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Ron Patton | January 30, 2024

Transhumanism has scored with the announcement of the first person receiving a brain chip implant connected to Elon Musk’s Neuralink, The cranial device is now called, Telepathy, and Musk is hoping it will be a breakthrough in helping people with disabilities. He said, “It will enable control of your phone or computer and through them, almost any device by just thinking.” Similarly, Dr. Jose Delgado performed experiments with electrodes in the brain of a bull while using a remote control in the 1960s. He believed we needed to “work toward a psychocivilized society” through “synthetic telepathy.”  While this technology may be beneficial to some, it could be a controlling mechanism for many. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Kevin McCairn about PSYCHOCIVILIZED – THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON MUSK.




Today we have been told that mankind has taken its first steps toward a chipped society. Transhumanism has scored with the announcement of the first person to receive a chip, connected to Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

Elon Musk announced the news on X, saying the operation happened on Sunday. Musk said on Monday night tat his startup Neuralink had successfully performed a craniectomy to attach the device to the unnamed person.

He now calls the product Telepathy. He is hoping that this breakthrough will help people with disabilities.

He states that someone with disabilities like Stephen Hawking could now ‘communicate faster than an auctioneer’.

Musk said it will ‘enable control of your phone or computer and through them almost any device, just by thinking’.

It comes less than a year after Neuralink got Food and Drug Administration clearance to operate on humans.

Musk wrote on X on Monday night: ‘The first human received an implant from Neuralink yesterday and is recovering well. Initial results show promising neuron spike detection.

The company aims to implant microchips into the brains of paralyzed people, and allow them to move their bodies using their thoughts.

Details of the patient were not given, but Ashlee Vance, who wrote a 2015 biography, ‘Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future’, wrote in a Bloomberg report that the ideal candidate for Neuralink’s first human trial was ‘an adult under age 40 whose four limbs are paralyzed’.

Vance explained that it would take a ‘couple of hours’ for a surgeon to perform a craniectomy and a further 25 minutes for the chip to be inserted by a robot into the area of the brain that controls the hands, wrists and forearms.

The goal is to show that the device can safely collect useful data from that part of the patient’s brain, a key step in Neuralink’s efforts to convert a person’s thoughts into a range of commands a computer can understand.

The implant would relay this information to a nearby laptop or tablet.

During the human trial, a robot developed by the company will surgically place the implants’ ‘ultra-fine’ threads that help transmit signals in participants’ brains.

After many shortcomings and fatal trials with monkeys — Musk was determined to implant a chip in a human brain. He once stated that Neuralink needed to pick up its pace ‘like the world is coming to an end.’

Safety concerns meant the firm struggled for a while to gain the necessary approval for human trials, particularly with the FDA.

Major issues involved the lithium battery of the device; the possibility of the implant’s wires migrating within the brain; and the challenge of safely extracting the device without damaging brain tissue.

The FDA later granted its approval in May but did not disclose how its initial concerns were resolved.

Despite the controversy, Elon Musk has grand ambitions for Neuralink, saying the company will facilitate speedy surgical insertions of its chip devices to treat conditions such as obesity, autism, depression, and schizophrenia.

It could also allow for web browsing and telepathy. We have reached that point in time that was predicted by Dr. Jose Delgado.

Delgado’s name is a constant on various conspiracy websites dedicated to the topic of mind control– I became familiar with the name after reading very important articles published by Ron Patton in Paranoia magazine.

Delgado saw a future where every phenomenon and person can be connected to another phenomenon and person through the use of synthetic Telepathy.

In 1969 Delgado wrote a book called “Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society,”

It was the seed of various conspiracy theories about chip implantation in the future, and mental controls used by the power elite through a chip implanted in the brain.

t is a disturbing book, because of its photographs of animal experiments and a mad scientist’s take on the triumph of controlling society by remote control. Delgado discusses how we have managed to tame and civilize our surrounding nature. Now it is time to civilize our inner being. Delgado saw himself as being on the verge of a new era where humans will undergo “psycho-civilization” by linking their brains directly to machines.

It appears that Elon Musk has fulfilled Delgado’s prophecy.

It was at Madrid University that Delgado began his research on pain and pleasure as the means of behavior control. After World War II, he became the head of the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Yale’s medical school. In 1966, he became a professor in physiology. By that time, he had further developed the research of the Swiss physiologist and Nobel Prize winner Walter Rudolph Hess who had used electric stimulation to chart how different parts of the brain control different motor functions.

After a series of spectacular experiments on animals in Bermuda, Delgado wrote: “If you insert electrodes directly into the brains of cats and apes, they will behave like electronic toys. A whole series of motor functions can be triggered based on which button the experimenter pushes. This applies to all body parts: front and back paws, the tail, the hind parts, the head, and the ears.”

Using electrostimulation in a group of gibbon apes, Delgado succeeded in dismantling the usual power structure within the group. He gave a female ape with a low ranking a control box connected to electrodes that were implanted in the group’s alpha male, and the female learned to use the box to turn the alpha male on and off at will.

The electrodes were inserted into the ape’s brain and connected to an instrument that Delgado called the stimoceiver. The stimoceiver was an ideal instrument for two-way communication. Researchers could affect and at the same time register activity in the brain. From earlier prototypes where the lab animals were connected with wires, a remote control model was later developed that could send and receive signals over FM waves. The device was developed from the telemetric equipment used to send signals to and from astronauts in space.

Delgado conducted an experiment that stopped a bull dead in its tracks. The experiment was simply a bullfight with an unarmed matador standing in the stadium. The bull started charging at the matador, its horns poised to puncture the poor man’s chest. Delgado pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on the transmitter, and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away.

The bull was obeying commands that were being called forth in his brain by electrical stimulation – by the radio signals – of certain regions in which the fine wires had been painlessly implanted the day before. It was the first example of the deliberate modification of animal behavior through external control of the brain.

Delgado believed that with knowledge of the brain and how to control it, we may transform, direct, and robotize man. He then stated that he thought the greatest danger of all was that in the future there will be roboticized human beings who are not aware that they have been robotized.

Despite continued research in the neurosciences, the complexity of the human brain is far from being understood; however, through several defense department experiments and through various mind control studies carried out by the Nazis and the CIA people’s minds can be controlled in various ways.

However, to go bridge the science of mere programming, genomics and nanotech are being used to roboticize individuals as Dr. Delgado feared.

Brain networking is now being looked into by the Pentagon for use in the battlefield scenario.

A New provocative report, conducted within the Acquisition and Technology Policy Program of the RAND National Security Research Division, offers futuristic scenarios that military planners should consider.

We see a complex, high-threat landscape emerging where future wars are fought with humans controlling hyper-sophisticated machines with their thoughts” and “synthetically generated, genomically targeted plagues” that cripple the American military-industrial base,” the report warns.

In another intriguing scenario, seemingly inspired by the decline of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and this time set in a more distant future, the report suggests that elderly congressional leaders, desperate to retain power, secretly install state-of-the-art Brain-Computer Interface devices. These devices, commonly used among wealthy senior citizens in the scenario, initially help the senators regain mobility and speech after years of clear cognitive decline. However, when the brain implants malfunction, causing erratic and belligerent behavior, foreign allies begin to distance themselves from the U.S., damaging national security.

The report further highlights the potential hacking vulnerabilities associated with BCI implants, which, while promising for patients with neuromuscular impairments, could be exploited to inject fear, confusion, or anger.

Additionally, the authors caution against the possibility of government employees replacing their natural eye lenses with artificial ones containing tiny cameras connected to micro-storage devices. The small cameras could collect classified intelligence and leak it to foreign adversaries.

However, not all aspects of the report focus on vulnerabilities. In a section discussing human genomic editing, the researchers explore the potential for creating “supersoldiers” through genetic modifications that enhance physical and psychological capabilities. Despite their vulnerabilities, Brain implant devices could also serve as a means for commanders to communicate swiftly with their forces during military operations.

The report extensively analyzes the technological capabilities of both China and the U.S. in biotechnology and brain technology, highlighting the differences in focus and status between the two nations. It highlights previous reporting on Chinese research into “ethnic-specific genetic weapons” and “purported brain-control weaponry.”

Nevertheless, the report incorporates cultural observations, emphasizing that the U.S. values openness, diversity, and democratic principles.

Of course, our government is hell-bent on using propaganda to convince everyone that this new technology will be used for the greater good.

Musk’s company is one of many cited in the report — there are others such as as Kernel, Emotiv, and Neurosky. They are also working on brain tech. They say they’re building it for ethical purposes too like helping people with paralysis control their devices.

As you can probably guess this is just a scientific foot in the door. No one wants to lead with their chin and say this is a great tool for controlling the minds of unsuspecting people — like Jose Delgado feared.

Your brain, the final privacy frontier, may not be private much longer.

Some neuroethicists argue that the potential for misuse of these technologies is so great that we need revamped human rights laws — a new “jurisprudence of the mind” — to protect us. The technologies have the potential to interfere with rights that are so basic that we may not even think of them as rights, like our ability to determine where ourselves end and machines begin. Our current laws are not equipped to address this.

We certainly need a younger contingent of leaders who can understand what is at stake. As the election Crazy train is pushing through with the prospect of a geriatric leader in 2024 — it will be difficult for these leaders to keep up with the technology and the rights they will impugn.

Several countries are already pondering how to handle “neurorights.” Forward thinkers are ready to tackle these potential problems with a NeuroProtection agenda that would make brain data protection a human right. In Europe, the OECD adopted in December a set of nine new principles for regulating the use of brain data — the first international standard in this field.

One of the main people pushing for these new human rights is neuroethicist Marcello Ienca, a researcher at ETH Zurich, one of Europe’s top science and technology universities. In 2017, he released a paper outlining four specific rights for the neurotechnology age he believes we should enshrine in law.

Four basic rights need to be talked about.

Number 1 is the right to cognitive liberty.

You should have the right to freely decide you want to use a given neurotechnology or to refuse it.

In China, the government is already mining data from some employees’ brains by having them wear caps that scan their brainwaves for depression, anxiety, rage, or fatigue. “If your employer wants you to wear an EEG headset to monitor your attention levels, that might qualify as a violation of the cognitive liberty principle.

With the the US military looking into neurotechnologies — we all can guess that they wish to make soldiers more fit for duty. Down the line, that could include ways to make them less empathetic and more belligerent. Soldiers may be pressured to accept interventions.

And don’t dismiss the idea either — soldiers and regular civilian employees were coerced into getting COVID vaccines or lose their jobs.. if the World Health Organization demanded that people be chipped for contact tracing — would that be mandatory as well?

It was unbelievable how so many organizations and employers were able to participate in this medical terrorism. Forcing people to be chipped would be as easy as forcing people to be vaccinated.

We all have the right to bodily autonomy and mental privacy.

You should have the right to seclude your brain data or to publicly share it.

Neurotechnology has huge implications for law enforcement and government surveillance. If brain-reading devices can read the content of thoughts in the years to come governments will be interested in using this tech for interrogations and investigations.

The thought police will no longer be a metaphor — it is already becoming a tool of oppression as silencing ideas and speech is just the beginning of thought policing.

It’s a scenario reminiscent of the sci-fi movie Minority Report, in which a special police unit called the PreCrime Division identifies and arrests murderers before they commit their crimes.

You should have the right not to be harmed physically or psychologically by neurotechnology. You should have the right to mental integrity,

With what is called a “write” function– chipping of the mind can enable new forms of brainwashing, theoretically enabling all sorts of people to exert control over our minds: power-hungry religious authorities who want to indoctrinate people, political regimes that want to quash dissent, terrorist groups seeking recruits.

What’s more, devices like those being built by Google, Facebook, and Neuralink have already been mentioned by The World Economic Forum as a way to control every aspect of your life.

As Yuval Noah Harari has stated the body and mind can be hacked.

What happens if you’re interfacing with a machine and a malicious actor intercepts the Bluetooth signal, increasing or decreasing the voltage of the current that goes to your brain — thus making you more depressed, say, or more compliant?

You should have the right to be protected from alterations to your sense of self that you did not authorize.

Another threat to psychological continuity comes from the nascent field of neuromarketing, where advertisers try to figure out how the brain makes purchasing decisions and how to nudge those decisions along. The nudges operate below the level of conscious awareness, so these noninvasive neural interventions can happen without us even knowing it. One day a neuromarketing company is testing a subliminal technique; the next, you might find yourself preferring product A over product B without quite being sure why.

Brain data is the ultimate refuge of privacy. When that goes, everything goes. And once brain data is collected on a large scale, it’s going to be very hard to reverse the process.

It might be hard to believe that this is real– but we have been awaiting this technology for many years. Many believe it fulfills biblical prophecy about the Mark of the beast , while others see it as a very important breakthrough in transhuman science.

Our brains are the seat of our identity and our most intimate thoughts. If those precious three pounds of gray jello in our craniums aren’t ours to control, what is?

We are literally at the moment before, where we could make choices to preserve our cognitive liberty — our rights to self-determination over our brains and mental experiences — or allow this technology to develop without safeguards.

But in the end, you should not kid yourself, Elon Musk says that his Nuralink breakthrough will help approximately 5.4 million people living with paralysis in the US alone.

That is not his only goal with the technology.

In Musk’s own words, he says that this implant has been created “to achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” His goal is to develop a technology that helps humans “merge with AI” so that we won’t be “left behind” as AI becomes more sophisticated.

This fantastical vision is not the sort of thing for which the FDA greenlights human trials. But work on helping people with paralysis? That can get a warmer reception. And so it has.

As I said –as long as the effective propaganda says it is all for the greater good– then of course by all means put a chip in humans — give them synthetic telepathy, and open the door for a remote-controlled psychocivilized society.

Neuralink is a response to one big fear: that AI will take over the world.

This is a fear that’s increasingly widespread among AI leaders, who worry that we may create machines that are smarter than humans and that can deceive us and ultimately seize control from us.

This alone should create nightmares for people who wish to get chipped and be part of the New World Network.

The Neuralink device is a brain implant, outfitted with 1,024 electrodes, that can pick up signals from a whole lot of neurons. The more electrodes you’ve got, the more neurons you can listen in on, and the more data you’ll get. Plus, the closer you can get to those neurons, the higher the quality your data will be.

And the Neuralink device gets very close to the neurons. The company’s procedure for implanting it requires drilling a hole in the skull and penetrating the brain.

Hopefully, the process will be simplified –and there are rumors that surgery is as primitive as breakthroughs in what Musk calls a Neurolace– interface with cortical neurons through the veins and arteries.

Simple merging of machines and humans must be seamless — and hopefully painless.

After all, Musk has suggested that a seamless merge with machines could enable us to do everything from enhancing our memory to uploading our minds and living forever — staples of The World Economic Forum’s transhumanist fantasies.


Dr. Kevin McCairn is a Neuroscientist with over 20 years of experience and was the principal investigator for the Korean Brain Institute. He uses deep brain stimulation to treat neuropsychiatric and motor disorders. His website is

Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 7 comments.

  1. Rusty

    January 30, 2024 at 7:33 pm

    Does this mean we will be the Borg? Once our AI Borg brain figures out interstellar travel, we’ll travel around and every time we take over another planet, we’ll think we’re doing good, helping ou universe.

  2. Rusty

    January 30, 2024 at 7:43 pm

    Regular, biological humans can already be short-circuited, (eg. paralyzed), because we are biological computers.

  3. Joe

    January 31, 2024 at 4:45 am

    Good blind can see heal walk.. great.. on bad side we can make everybody Taylor swift n Kelce dumb stupid.. we can fix Superbowls.. lol

  4. Jimbo

    January 31, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    In Disney’s 1979 movie “Black Hole,” Dr. Hans Reinhardt and his robot creation Maximilian, ended up “conjoined forever” in a place from which there can be no escape. That real place was literal Hell, presented as being the interior of movie’s namesake.

    Such will become end results of suspect efforts to immortalize or subjugate individuals, displacing of offered free and available Salvation. Yes, the road to Hell is always paved first with “good intentions.” However does anyone really believe that even beneficent use of such technology will then be ubiquitously offered or even available, to citizens Globalists may deem possessing unfavorable social scores?..

  5. Jimbo

    January 31, 2024 at 2:52 pm

    ‘Brainiac’ Musk occupying ostensible leadership helm of several major disparate enterprises, graduated college with an undergraduate degree in physics, then quit graduate school day-1.

    How is it he attained such salient key positions, except by and with some central plan assisting groomers(?) Not unlike Obama’s ascendancy from dark back stage (ie: 1-term US Senator).

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