takeover of the station? Take care and enjoy life is way too short.

  3. Jimbo

    February 16, 2024 at 8:39 pm

    >>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<

    This is one of the most shocking pieces of citizen journalism that has ever been produced. Robert Brame, a forensic arborist (a tree expert who specializes in analyzing forest fires, infestations, and other causes of tree decline or destruction) notices certain unusual features of the extensive forest fires in California and decides to personally investigate. His findings are beyond belief – yet, the evidence is undeniable: 90% of them were not forest fires at all. They were caused by something that "boiled" water, "melted" metal and glass, "burned" cars and trucks nowhere near anything to set them on fire, burned houses to the ground, and yet "left trees standing" everywhere. His conclusion, shocking as it may be, is that the only thing that could create these anomalies, is a "directed-energy" weapon, like those known to have been developed by the US and Chinese military. Seeing the evidence is believing. (Source: 2023 Aug 12 Source: Red Pill University.)

  4. Jimbo

    February 17, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    >>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<

    This is one of the most shocking pieces of citizen journalism that has ever been produced. Robert Brame, a forensic arborist tree expert (specializing in analyzing forest fires, infestations, and other causes of tree decline or destruction) notices certain unusual features of the extensive forest fires in California and decides to personally investigate. His findings are beyond belief – yet, the evidence is undeniable: 90% of them were not forest fires at all. They were caused by something that "boiled" water, "melted" metal and glass, "burned" cars and trucks nowhere near anything to set them on fire, burned houses to the ground, and yet "left trees standing" everywhere. His conclusion, shocking as it may be, is that the only thing that could create these anomalies, is a "directed-energy" weapon, like those known to have been developed by the US and Chinese military. Seeing the evidence is believing. (Source: 2023 Aug 12, Red Pill University)

  5. Jimbo

    February 18, 2024 at 9:24 am

    >>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<

    This is one of the most shocking pieces of citizen journalism that has ever been produced. Robert Brame, a forensic arborist tree expert (specializing in analyzing forest fires, infestations, and other causes of tree decline or destruction) notices certain unusual features of the extensive forest fires in California and decides to personally investigate. His findings are beyond belief – yet, the evidence is undeniable: 90% of them were not forest fires at all. They were caused by something that "boiled" water, "melted" metal and glass, "burned" cars and trucks nowhere near anything to set them on fire, burned houses to the ground, and yet "left trees standing" everywhere. His conclusion, shocking as it may be, is that the only thing that could create these anomalies, is a "directed-energy" weapon, like those known to have been developed by the US and Chinese military. Seeing the evidence is believing. (Source: 2023, Red Pill University)

  6. Jimbo

    February 18, 2024 at 9:52 am

    Orbiting solar(nuclear)-powered microwave satellite transmission stations have been long proposed as “best” way to harness above atmosphere unattenuated sun power, then narrow beam it to ground receivers adding into Grid. It appears this may have already been done and weaponized or horribly malfunctioned..

    > <

    One of the most shocking pieces of citizen journalism ever been produced, Robert Brame a forensic arborist tree expert specializing in analyzing forest fires and other causes of tree decline or destruction, noticed certain "unusual features" of California's extensive forest fires after he decided to personally investigate. His findings are astounding, yet the evidence is undeniable: 90% were not forest fires at all being caused by something that "boiled" water, "melted" metal and glass, "burned" cars and trucks nowhere near anything to set them on fire and burned houses to the ground yet "left trees standing" everywhere! His conclusion shocking as it may be, is the only thing that could create such anomalies is a "directed-energy" weapon, like those known to have been developed by the US, Chinese, or Russian military. Seeing this evidence first hand is believing. (2023, Red Pill University)

  7. Jimbo

    February 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    Robert Brame, a forensic arborist tree expert specializing in analyzing forest fires, infestations, and other causes of tree decline or destruction notices certain unusual features of the extensive forest fires in California and decides to personally investigate in one of the most shocking pieces of citizen journalism ever produced. His findings are beyond belief, yet the evidence is undeniable: 90% were not forest fires at all. They were caused by something that boiled water, “melted” metal and glass, “burned” cars and trucks nowhere near anything to set them on fire, burned houses to the ground. And yet, “left trees standing” everywhere. His conclusion shocking as it may be, is the only thing that could create such anomalies is a “directed-energy” weapon, like those believed to have been developed by the US , Chinese, and/or Russian militaries.

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