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Ron Patton | January 6, 2023

The conjurers of the Moonchildren and Homunculi knew that the Secret Chiefs could be programmed to be servants of their bidding as an avatar could be raised to be a Changeling who then could be groomed to be a leader, a king, or a president. All work in the transference of a profane entity to the fetus is the ultimate sin. The army of possessed souls now can be a reality in the hands of social engineers and operators of the dark arts. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with occult researcher, Nathaniel Gillis about CIPHER OF GENESIS – THE TRANSHUMAN MOON CHILD.






In order for you to grasp what the elite believe you may have to brace yourself for thoughts and ideas that are considered to be unnatural.

Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy – and you may even believe it – but, in fact, your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs. They may be called Deep State, Illuminati, or simply the Beast, or anything else obscure or untraceable, it doesn’t matter. They are less than the 1%.

For lack of a better expression, let’s call them for now “obscure individuals”. These obscure individuals who pretend running our world have never been elected. We don’t need to name them.

You already know who they are. They are the same people that polish their medals and sharpen their smiles.  They are the rich and the powerful who insist you do as they say as they go to island getaways with underaged girls and boys.

They have created structures, or organisms without any legal format. They are fully out of international legality. They are a forefront for the Beast. Maybe there are several competing Beasts. But they have the same objective: A New or One World Order.

The supremacy of these obscure unelected individuals becomes ever more exposed. We, the People, consider it “normal” that they call the shots, not what we call – or once were proud of calling, our sovereign nations and sovereignly elected governments. They have become a herd of obedient sheep. The Beast has gradually and quietly taken over. We haven’t noticed. It’s the salami tactic: You cut off slice by tiny slice and when the salami is gone, you realize that you have nothing left, that your freedom, your civil and human rights are gone. By then it’s too late.

They have put some of us in a trancelike state – using all of the tricks of the darkest magicians in the supernatural order.

The supernatural order when realized paves the way to answer the questions of the natural order even the nature of chaos and all that it entails.

I have stated several times in the history of my shows that while we all have our various beliefs we cling to, carious religious denominations we want to identify with; there is spirituality beyond the norms of general society that is practiced among the elite.

This spirituality is a dark ritualistic pantheon that some may consider to be Luciferian or Satanic.

However there are even factions of paganism even contemporary Satanism that will not touch or even put into practice this ritualistic form of black magic.

I have been pointing out lately the patterns and symbolism that have led me on the path of synchromystism.

You may think this is paranoia on my part — but it may be a bit of programmed paranoia that illustrates that the mind is capable of paternising itself into seeing important synchronicities and how all things happen with timing and with some patience.

Names and numbers have triggered a chilling template that something dark and sinister is in control, that even evil has a perverted intelligence behind it.

The chaotic 23 may not convince you, but the unlucky 13 registers in many minds along with 666 as the mark of the beast.

Numbers are simple codes and structures within the machine.

In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same in both males and females. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females.

We are now in a world where the 23rd pair is being put into question.

The 23rd pair of chromosomes are two special chromosomes, X and Y, that determine our sex. Females have a pair of X chromosomes 46, XX, whereas males have one X and one Y chromosomes 46, XY.

Given that it is becoming more and more common to see some men identity as women and some women identify as men, surely people who hold to this ideology can tell us what a woman is. It turns out that they can’t.

It is that 23rd pair that is the most controversial these days because no questions or challenges to transgender ideology is allowed.

Yet we are condemned if we don’t understand.

This ideology has turned into a science experiment on vulnerable children. Children are being made into adults before their time and Grown ups are becoming more infantilized.

One has to only think of what the name Lady GaGa means, I love her music but her name says it all.

When children realize how big businesses are controlling their childhood, their rebellious sense of being exploited connects with their instinct for safety and self-respect.

The commercial pressures descending on our children through relentless direct marketing, radically bypassing parental authority, are at a fever pitch.

It will take more than studies by nutritionists and health specialists, more than congressional hearings, more than repeated findings about harm to physical and mental health to make real changes.

It is only amount of time where children will be programmed into sexless ciphers — where the 23rd Chromosome pair mean nothing,

Companies with children’s marketing continue to pitch junk food, sugary soft drinks, violent video programming and other damaging products that result in obesity, child diabetes, serious mental anguish and other ailments.

More apps are fashioned to elicit more personal privacy-invading data from these children for the purpose of increasing targeted sales and internet-connected screen time.

The more you dig the more you learn that there isn’t just a good or an evil, there is also denial of the light, a sociopathic denial of all responsibility to mankind.

In a book titled The Cipher of Genesis by Carlo Suares we are told that the Kabbalah is a means to decipher ancient scripture. In this book we find that “woman does not issue from a rib of Adam; she is not called Eve; she does not disobey; there is no question of sin.”

These notions would obviously not sit well with those who insist that the path to salvation is to go to their church every week. What is perhaps even more profound in the Cipher is a totally different interpretation of man’s origin and purpose.

We learn how the universe is made and how the Elohimic seed is a primitive, coarse, brutal human substance, hopelessly incapable of reconditioning itself and knowing the true nature of God and his language of sacred mathematics.

We learn from the kabala that there are many known names of God and each name has a corresponding number or “mark” to signify which God.  There is the true name of God, the covenant and promise.  There are also the three covenants of demonic trinity, Satan, the antichrist and the false prophet.

All of this information is found in biblical texts.  In the book of the Apocalypse the act of magically conjuring a God or using magic to raise a demon is outlined clearly.

None of what I am telling you is made up for effect.  It is written that there will be a time where only the elect will create an externalized God or savior to be with them.

The great secret held by the elite is in the utterance of God the Divine, God the adversary and God as the one divine adversary.   This also indicates the secret that God has duality like his human creation.

We must find balance in our duality.  But as humans we become marked and beastly.   More profane than divine. We are told that the mark prepared for us is the mark of the beast however there is n even deeper mark that perverts and reconfigures the human shell of the soul and that is the profane Qliphoth.

It represents the evil twin, the doppelganger, the Moonchild.

It can be compared to a sexless sylph like the Homunculus

There have been many attempts to create the Moonchild, The Moonchild is considered a perversion to God and some even call the Moonchild the antichrist. The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus.

The idea of the Moonchild is that with the practice of black magic, a perfected  soul can be captured. Aleister Crowley wrote the book “Moonchild” and among the dark passages we read:

“To produce a man who should not be bound up in his heredity, and should have the environment which they desired for him.”

We all are concerned with the improprieties of science, producing the physical Frankenstein, however beyond biology there are magicians who are more than capable of transferring a spirit or soul into the body of a fetus creating a Homunculus.

The future holds that spirit of females can occupy bodies of males and male souls can also be welcomed into female moon children.

They are the ciphers of a new genesis or gen-gnosis

This is the true nature of playing God and violating the natural laws.

We tend to think that the body is the sacred temple that should not be tampered with, however it is the cognitive liberty and holding the soul captive. This is far more profane and has resulted in the possession of many human forms.

The magical work upon which this is based is said to be derived from Francis Bacon, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus who were all reported in occult circles to have captured souls and placed them into brass statues.

The Hittites, the people of Asia Minor and Syria have long sought the ability to find alien entities and place them ritualistically into human containers in order to create a superman and superwoman.

The Nazis were also very much into creating a super soldier or a super human that would be capable of reaching Godhood and divinity.

Many secret orders within the Nazi stronghold were allegedly in contact with beings known as the Vril. Many of these beings were able to teach Nazi scientists how to build exotic weapons including aerospace and saucer technologies that some say were back engineered in order to give us the military might that we have now.

The pilots of these unknown craft were actually the equivalent of moonchildren or homunculi.

These sylph like beings were frail, grey and without features. They only appeared human, however remaining more alien in form.

They were avatars for spirits that were conjured from the darker realms of the ether.

They were forms similar to what Aleister Crowley had contacted and had manifest.  In 1918 Crowley began a series of magickal workings called the Amalantrah Workings in furnished rooms in Central Park West, New York City. These were a performed via Sexual & Ceremonial Magic with the intent to invoke certain “intelligences” to physical manifestation.

During this time a strange being with a large bulbous head appeared to him.  This being he called LAM meaning “the way.”  The being according to Crowley was a homunculus or secret chief that was brought through a “Stargate” or “portal.”

The portal was widened even further with the Babylon working, a ritual to create another  moon child in 1947. John Whiteside Parsons, an Aerospace engineer and L.Ron Hubbard were the magicians who once again performed a sex magic ritual with Marjorie Cameron.

Goetic evocation, the basest form of magick, calls upon these beings to do one’s bidding, catering to the magician’s most carnal desires.

This shadowy practice is for the “intentional conjuration of spiritual beings who are, by definition, Moon Children, Fallen Angels, Evil Spirits and Demons!”

Together both parsons and Hubbard “endeavored to incarnate a physical aspect of Babylon, the Scarlet Woman of the Book of Revelations (17:3-6). They believed that Babylon was the herald of the new Age of Horus, and that Revelations was the understandably negative interpretation by those of the dying Age of Osiris.”

Parsons desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the “Whore of Babylon,” and invest it in a human being. The idea was to create a child in the spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it into a human womb.

When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babylon and literally be the incarnate antichrist. These practices were the first attempts at spiritual transference into the fetus of the unborn. It was done in order to create a Qliphoth or perversion of the divine, an abomination to God,

Parsons died in a lab accident in 1952. Parsons was memorialized with a statue at JPL and also had a crater named after him on the Dark side of the moon. How appropriate that a dark magician who was trying to conjure a moon child through transference of spirit would have a crater of the moon named after him.

With experiment and ritual the idea of consciousness being transferred from body to body, and the idea of spirit transference to the fetus is not something out of science fiction.  Artificial intelligence and the rite of spirit replacement maybe more of a reality than once thought.

The conjurers of the Moonchildren and homunculi knew that the secret chiefs could be programmed to be servants of their bidding and an avatar can be raised to be a changeling and that changeling could be groomed to be a leader, or even a king or president.

At the Global Future 2045 International Congress held in Moscow, Dmitry Itskov told attendees that he wanted to create immortality.

His first project is a robot controlled by the human brain, then he actually will transplant a human brain into a human like robot, and then by replacing the surgical transplant with a method for simply uploading a person’s consciousness into a surrogate robot.

He thinks he can get beyond the first phase–to transplanting a working brain into a robot–in just ten years, putting him on course to achieve his ultimate goal–human consciousness completely disembodied and placed within a holographic host–within 30 years time.

This means that there is a good possibility that within the next 30 years, many people alive today may not have to let their consciousness leave the earth upon death.


The 2045 team is working towards creating an international research center in San Francisco where leading scientists will engage in research and development in the fields of anthropomorphic robotics, living systems modeling and brain and consciousness modeling with the goal of transferring one’s individual consciousness to an artificial carrier and achieving cybernetic immortality.

‘A person with a perfect Avatar will be able to remain part of society.

He guarantees that this will be successful because people don’t want to die.

The project is called Avatar after the James Cameron movie, set far in the future, where human soldiers use mind transfer and cloning technologies to inhabit the bodies of human alien hybrids as they carry out a war against the inhabitants of a distant world.

The next effort of science will be to create a new body for the human being ‘It will have a perfect brain-machine interface to allow control and a human brain life support system so the brain can survive outside the body.

‘The third phase will be to create an artificial human brain,’ he says – a computer environment into which human minds can be uploaded.

His final goal is to upload human minds into holographic bodies.

Itskov says he wants to work with DARPA – the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency in the U.S military.

DARPA is already researching ways for its troops to use their minds to remotely control androids that will take human soldiers’ place on the battlefield. The Pentagon’s hi-tech research arm, has earmarked $7 million for research into the project, also nicknamed Avatar. Since 2015 ‘The Avatar program will develop interfaces and algorithms to enable a soldier to effectively partner with a semi-autonomous bi-pedal machine and allow it to act as the soldier’s surrogate.’

The new monster, if it be controlled may be found in the future where we will witness the evolutionary move to Transhumanism.

A loose definition of Transhumanism is a point in evolution where man becomes something that is beyond human. Transhumanists see the human body as something that can be improved through science and technology.

They also see technology as a means to where we can overcome suffering, aging, loneliness, and involuntary death. Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman.” The symbol for Transhuman is H+ or “Enhanced Human.”

An H+ sperm cell has already been created artificially. it can be used in humans and made from human stem cells it was created outside of the human body in a laboratory. The sperm cells are made from a small sliver of skin.

It raises the possibility of babies being born entirely through artificial means, and even the macabre scenario of long-dead men ‘fathering’ children from beyond the grave.

This means that we are at a point in our evolution where human reproduction is not a purely biological process. Imagine making sperm from the DNA of a dead man.

Or how about making sperm from the DNA of a child? How would that affect us psychologically, socially and ethically? The process could be done in a lab with machines monitoring the embryo as it grows.

With this technology it is feasible to get the same result from the stem cells of an aborted fetus. This would mean that if a woman wanted an abortion she could request that the cells of the unborn fetus to be salvaged, kept in liquid nitrogen, and then used later when the baby could be born at a more convenient time for the mother.

Always remember God is not just the God who is the creator, God is the god of the souls of the earth, From the soul came matter from matter came the progression of the work of the divine. Your life was a gift and what you do with it is your gift to the divine.

All work in the transference of a profane entity to the fetus, is the ultimate sin. It is the handiwork of the darkest of orders.  The army of possessed souls now can be a reality in the hands of social engineers and operators of the dark arts. Ronald Shor, a respected researcher into hypnotism, wrote in the American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 13, 1959, pp. 582-602,

“Only in the fetus can one conceive of an ideally pure trance state, that is, a state in which there is a total absence of a functioning reality-orientation. In the developing organism in utero the first momentary experiences exist concretely, independent of any structured background of experience. The only organization that can take place at first is that which is genetically given. But except for this natural, ontogenetically undeveloped state there is always some degree of structuring.”

So in ritualistic conjuring, the mark of the beast can be invoked before birth and spirits that are not of the divine can be brought forth and placed in the unborn.  This can give them the trait of the Moonchild.

As much as it pains the ultra religious to hear this, it has to be said. There are Issues that will affect us in the near future that the Bible with all of its alleged “divinity” does not address or is incapable of addressing.

The Movie Rosemary’s baby was a movie that attempted to get the message out. However getting the message out about the baby that is the incarnate demon or “Moonchild” had a price associated with it.

Roman Polanski played with the trickster and got burned. At least that is what a lot of people think.

Polanski’s Wife Sharon Tate was murdered along with her unborn child when Charles Manson and his cult followers went on their drug-induced rampage. Although Rosemary’s Baby was released a year before the Manson Family murders, one can argue just how prophetic the movie was. Both Rosemary’s Baby and Tate’s own life run in an eerie parallel.

Rosemary and Tate both had to deal with the media and the paparazzi. Rosemary’s husband is an actor; Sharon Tate’s was a Director.

Both Sharon and Rosemary are Pregnant both women are subjected to the consequences of the Devil, and both Rosemary and Sharon Tate realize that they are both trapped by a cult that kills without conscience.

Towards the movie’s end Rosemary realizes that her husband has made a deal with the Devil.

It is then that she realizes it’s too late.

Demon or alien hybrid, the idea of an incarnate alien force has been the subject of many movies and books. They are mostly considered fantasy or Science fiction.

However their influence speaks volumes.

We now live in a time where dime store mysticism influences many people and there are several cults, and groups that seem to seek out their Gods and in the process find a devil, or a moon child ready to devour them.

There are programmable killers, assassins, pathological leaders and many others that seem to be under the control of some darker force.

We would have to be foolish to believe that there is some genetic marker that influences these killers.  It is beginning to look more like someone is building monsters and conjuring beasts for he sole purpose of ensuring a marketable commodity.

Your fear.



Nathaniel Gillis is a paranormal researcher, demonologist and author. After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel is the founder of Preternatural Epiphenomenal Philosophy. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. He’s often quoted for his concept of the demonic. “The reason they are playing by different rules is because they are playing a different game.” His website is

Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 8 comments.

  1. jennifer brodsky

    January 6, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    hat about moon children. i was born july 1, 1951. you have me thinking/ please respond. lov,jen

  2. Greg

    January 6, 2023 at 6:14 pm

    There was that recent news story about building artificial womb facilities. They could build a clone army like in star wars. That would solve the military’s recruiting problem. And last nights show about 2 popes. They could be like the sith. Pope Francis has voiced many opinions on the star wars movies. I remember him saying the sith weren’t evil enough in the newer trilogy after the first or second one came out. Then rise of skywalker had the emperor back using cloning tech to keep himself alive. Artificial humans may already be among us.

  3. Cathy Dupont

    January 6, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    I remember Robert Anton Wilson writing about Jack Parsons and L.Ron Hubbard doing the infamous Babylon Working and later and impregnating Marjorie Cameron with a Moonchild. (Alister Crowley was furious ! He despised L.Ron Hubbard and was furious that Jack Parsons did such a working unprepared). The Moonchild was “born” in Spirit form.

  4. SARGE

    January 7, 2023 at 8:55 am


  5. Jimbo

    January 10, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    A satanic leading astray with promises of immortality, etc. The reality is we already have eternal existence, it’s just a question of where we’ll spend it: in God’s presence, through a personal acceptance of the atoning work of Christ for us; or, in “outer darkness” -reserved for the Devil and his fallen angels.
    Satan has an orphan spirit, having no father. He wishes to take as many as he can with him into a God-forsaken realm f o r e v e r. The ultimate schizophrenic/narcissist: from a once “perfect in all his ways” Lucifer being possibly the first created, mightiest of the Angelic host. Even the archangel Michael did not reprove directly when contending for the body of Moses saying only, “The Lord rebuke you satan.” -Became hideous (for the sake of his splendor he corrupted himself) and now, stripped by Christ of the key of death by which man was fear enslaved all the days of his life; satan now wants to offer his caricatured substitute of what Christ freely offers to any and all who accept Him: Eternal life in paradise with creator God the father who demonstrated trans-rational love to us while we were yet enemy sinners, making a way for us when there was no way available to us. Hell was everyone’s fate, unless God did something.

    Think about this! what was Christ’s post resurrection body witnessed to be like? The believer’s body will be “like Christ’s,” who retains all His humanity while still being God, forever.

    The “first born” among many brethren.

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