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Ron Patton | January 11, 2023

One of the most significant cultural transformations of the last two years has been the newfound glorification of the pharmaceutical industry. An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption, and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite their notorious corrupt nature, they now claim a small group of “medical professionals” who are intentionally circulating “misinformation” critical of the Pfizer vaccine narrative are “criminals”. The ultimate propaganda victory is not to make everyone believe a lie is the truth, but to make some people need it to be. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with filmmaker Michael Wallach about WEIRD TALES – DYING ON THE FEAR PORN FARM.





One of the most significant cultural transformations of the last two years has been the newfound glorification of the pharmaceutical industry.

An industry plagued by decades of fraud, corruption, and criminality managed to quickly rebrand itself as the savior of humanity during the covid-19 crisis.

But nothing inherently changed. Big Pharma still values shareholders’ profits more than people’s lives.

The regulatory agencies still operate as revolving doors to the pharmaceutical giants they are said to regulate.

Big Pharma still dominates lobbying efforts in Washington DC and spends billions each year advertising pharmaceutical products.

Despite the notorious corrupt nature of the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla claimed during a November 2021 interview, that a small group of “medical professionals” who are intentionally circulating “misinformation” critical of the Pfizer vaccine narrative are “criminals”.

Former CIA Director William Casey once said: “We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Casey must be smiling in hell.

The ultimate propaganda victory is not to make everyone believe a lie is the truth, it is to make some people need it to be.

This cuts both ways –and we need a little discernment when we are witnessing athletes dropping on the field and reporters going into seizures.

They can’t be all attributed to the jab –and yet every time I see it happen — the default for people is “Did they get the Jab?”

But this also does not eliminate the possibility that the shots are being used to again to strengthen the social safety net.

A grim submissiveness has settled over the lives of millions of hypnotized people in so many countries. It is becoming the norm everywhere –and it is so pervasive that really there is no place to escape.

It is as if we are all being held captive on a fear porn farm.

Once upon a time, people sat together and talked. They even touched and shared their thoughts and feelings. They conspired in a most natural way apart from the prying eyes and ears of the electronic spies.

Now so many sit and check their cell phones. They “connect,” thinking they are with it while not knowing they have been lured into another dimension where frenetic passivity reigns and trance states are the rule.

The social media platforms have no sense of humor, they do not allow opinions they do not approve of and they fact-check everything that runs counter to their sanitized narrative. It is becoming impossible to express yourself because of their overreach.

The algorithms have literally shut down most people’s BS detectors and so whatever the social media and media says is gospel –even though we all know it comes from the pentagon and alphabet agencies.

So — it is very difficult to find the real truth.

It is becoming the norm to suspect that the elites’ propaganda machine is being used to literally kill millions around the world and to kill the spirit of rebellion in so many others.

And they know that it is in the inner sanctuary of every individual soul where resistance to evil is born and fear is defeated.

But they won’t quit until they can rip into your soul and convince you that your life is not worth living. They will lie t you about how people are dying suddenly and they don’t give answers only that all people die all the time.

People are so confused that every sudden death is being attributed to the vaccine — and realistically all the sudden deaths can’t be attributed to the jab but it is certainly curious how the media has gone out of their way to make excuses about what is causing the onslaught of acute heart failure in people between the ages of 25 – 54.

It used to be that the 25-54 demographic was vital one for businesses and advertisers. Now they are becoming expendable as the system is eliminating future burdens on the system.

What COVID could not kill was the young — it took out more of the elderly and immune-compromised. Now we see that the lifespan of younger Americans is suddenly in decline.

Now why is this happening?

Politicians have been maintaining for decades that it would be necessary to reduce social security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits to keep the systems solvent. Leaders of both political parties have urged cutting benefits, changing eligibility requirements, or raising the already-high age thresholds to preserve the reserves for future recipients. Alarmists have persisted for decades, and seniors and the poor have passionately and successfully resisted cuts and changes.

But now comes a new way of stretching the available funds for the poor and elderly: Enable and encourage them to die earlier.

Provide them a way out, permit the poison roulette game with the vaccine and continue the variant strains so it becomes a self-driving fear vehicle.

It is enough to put stress on the young — and this creates mental illness and isolated behavior.

It can also cause illness that manifests in the heart and other vital organs of the body. The gut is the first to feel the initial response of stress brought on by fear-based propaganda. Then comes mental distress. This is also hard on the heart which can bring on stress-related ailments.

Mix that with possible side effects from being exposed to Covid and the effectiveness of vaccines and you have the perfect brew for people dropping dead in the 25-54 demographic.

For many decades, the corporate mainstream media and the CIA have been synonymous. They were married down in hell and now daily do the devil’s work up above. Now that news is conveyed primarily through digital media via the internet, their power to induce electronic trances has increased exponentially. Linguistic and visual mind control is their specialty.

Fear is their favorite tactic. And since the fear and anxiety of death is the archetypal source of all anxiety, death becomes a core element in their fear-mongering.

Fear immobilizes people and drives them into a cataleptic state where clear thinking is impossible. They become hypnotized in a “private” space that is actually social, an instantaneous identification with the media news reports that are addressed to millions but feel personal and greatly exacerbate the great loneliness that lies at the core of high-tech society.

I am beginning to see that while not all sudden deaths are the result of the vaccine — a binary component of fear and isolation is a lethal combination with the vaccine.

You can also add the fear porn as another adjuvant or better put a Nocebo effect.

I was watching the news and it was announced that yet another Covid variant is out there to scare you.

They call it the Kraken which is more glamorous than calling it XBB.1.5.

The alias was coined informally by scientists on Twitter in an attempt to help differentiate between the ever-changing variants.

Tufts Medical Center’s Dr. Shira Doron commented about this Kraken title and felt that it was certainly a nickname meant as fear-mongering.

She stated that It’s really harmful when the messaging about the risk is out of proportion to the true risk.

Dr. Ryan Gregory, a biology professor at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, said the nickname was simply “intended to help people keep track of who’s who in the ever-growing variant soup.”

In a tweet earlier this week, Gregory stressed the nickname was “informal.” Previous variants have also been given nicknames like the “Centaur” “nightmare” or “scrabble” variants as the virus continually mutates.

Shira Doron emphasized her concerns about fearmongering that nicknames like “the Kraken” could incite.

Whatever works right?

Whatever gets more people to blindly walk into their pharmacy and demand to be used as a pin cushion.

We’ve reached the propaganda singularity – that point at which too many people have too much riding on the supposed “reality” of Covid to ever let it die.

This is why there are too many people dying. The overkill for the blood money at the expense of the ignorant that are so incredulous that they never expect that taking in all that poison doesn’t have side effects.

With the media saying that vaccines aren’t creating blood clots and death — and others with experience are saying that strokes and heart attacks are increasing — I guess people are more apt to believe what they have been told even if it was based on bade and opportunistic research.

If the originators of the Pandemic lie were to speak out – to admit the planning of the scam, explain how it was done and claim Covid never existed – they would be ignored or shouted down. And all the fake “science” they paid to create would be used as “evidence” they were wrong.

This is not accidental. It is the ultimate aim of propaganda. The media is an industrial machine designed to turn a collection of lies into a story, a story into a belief, and finally – most importantly – a belief into an unquestioned part of the collective reality.

It is hard to deprogram the paranoid that still live in a haunted world of masked specters, distorted words and images that can appear and disappear in a nanosecond.

It is all a magic show –an act of mind control and distractions.

It put you on the fear porn farm. A place where, in the words of Charles Manson, you can “get the fear,” where fear is king.

They have spent decades using technology to invade and pare down people’s inner private space where freedom to think and decide resides.

They have repeated ad nauseam the materialistic mantra that freedom is an illusion and that we are amazing machines determined by our genes and social forces.

They have reiterated that the spiritual and transcendent realms are illusions. And they have pushed their scientism agenda to assert more and more power and control.

From 2019 to 2021 we can look back and see the toll left behind by COVID fear. Not only did they level our economy, but they also have knocked off nearly two-and-a-half years from the expected lifespan from birth.

In the US, a person born in 2019 would be expected to live to be 78.8, while the same person born in 2021 would be expected to die at 76.4, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This is how you learn your lesson about the social safety net. They learned that the baby boomers were not just a burden on the system but they were easier to cull with the development of Covid-19.

Now the young can suffer from coronary failure that can surface with plausible deniability.

What a clever way to lessen the burden on the social safety net! No doubt, hundreds of billions of dollars will be saved! And undoubtedly, our representatives will give the savings to the military or to some struggling country’s military that will fight the wars for us.

Of course, shortening life expectancy by two-and-a-half years cheats millions of the money that they have invested in social insurance. The hundreds of billions “saved” corresponds to the hundreds of billions invested in a secure future. Responsible government has stolen those benefits from those denied the same life chances that other advanced economies ensured their people over the same period.

Certainly, money is nothing compared to the prospect of premature death. The CDC estimates that the 5% drop in life expectancy between 2020 and 2021 alone accounts for 1.2 million “excess” deaths, the largest percentage drop in life expectancy since World War II.

In a society where losing one million, one hundred thousand victims to a viral infection is taken in stride, it may be more impactful to express human losses in dollars and cents.

In a society that places the health of its people in the hands of private profiteers and distributes life-giving drugs based on the ability to pay, it should be no surprise that life expectancy is declining.

In a society where citizens are expected to bear accidents, misfortune, and poor life choices alone and with no social scaffolding, death is a predictable outcome.

In a society where life prospects are locked into an order based on income and wealth, it should be no surprise that the poor and less fortunate are most likely to die prematurely.

In a society that was forced through coercion to get an experimental vaccine–are you surprised to see that people are dropping dead from complications that doctors had warned would happen? Now that it is happening, the death statistics are given life expectancy is reduced — and no one wants to admit what caused it.

No wonder there are conspiracy theories about the vaccine and why people are dying young.

But now there are thousands of people that likely never had any role in creating the fake narrative, and may well believe that what they are doing is saving lives but given the reality of side effects that are killing people – these people will shudder and spit refuting the discovery because they are now in the position where their very livelihood depends on Covid existing.

Their lives and their paychecks depend on inoculating people with worthless Iatrogenic artifacts.

They will never allow themselves to be convinced otherwise. You will never hear the mainstream news confirm that vaccines are causing strokes and heart attacks when your main sponsor is Pfizer.

This is why we hear about how life expectancy drops without an explanation– to do so would reveal the secret that COVID and its so-called cure was a calculated culling of those who were a threat to the health care system and money that would have to be provided in social security benefits.

It all goes back to the old fear that you will have to pay into Medicare while never receiving any significant return in benefits.

You may be dead before you can claim them. Isn’t that convenient?

If you survive you may be able to receive, at best, a token return in Social Security benefits for a lifetime of contributions.



Michael Wallach holds a Master’s Degree in National Security Studies from Columbia University. He was a Presidential Fellow with the State Department, but left because the government only used his work for propaganda. He is the director of the five part documentary series, The Viral Delusion, which exposes the blatant fraud behind the declaration that a Sars-CoV-2 virus was ever found. This vital documentary can be seen at


Written by Ron Patton


This post currently has 12 comments.

    • Brewster Cox

      January 11, 2023 at 6:34 pm

      Blame the church phews & the AppleWhite messiah of 1857 Reverend Pitts ,Whitehouse chaplain, whose solarized 2,300 day made the U.S. the aster stone of Daniel 8:25. Ash wenesdaynext?

  1. Paula W.

    January 11, 2023 at 10:18 pm

    Look this up from the CBS Morning show from 1/11. “Dr. Celine Gounder on protecting husband Grant
    Wahl’s legacy, fighting disinformation.” – I’m sure you’re familiar with her being an infectious disease and global health doctor. I’m sorry about her husband’s passing, but don’t agree with her. Hell, the doctors can’t even agree and they expect us just to listen and follow. We can’t question anything anymore. Nuts!

  2. Jimbo

    January 13, 2023 at 10:55 pm

    Daystar TV network’s website maintains a repository of world and US experts interviews, both medical and legal, which absolutely shows our Government globalists in lethal collusion, aimed at destroying America, as founded.

    Faith is the currency of Heaven while fear is from hell.

    2Tim. 1:7

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