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Clyde Lewis | September 27, 2021


Throughout the ages, there have been many prophets and other writers that have spoken of a “planet” that will bring chaos to the earth.

This so-called death planet is recognized in many traditions, prophecies, and sacred books under different names such as Baal, The Cold Planet, Red Planet, Wormwood, Ajenjo, Marduk and Nibiru.

Those familiar with either the writings of Zecharia Sitchin or the current internet theories about “the return of Planet X” are likely familiar with the word “Nibiru”. According to Sitchin, the Sumerians knew of an extra planet beyond Pluto.Looking for alien DNA

This extra planet was called Nibiru. Sitchin goes on to claim that Nibiru passes through our solar system every 3600 years. Adherents to the “returning Planet X hypothesis” believe the return of this wandering planet will bring cataclysmic consequences to earth.

While the Planet X hypothesis has NASA and other scientists rallying against those who promote what they call pseudoscience, there have now been rebukes offered from various religious authorities that say a major celestial event is supposed to take place in the apocalypse that has been foretold.

Even though this event is not given as an indication that Nibiru is near – it certainly send a message that earth is about to encounter a close flyby of something that will wreak havoc and bring with it the wrath of God.

Two thousand years ago, the Zohar, the foundational work of Jewish mysticism, predicted the appearance of a number of anomalies in space that would signal the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.

In the Book of Numbers it states:

“I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh; there shall step forth a star out of Yakov, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Seth.”

Seth in all of the ancient writings is known as the God of Chaos. He is also known by other names, Apep and Apophis.

Apophis is the Great Serpent, an enemy of the sun god, Ra.

During NASA’s planetary Defense Conference – a tabletop exercise was conducted. There was a hypothetical scenario proposed where the city of New York was flattened by a very real asteroid threat.

The asteroid was named, Apophis.Apophis, the most intimidating asteroid around, is coming in for a visit -  CNET

The truth is Apophis is not hypothetical – NASA calls it the God of Chaos and it will skirt past Earth in 2023 – but NASA keeps moving the goal posts –and has issued a statement recently that they believe Apophis does not pose a threat – but of course the actions of our government paint a different picture.

Last week we reported that legislation contained within the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act called for the establishment of a permanent office to address “unidentified aerial phenomena” or “UAP,” more commonly known as UFOs. However, contained within that same bill, now on the floor of the House of Representatives, is a much more intriguing section concerning the Space Force, and its classified sensor data.House of Representatives Passes Annual Defense Bill

With countless classified sensor systems in Earth’s orbit, the Space Force is literally the “eye in the sky.” If something anomalous and weird is going on up there, it stands to reason that the newest military branch has data on it. Now, it may be forced to declassify that data.

Keep in mind that the Space Force not only will be watching the cosmos for 21st century threats from adversarial forces — but secretly we are learning that this branch of the military has also been charged with monitoring Near Earth Objects and potential dangers coming from space that may or may not be associated with extra terrestrial intelligence.

To be clear in December 2019, The United States Space Force was formally established and funded as the 8th branch of the US military. General John W. “Jay” Raymond, is the current Chief of Space Operations and sits as one of eight members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, junior to the Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Space Force stated mission is to train and equip space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space.The new Space Force flag looks like it's right out of Star Trek. Here's why  - Sandboxx

Within that stated mission are the capabilities to monitor, track and ultimately categorize space objects to provide warfighters a clear picture for Space Command and Control.

The Space Force also are in the business of Space Domain Awareness– meaning that all things dealing with space must be considered and if there are things in space that threaten the planet there needs to be meetings and action on how to eliminate or at least prepare for what may be out there and what may threat our lives here on planet earth.

Significant portions of the Space Force’s sensors and data collection tools have remained in the shadows, but the 2022 NDAA may change all that.

Additionally, the Chief of Space Operations may also have to submit a report identifying each program managed under the authority of Space Force and a timeline for implementing classification changes or declassifications.

As the Space Force is a newly established entity, the command structure is not readily available for public consumption. However, the Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and published Joint Publication 3-14 Space Operations to provide guidance to plan, execute, and assess joint space operations.

Contained within the publications Executive Summary, space operations would include Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance assets including “overhead persistent infrared , is conducted by an organization’s intelligence collection manager to ensure integrated, synchronized, and deconflicted operations of high-demand assets.”

Furthermore, the document reads, that the Commander of the United States Space Command will maintain Command and Control (C2) through the National Space Defense Center, to integrate the multiple agencies and intelligence personnel for a unified space defense.Global Lightning exercise tests multi-domain space capabilities > Space  Operations Command (SpOC) > Article Display

“The National Space Defense Center provides warning and attack assessment on spacecraft and executes mission orders received from the combined space tasking order (CSTO) and NRO space tasking order,” it states.

In basic terms, the American space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets, which are managed by the Space Force, are about to be reviewed for down classification and potential declassification. It is not often you read legislation calling for highly sensitive classified programs to be placed into a lower classification level for wider dissemination. It’s almost unheard of for those same programs to become declassified.

Looking through the declassified sections there are revelations that are unbelievable especially concerning what scientists have been studying and revealing about not only near earth threats but possible outlying threats that go beyond that of what is usually discussed in the mainstream.

Since the arrival of Oumuamua, there has been a great amount of focus on interstellar visitors that must be scrutinized and studied and yes there are three scientists that are curious about the idea of sentinel probes associated with other planets is space that may sustain life — or even rogue planets that could threaten the well-being of earth.

The known eight planets of our Solar System aren’t the only ones we’ve ever had — they’re merely the survivors.

But that doesn’t mean the other planets were destroyed. Earth may have a long-lost sibling somewhere in interstellar space. At least one rocky planet, around the same mass as Mars, may have been booted out of the early Solar System.

If you are thinking Planet X or Planet 9 then you are not too far of the mark. After years of denial by NASA we may be seeing more and more proof that out there in space are sibling planets that could be a threat as they would effect much of the activity on earth.

The Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, is taking a look at the mysterious third zone of our Solar System, those points past Neptune and out into interstellar space.

Today, the planets in our Solar System are neatly sorted by size and composition:

The four rocky inner planets orbit in the space between the Sun and the Asteroid Belt The outer Solar System is the realm of giants — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — which gathered enormous masses of gas and ice around their rocky cores

Beyond Uranus and Neptune lies the realm of the dwarf planets, like Pluto, Eris, Sedna, and their even smaller neighbors, whether dwarf planet or comet.

And that’s a little strange. As if something is missing.

To understand how the Solar System formed and evolved, scientists use computer simulations to test whether particular conditions or events could produce a Solar System like the one we see today. And several of the models that best explain the modern Solar System start with at least one extra planet in a surprising place, according to Gladman and Volk.

Those models suggest that the outer Solar System originally contained one or more rocky planets, about the size of Mars or Earth, in addition to the gas and ice giants we know of today. Eventually, brushes with the giant planets’ gravity pushed these rocky Mars-sized planets far out into the Solar System or launched them into interstellar space.

If scientists like Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics astrochemist Kedron Silsbee and Institute for Advanced Study astrophysicist Scott Tremaine are correct, those long-lost rocky outer planets may help explain some aspects of the Solar System as we know it. But whether or not they got flung out or are still hanging around, hidden at far distances, is unknown.

The fabled Planet X or winged planet has been a mystery for some time and there are many that have equated a strange force pulling in the planets that may indicate that there is a mass out there that still evades detection.

The cosmic weather as of late has sounded quite apocalyptic and those signs and wonders above us have been seen causing all sorts of pandemonium.

Scientists have said in the past that the existence of such a “perturber” has been hypothesized as a way to explain the mysterious past big extinction events on Earth, which have recurred roughly every 27 million years over the last quarter-billion years or so.

Researchers have been worried about giant comets called, centaurs — nearly 50 to 100 kilometers in diameter and a single such body contains more mass than the entire population of Earth-crossing asteroids found to date. Path of these centaurs crosses orbits of outer planets including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Since, centaurs move in unstable orbits, gravitational fields of large outer planets can deflect centaurs towards Earth.Forget asteroids: Hundreds of 60-mile comets pose bigger threat and 'could  wipe out life' | Science | News |

If anyone is following seismic and magnetic activity on the earth it appears that most of what we are seeing is connected to the new violent sun cycle — however one cannot rule out the possibility of planet X and its connection to what is called catastrophism.

One of the greatest proponents of catastrophism was Immanuel Velikovsky. He wrote a book in the mid-20th century called “Worlds in Collision” where he theorized that the Bible narrative along with myths, legends and ancient manuscripts from around the world document cataclysmic events in history.

One of these is the time period that included the ten plagues and the Exodus from Egypt. Seeing there are so many parallels between these and the “plagues” in the Book of Revelation it would seem that the times we are living in now would most certainly be a fertile area to examine and to speculate about.

It has been said that “there is nothing new under the Sun,” and the old plagues and cosmic catastrophes are once again creeping into the zeitgeist, it appears that circumstantial moments in history are the places to look for examples of what may be future events described within the last book of the Bible.

Velikovsky sums up everything by saying that:

“The origin of the planets and their satellites remains unsolved. The theories not only contradict one another, but each of them bears within itself its own contradictions.”

Once again, I don’t know if that gives any comfort to those Chicken Little’s who have found the sky will fall with the help of a planet or dwarf star that the ancients called the winged planet or the planet where the gods live.

Velikovsky appears to be correct because it spears that nearly 5 decades we believed to know all essentials about the solar system, now we are in deep uncertainties and NASA is once again sending us mixed signals about what is happening in space and the cosmic signposts that may indicate that worlds are about to collide bringing us closer to the possibility of world disruption or even extinction.When Worlds Collide, May 31 – Wonderfest – Bay Area Beacon of Science

Velikovsky claimed that the agents of the catastrophe were not ordinary comets or asteroids but planets, namely Venus in the first case, Mars in the second case. According to him, these planets had at that time orbits with different shape, more elliptical than now, as a consequence of previous interactions with other planets in the solar system.

The orbits of the two planets would have been circularized after the last catastrophe, thereby terminating for our planet the catastrophic era, where planets were a real threat and where astrology was a real science based upon the study of planetary interactions in a differently organized solar system. The book is based mainly on the analysis of a huge number of classical and mythological references of our cosmic relationships with asteroids, comets, the sun and planets that seem to have rogue orbits.

Ancient planets were allegedly closer to earth – close enough to bring chaos to the planet and forcing the inhabitance to submit and develop religions and mythologies about Gods and their wrath.

Velikovsky stresses the information value of ancient texts, based according to him on real experiences lived in a different astronomical context than now. The idea that the events described in ancient texts pertained to real experiences used to be accepted without difficulty in the western world until science stepped in and illuminism changed the way we view the universe.

Velikovsky wants to remind us that ancient catastrophes and cataclysms remain within human memory, that we have absorbed them into our DNA –and that the reason why we are obsessed with the end of the world is because our ancestors have lived it—and those that survived have handed down the trauma to future generations.

After the release of Worlds in Collision in the 1950s, we can certainly say that scholars in the natural sciences pay more attention to ancient records of catastrophes. Such attention is partly due also to the existence of technological means, not available at Velikovsky’s time, to verify the effects of such unusual events in the geological and biological record.

Velikovsky has also stressed the importance of electromagnetic interactions in astronomy, with particular regard to close flybys of large celestial bodies. This includes large asteroids, comets, and what have been called planets with large elliptical orbits.

Another author V.M. Rabolu also saw our world in collision when he made the claim that the world would come to a catastrophic end when the planet Hercolubus (which he claimed is 5 times the size of Jupiter) passes by the Earth.Nibiru / Planet X reloaded |

Rabolu stated that there would be harbingers and signs that a rogue planet would arrive and wreak havoc in many ways.

He called this planet, Hercolobus.

The first sign that Hercolobus was about to arrive is that the earth would endure several plagues that science would be at a loss to cure.

In his book “Red Planet” we read:

“When Hercolubus comes closer to the Earth and aligns with the Sun, deadly epidemics will begin to spread over the entire planet. Neither doctors nor official science will know what sort of illnesses they are or how to cure them. They will be powerless in the face of the epidemics.”

What is terrifying is how what he wrote years ago sounds as if it comes from the recent headlines, further we read:

“The moment of tragedy and darkness will come; tremors, earthquakes and tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced because they will not be able to eat or sleep. In the face of danger, they will throw themselves over the precipice en masse completely mad.”

He also writes that there will be revelations of organic compounds found on Mars and Venus and the certainty that rogue asteroids and comets have seeded the planet with microbial life forms that transform into force multiplied or mutated diseases.

He also wrote that Hercolobus was the destroyer of the Atlantean civilizations and was responsible for the great flood spoken of in the various religions.

The consequence of the position of Hercolobus behind the sun will cause great upheaval in all areas of the planet earth.

It has tp be said that his book was written in 1998 — which ofo course was dismissed by some critics as a nother doomsayer book prior to the turn of the the century — but his predictions seem to be sound — and if scientists are debating rocky planets behind the sun could it be that he was right?

Thanks to computational models, we know that the four giant planets once orbited the Sun at different distances, and maybe even in a different order, than their current orbits.

As they grew, each planet’s gravity interacted with the others, causing Jupiter to move closer to the Sun while the other three planets migrated outward.

When we talk about trans-Neptunian space, we often picture primordial chunks of rock, which formed at the far edges of the disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun and haven’t changed much in 4.6 billion years.

But some of the dwarf planets and smaller objects beyond Neptune formed closer to the warm heart of the Solar System and then got shoved into the chilly outskirts by the gas and ice giants.

Not only are these objects made of different materials than the region’s original population, but they also tend to be in more elongated, tilted orbits thanks to the gravity assists that boosted them so far out.

In particular, some trans-Neptunian objects’ orbits never come closer than 40 AU to the Sun — 1 AU is the distance between the Earth and our home star. These are generally called the “detached population,” and they include the dwarf planet Sedna. And this might be precisely where to look for our missing Planet 9 or even Planet X.

Think of Planet 9 and the Mars-sized rogue planet Hercolobus as alternative hypotheses. It’s a contentious debate that will likely only be settled if someone actually discovers a new planet.

The Vera Rubin Observatory, when it begins surveying the sky in late 2023, may be able to spot a planet lurking at the edges of our Solar System — if the world happens to show up in the right section of the sky. Evidence may also turn up in data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia star-mapping mission as well.

Of course, it’s also possible that there’s no planet waiting out there at all. The gravitational nudge that lifted the so-called detached objects into their current orbits could have come from a large group of smaller objects, since scattered by the gas giants. It could also have been the result of a close brush with another Solar System in the crowded cluster of stars that produced our Sun.

And there’s always the haunting possibility that if a medium-sized rocky planet did once inhabit the outer Solar System, it’s now a rogue planet wandering alone in the dark. If that’s the case, we might never actually know.


Written by Clyde Lewis

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