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Ron Patton | December 12, 2022

Power plants and substations in several US states have been threatened or attacked in recent weeks, prompting US law enforcement and energy experts to warn citizens about the need to secure the power grid, especially as domestic terrorists become even more emboldened to gamble with the country’s public services. Demonstrating breaches of security and flaws in the grid through false flag terrorism would be a great motivator to get people to accept higher taxes in order to beef up the grid for nuclear, solar, and wind.  Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with filmmaker, David Tice about HOW TO KILL-O-WATT.





In today’s modern society, we’ve come to rely almost implicitly on having a dependable source of power. When power fails, it causes utter and complete chaos for those not fortunate enough to have had the foresight to prepare.

This is why it is alarming to report that power plants and substations in several US states have been threatened or attacked in recent weeks, prompting US law enforcement to warn citizens about the need to secure the power grid..

At least five attacks on electrical substations in the Pacific Northwest have been reported to the FBI in recent weeks.

The incidents come to light in a federal memo following a deliberate attack last week in Moore County, North Carolina, that left tens of thousands of people without power for days as seasonal temperatures plummeted.

In the state of Washington and Oregon, spokespersons for several energy companies – Puget Sound Energy, the Cowlitz County Public Service District and the Bonneville Power Administration – confirmed that the attacks occurred in November.

A federal law enforcement memo revealed that substations in the Pacific Northwest have described attacks with “hand tools, arson, firearms and metal chains, possibly in response to an online call for attacks on critical infrastructure.

In recent attacks, criminals circumvented security fences by cutting fence links, lighting nearby fires, shooting equipment from a distance, or throwing objects over the fence and onto the equipment.

In North Carolina, tens of thousands of homes and businesses in Moore County,

At its peak, the outages affected around 45,000 homes, causing residents to lose heat and schools to close. Duke Energy has now completed the repairs and restored power to all but a fraction of those who lost power.

One person is known to have died at his home, which had no power at the time, but the cause of death has yet to be linked to the blackout.

Gunshots caused significant damage to two substations.

Although experts warn that it would be difficult to shut down a significant portion of the power grid, the recent attack in North Carolina showed how difficult it can be for a community to get by without power for the better part of a week.

Energy experts have expressed the real need to secure the country’s power grid, especially as domestic terrorists become even more emboldened to gamble with the country’s public services.

The US Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis warned earlier this year that domestic extremists “have developed credible and specific plans to attack electrical infrastructure since at least 2020.

But this was first mentioned in a tabletop exercise that the Wall Street Journal reported in 2014 but this study was not released to the public citing national security reasons.

If it became too well known — it would have been seen as synchronicity if someone sabotaged the grid after a report in one of the major news sources was revealed.

This would be some very important predictive programming, wouldn’t it?

The Revelation of the Method on how to kill a watt or two or even thousands of them.

I was speaking briefly the other night about the Revelation of the Method and how the powers that be often carry out all sorts of exercises to indicate what may or may not be coming down the pipeline in the future.

The Revelation of the Method is an occult ritual, specifically a suggested “psychodrama.” When the Cryptocracy commits major crimes or wishes to conduct a false flag operation they will broadcast their intentions in advance, through popular movies and television. Since the advent of COVID-19, we have learned that they also conduct Gain of Function exercises and hold meetings that simulate the release of a pathogen, and the speculative totals of who will die and who will live.

Then when the pathogen is released — they have an idea of what to expect — this is what happened when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum carried out Event 201, where the world elite was told to prepare for an outbreak before it was declared in March 6 months later.

In March of 2014 a study, not released was cited by the Wall Street Journal. The source of the study was the federal government and is believed to be in response to a sniper attack, a coordinated sniper attack at a power station in California. Some experts believe the attack was a “probe” of the system to find vulnerabilities and see what the response would be.

This was a kind of Gain of Function exercise to determine what would happen if someone tried to sabotage the power grid with something as simple as a gun or a bomb.

A small bomb or even a sniper firing a gun at a substation or high-tension wire that is vital to the grid could bring down one of the three systems that provide power to your home.

The unreleased study goes on to say that coordinated attacks on the three grids as described earlier would disrupt power to nine of the nation’s 55,000 electrical substations. This according to the study would cause a nationwide blackout.

Obviously, any number of things could shut down the entire nation. How likely are they to happen, however? What is likely however is a series of attacks, and thus failures that will ripple through all three of the grids causing an entire shutdown eventually.

If you realized something has happened to the grid in Texas, for example, and you live on the East Coast you would realize your grid could or would fail ultimately.

This is like the plot of Star Wars and how to take down the death star. A strategic bomb or volley of bullets hitting the right targets could cause a chain reaction causing a number of the grids and substations to fail.

It is not hyperbole to state that if all three grids fail that the lights would be out for an extended period, years perhaps. The grid for all practical purposes is not protected, regulated properly nor is it maintained properly. All this along with hackers, rogue nations, and terrorists all add up to a grid failure of all three at some point in your life, a failure that could last for years.

For the majority of the time, the Continental United States has nonchalantly taken for granted that the great power machine known as the grid won’t fail us. There are little inconveniences like power outages from a transformer that may have short-circuited because of an unforeseen circumstance. We always hope that a lineman or electrician will be there to restore our sense of entitlement so that we can get on with our day.

Take away that comfortable necessity and the United States turns into a land mass that becomes quite literally an obstacle of big trees, huge rivers that need to be crossed, rugged mountains, deserts and plains that become disconnected with terrified people that realize that they are alone and desperate when the night falls.

We all know our ancestors dealt with all that in the past, but they had to struggle before they found that time when conveniences could be had. With all of the power and the geniuses who were able to connect us all, we won over the perils of primitive life.

Nearly two decades of the 21st century have gone by and the things we take for granted have multiplied way beyond the ability of any of us to understand in a lifetime. The things around us, the man-made inventions we provide ourselves with, are like a vast network each part of which is interdependent with all the others. Change anything in that network, and the effects spread like ripples in a pond. And all the things in that network have become so specialized that only the people involved in making them understand them.

We all live in cities and small towns that have technologies and innovations that we take for granted – most of us know that they work for us, but we don’t know how they work for us. Without these innovations and technologies, our houses become more like boxes. Our lives revolve around supplies and technologies that magically come to life from the outside.

The entire world is a massive structured box that relies on power supplies from the outside. Without those supplies, the entire massive Box and the teeming millions it encloses would die.

The pace of our lives in our particular box is set by the pace of the technology that serves it.

If the power is cut from our urban sprawl – our little box – namely the place we occupy becomes useless. In the bigger picture what is outside the box can be hostile.

It has been reported countless times America is unraveling and many people are curious as to when we will reach our breaking point.

There are various triggers that I am sure can be used to bring us to that point –and one of the major ways to actually create a strategy of tension is to limit resources, especially electrical power.

Believe it or not, areas that want to practice “New Green Deal” policies suggest just that. They are suggesting that they pull the plug on customers in order to reduce or eliminate the carbon footprint –while extolling the virtue of electric cars and nuclear power.

The truth is that we will not, nor will we ever be ready to convert to a fully electric system.

The technocrats –the biggest threat to their power now is, of course, climate change deniers and the conspiracy is whether or not intentional power shutdowns are being implemented to remind us of how vulnerable we are to the old legacy systems of high-tension wires and substations.

The utility industries are pushing for transformation, as it were, in infrastructure design, including efforts to make the “edges” of the grid more resilient and redundant.

But those plans are similarly snared in the traps of outdated investment and regulation. Worse still, the same climatological, economic, and political instabilities that help increase the likelihood of electrical-grid collapse might also increase the risk of deliberate attacks to the grid.

Most power companies see that the biggest threat would be a cyber security breach but they also gave warning years ago that an intentional terrorist attack on the grid or substation could knock out power in major cities when strategic areas of the grid are destroyed by a bombing or even gunfire.

When grid equipment is damaged, power restoration is difficult; full power restoration in the near term may be impossible.

It is a system — that can be seen as fragile and at the same time it is an intricate synchronous operation.

According to statistics provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Continental U.S. power transmission grid consists of about 300,000 kilometers of lines operated by approximately 500 companies.

Here in the United States, we do not have a single power grid, there are actually three power grids operating in the 48 contiguous states. The first one is the Eastern Interconnected System for states east of the Rocky Mountains. The second one is the Western Interconnected System, from the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountain States.

The third one is the Texas Interconnected System. The systems, as a rule, operate independently of each other.

If one grid fails this does not mean the others necessarily will, but there is a domino effect because one of the three grids would try to meet the greater demand, because of the failure of one. This may result in a failure of the grids attempting to meet the demand.

The entire system is administered under mandatory procedures set up by the electric power industry’s new electricity reliability organization (the North American Electric Reliability Corporation). The corporation has oversight provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. Department of Energy).

The system is now called an interlinked system, which includes over 3,200 electric distribution utilities with 10,000 plus generating units and there are tens of thousands of miles of transmission and distribution lines that supply power to millions of customers.

In 2018, the Department of Homeland Security announced that Russian hackers had hijacked the control rooms of various electric utilities. This allowed the hackers to disrupt power flows and cause blackouts.

Rather alarmingly, the DHS conceded that the attacks had been occurring since 2016, the same year the Russians started attacking Ukraine’s grid. Although the Russians have strenuously denied the attack, such denials appear to conflict with reality.

As tensions between Russia and the United States escalate, and tensions between China, another hacker-friendly country, intensify, expect more disruptions to the grid.

This concern of course is based on sophisticated hacking and not domestic terror attacks that can cripple power plants and substations.

Not to mention the strain on the grid when we are forced into driving and maintaining electric vehicles.

By 2025, the United States will have more than 20 million EVs on its roads. By 2030, according to Bloomberg, more than half of car sales will be electric. The strain is increasing, and power grids are ill-equipped to shoulder the load.

If Bloomberg’s projection proves to be correct, then, as the researchers note, it will take 5.4 gigawatts of energy storage to charge EVs. To put 5.4 gigawatts into perspective, one nuclear power plant produces 1 gigawatt of energy. The United States currently has 55 power plants.

To facilitate the new EV revolution, the United States requires many more. Considering California, the largest state in the country, has moved to ban the sale of gas-powered cars, and other states are considering introducing similar measures, the United States needs to get a move on. Time is very much of the essence.

The grid will be tested again. With California’s desire to push the sales of EVs, the next test could prove to be an unmitigated disaster. Energy is a finite resource, a fact that seems to be lost on so many EV enthusiasts.

In truth, the nation’s power grid is already on its last legs. It has been for years. In a sobering piece for Smithsonian Magazine, Dr. Massoud Amin, a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Minnesota, explained the many ways in which the country’s power grid, “the most complex” one ever assembled, could fail. The grid, he wrote, “underpins our economy, our quality of life, our society.” Without it, society will be brought to a screeching halt. Crime will rise. Lives will be lost. Chaos will reign supreme.

By 2025, according to the American Society for Civil Engineers, the inability of the United States to maintain its many power lines will cost the country dearly—$130 billion, to be exact. EVs, so often hailed as the best thing since sliced bread, come with a whole host of sizable problems.

It looks like, demonstrating breaches of security and flaws in the grid through false flag terrorism would be a great motivator to get the people to accept higher taxes in order to beef up the grid for nuclear, solar, and wind.

This way the legacy system we depend on, will be retooled to support the energy-sucking of EVs.

Even if the United States does somehow manage to install enough ports, the grid simply isn’t strong enough to support the battery-related demands. This is a point that needs to be emphasized, repeatedly and unapologetically.

Yes, tabletop studies have said that hackers from Russia and China are a threat but all it takes is some hunter accidentally taking down a power line — or some sniper domestic or foreign shooting at a substation to create a domino effect and shutting down a portion of the country.

We must not lose sight of the bigger picture, the objective realities that stare us straight in the face.



Texas filmmaker David Tice just finished a shocking, but hopeful documentary titled, Grid Down Power Up, detailing the enormous threats to the power grid and the failure at many levels to deal with them. The film, narrated by Dennis Quaid, features some of the leading experts on the nation’s infrastructure. His website is


Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 8 comments.

  1. Lawrence Hill

    December 12, 2022 at 8:37 pm

    Early 70s New World Liberation Front attempts to blow up high tension power line tower, in San Francisco region.

  2. John Weiner

    December 12, 2022 at 9:10 pm

    Back in 2015, or 16, I remember hearing of a scientist who testified before congress, and I have heard has since died , that it would be a good idea to bury our power lines under ground to protect us against an EMP attack from a nuclear attack or another Carrington event, and that it would only cost a few billioion dollars ; but as for electric vehicles, I think I would have to take a pass on those until they work out all that stalling I noticed them doing at stop signs and red lights.

  3. Greg

    December 13, 2022 at 4:42 am

    Sometimes the movie Southland tales comes to mind. In that movie the source of energy comes from generators in the ocean that are powered by waves. But they cause major problems by slowing the ocean currents. I have wondered if too many solar panels or windmills could have a bad effect on the planet. Too many solar panels absorbing sun rays that the earth needs or too many windmills slowing the path of wind. Many things in our technological civilization could have extremely horrible effects on our planet that we dont know about. Everything here is bombarded by electromagnetic radiation from artificial sources.

  4. Greg

    December 13, 2022 at 5:09 am

    I have read that electric vehicles give off more radiation than gas powered vehicles. Its like a phone on steroids. We could find out years from now that they were a bad idea. And the government could say no one can drive anymore. We might even go back to steam power.

  5. Jimbo

    December 13, 2022 at 2:40 pm

    Attacking the US Grid could be a surreptitious false-flag method to actually promote more “local” electric generation, namely distributed solar panel arrays. Remember all the Dem leadership investment in China’s solar manufacturing?

    However, solar panels are far from impervious to high energy EMP/CME X-Class events. Solar electric panels are made from “semi”conductors, which have an internal resistance to current flow.

    The product of current (” i “)squared x resistance (“R”), defines Joule Heat. Solar panels combust when sufficiently overheated. There use to be online photo gallery of burned up roof top solar panels on Silicon Valley corporations, since taken down.

    While conventional panels convert around a yellow light wavelength down to a lower (Planck constant) limiting infra-red, they intrinsically absorb rather than reflect higher energy wavelengths -which convert to heat. Solar panel efficiency measurably decreases as ambient temperature increases..

    Since it is not possible to lab test a panel by an EMP or Carrington CME event, and because panels also conduct, they are separately susceptible to induced high energy Faraday currents.

    The solar energizer rabbit will either (likely) be killed outright, or have a dramatic power loss.

    Is it easier quicker to replace entire debilitated solar panel arrays, or to replace blown power lines?

    Those large capacity transformers must of course BE PROTECTED by circuit breaker and Faraday cage. — G.E. Griffin has a video documentary available on this topic,

    ” OFFLINE “

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