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Ground Zero


Clyde Lewis | September 16, 2021


Many times, I have used my show as a means to present topics that I am literally trying to assess in order to find a thread of sanity in the midst of the insanity. It has been a catharsis in many ways, listening to others trying to cleanse myself from all of the inhumanity.

It is with the listeners being the media and speaking to me on the air I find salvation. It is the listener that reminds me that there are a plethora of individuals in the world that are aware, sharp and awake. I value that in my listeners. I look around and I see many people falling for what we call here ‘conspiracy bait’ that is being generated in order to make those who question the official story look like they are mentally challenged.

That is why I often caution my listeners to be careful about what you believe about an event because what the media may tell you it is one thing and quite literally it is nothing of the sort.

Let us think about world events and how we all have an opinion on what is going on based on the narrative provided by the media. There have been several events in history that have been traumatizing to the nation as a whole. So traumatizing in fact that people are confused about what really went on and rather than overload with details are satisfied to the watered down explanations provided by the media that is under the direction of corporate interest and quite frankly produces news that is sanitized by the Pentagon and in some cases the executive branch of government.

Very few average people have the discipline to check their views and beliefs with the criteria of consistency. The average person when listening to proposed authority, needs to also internally decide if any claim that has been made provides verifiable documentation to your satisfaction. Do all of the pieces of information provided fit the dialogue and timeline provided?

If they do not then do you reject the claim or do you investigate further? The average person will not even go that far. While the experiences of the world differ do you still decide that what you have seen in the narrative is reality?

Who in the world has the ambition to weigh everything based on what is really transpiring and not what the narrative provides or what the inner core belief you possess tends to cloud?

Problems in any of the traits I have described go ignored by the average person. They are also forgotten and are replaced by emotional belief and not on anything dealing with fact with respect to time or environment.

If there is an extreme break with the reality and the world view, there is always the consensus opinion that the mental health of the person is under suspicion. However, there has never been a consensus opinion that the breakdown of reality is happening and that people now are not exactly privy to harsh realities that are creating that blind spot in time and that selective reality that seems to be a refuge for the person in denial.

Take into account the behavior of the United States right now. How have we become so divided in such a small amount of time?

Ever since Aristotle spoke of humans as the “rational animal,” we’ve had a picture of ourselves as rational beings that are hampered by shortcomings like anger and fear and confirmation bias.

Cognitive science says just the opposite. Cognitive science shows us that humans just are a collection of messy little modules like anger and fear and the modules that produce confirmation bias. We have a few modules for processing logic and probability and rational goal-pursuit, but they are slow and energy-expensive and rarely used.

Reactionary override or cognitive override should prompt a rational thinker into understanding when something out of the ordinary may have the potential to be a danger in the future or even in the present.

We have already demonstrated that through Collective Intelligence there can be programs called SOCI’s or “self-organizing collective intelligences” where the hive collective can put information into the internet and a program responds by giving input that the attractor has already contributed to and so it gives the illusion of confirming one’s suspicions.Bitcoin Is an Experiment in Self-Organizing Collective Intelligence. -  Enlivening Edge

It uses any means of taking an array of input of data and assessing it quickly, according to a given set of rules — they are invisible, but they are there constantly trying to please you and in some cases guide you in your decision making.

Some call it a form of grooming or a rudimentary form of technotronic mind control.

However, there appears to be a price we are paying for the continued bombardment of electric influence that pushes us in directions that not only affect us psychologically but as we learn more and more about the effects of technology, we are learning that it is affecting us on both a mental and a genetic level.

We are in a world that is constantly changing and is constantly manipulated.

Using what intuitive skills we have, we can tap into the storehouse of information we have accumulated over time and understand that there are many things that go one that are not by accident.

Things happen for a reason, and there are things that I have reported for you to prepare for that may not be as immediate as you would like but there really is no statute of limitations on predictions that urge preparedness.

Clearly, there are manipulators that continually try to cover up and obfuscate their machinations. The more we are aware of them the more we should feel obligated to expose them. However, it is important to fully understand what is happening without jumping to conclusions or rattling off some Illuminati list of enemies that we always hear about.

I’m not saying that there aren’t opportunists out there exploiting you and pumping fear into your minds – it is just that we have to keep things in perspective.

I know that is a hard thing to do right now when we see that everything has to be political, even your health now is political, what you wear is political, whether or not you can breathe is political.

The question has always been how is it that we as a people have gone so far down hill in such little time.

There is a conspiracy theory of sorts making its way through 4 chan that may have some legs but it highly controversial and when I first heard about it, I wondered if it was nothing more than an attempt to troll the internet with yet another bogus conspiracy theory — like “Birds aren’t real” or that “Stephen King Killed John Lennon.”

Apparently, a user in 4 chan who calls himself, “Illuminati Pirate” claims to be a Silicon Valley insider and he proposed an odd theory — he stated that the internet is actually dead.

The post suggests that the internet died in 2016 or early 2017, and that now it is “empty and devoid of people,” as well as “entirely sterile.” Much of the “supposedly human-produced content” you see online was actually created using AI and was propagated by bots, possibly aided by a group of “influencers” on the payroll of various corporations that are in cahoots with the government. The conspiring group’s intention is, of course, to control our thoughts and get us to buy products and influence our decisions based on agendas provided by AI that basically does what it is programmed to do.

As evidence, IlluminatiPirate offers that he has seen the same threads, the same pics, and the same replies reposted over and over across the years. He argues that all modern entertainment is generated and recommended by an algorithm; gestures at the existence of deepfakes, which suggest that anything at all may be an illusion; and links to a New York Magazine story from 2018 titled “How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually.”How Much of the Internet Is Fake?

Studies generally suggest that, year after year, less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot.

Bots already outnumber humans online more years than not, but in the perceptual sense. The internet has always played host in its dark corners to schools of catfish and embassies of Nigerian princes, but that darkness now pervades its every aspect: Everything that once seemed definitively and unquestionably real now seems slightly fake; everything that once seemed slightly fake now has the power and presence of the real. The “fakeness” of the post-Inversion internet is less a calculable falsehood and more a particular quality of experience — the uncanny sense that what you encounter online is not “real” but is also undeniably not “fake,” and indeed may be both at once, or in succession, as you turn it over in your head.

This is what generates what Orwell called, Doublethink, where people tend to hold two contradictory thoughts at the same time.Around the Doublethink in Today's Classrooms: Blended  Learning (Updated)

Such a loss of any anchoring “reality” only makes us pine for it more. Our politics have been inverted along with everything else, suffused with a Gnostic sense that we’re being scammed and defrauded and lied to but that a “real truth” still lurks somewhere.

So want to know why the last election seemed shady? A bot planted the seeds and the rest was done by people who could not tell the difference. A bot keeps telling Trump supporters to be patient Biden will go and Trump will return in victory — common sense says it is not that easy. Common sense tells you that bot has been lying to you.

Ever wonder why you end up in Facebook jail because of something you think is innocuous — it probably was — but it wasn’t a human that condemned you it was a net spider that decided to scan your page and punished you accordingly.

Ever wonder why lately when you go to certain websites you are prompted to prove that you are not a bot? Which, well everywhere you go you are asked to prove that you are a human. Can you retype this distorted word? Can you transcribe this house number? Can you select the images that contain a motorcycle?

You get the picture? AI is taking over the internet and therefore there is not much life in it anymore– no real human creativity or contact — just bots generating content that provokes you or trolls you.

What’s gone from the internet, after all, isn’t “truth,” but trust: the sense that the people and things we encounter are what they represent themselves to be.

Years of metrics-driven growth, lucrative manipulative systems, and unregulated platform marketplaces, have created an environment where it makes more sense to be fake online — to be disingenuous and cynical, to lie and cheat, to misrepresent and distort — than it does to be real.

This could be why the culture is so off balance and why the culture has been hijacked by darker and more mechanical forces.

The left’s extremists react to right extremists –and the media plays a part as well as their information is guided by the same algorithms — gone are the days of real journalism — now a search gets you whatever you need to swiftly push an agenda that is divisive and creates chaos.

Today, the Washington Post printed and article with the headline: “Facebook keeps researching its own harms — and burying the findings.”

Coincidentally, the article again proves a point that even Facebook knows that bots and non-human interactions with people are harming them but they bury the truth.

Facebook knew that teen girls on Instagram reported in large numbers that the app was hurting their body image and mental health. It knew that its content moderation systems suffered from an indefensible double standard in which celebrities were treated far differently than the average user. It knew that a 2018 change to its news feed software, intended to promote “meaningful interactions,” ended up promoting outrageous and divisive political content.

Facebook knew all of those things because they were findings from its own internal research teams. But it didn’t tell anyone. In some cases, its executives even made public statements at odds with the findings.

The Wall Street Journal has been doing an investigative report called the Facebook Files and their discoveries paint a very dark picture –as if we did not know this already.

The reporting is based on internal Facebook documents, some of which were turned over to the Journal by a person seeking federal whistleblower protection, and interviews with current and former employees, most of whom have remained anonymous.

While the stories are noteworthy in themselves, their provenance points to a deeper issue at Facebook. It is that the world’s largest social network employs teams of people to study its own ugly underbelly, only to ignore, downplay and suppress the results of their research when it proves awkward or troubling. Why it would do such a thing is a question whose answer lies at least partly in the company’s culture and organizational structure.

Like other major Internet platforms, Facebook weighs concerns about its impacts on users and society alongside traditional business imperatives such as growth, profit and marketing. Unlike some rivals, however, Facebook routes weighty decisions about content policy through some of the same executives tasked with government lobbying and public relations — an arrangement that critics say creates a conflict of interest. Often, they seem to prioritize public perception over transparency.

Only Facebook knows the extent of its misinformation problem. And it’s not sharing, even with the White House.

To do so would mean that they would have to reveal that much of what controls Facebook is simply Self Organizing Artificial Intelligence. This is the same type of intelligence that was created by DARPA and many people believe was basis for QAnon.Artificial Intelligence in Facebook. Discover 7 ways they use

As algorithms get more sophisticated, the online world becomes more curated and aggregated to the whims of a handful of corporations (if that). What we see online, then, is often the result of targeted AI and algorithms — ultimately, taking users further and further away from “organic” experiences. It’s lonely and, frankly, scary.

It can also become ridiculous. Bots give us stories like “Celebrities weigh in on how many times you should shower” or which cities have the worst food and air quality, which somehow devolves into allegations of classism and accusations of murder, which for whatever reason is actually not as offensive as classism anymore. A celebrity is sorry. A music video has broken the internet. A meme has gotten popular and then boring.

At this point, you could even say that the point of the theory that the internet is less human is so obvious, it’s cliché—people talk about longing for the days of weird web design and personal sites all the time.

Even Facebook employees say they miss the “old” internet. The big platforms do encourage their users to make the same conversations and arcs of feeling and cycles of outrage happen over and over, so much so that people may find themselves acting like bots, responding on impulse in predictable ways to things that were created, in all likelihood, to elicit that very response.

State-sponsored propaganda and disinformation have been in existence for as long as there have been states. The major difference in the 21st century is the ease, efficiency, and low cost of such efforts. Because audiences worldwide rely on the Internet and social media as primary sources of news and information, they have emerged as an ideal vector of information attack.

It looks like what is happening is the result of cognitive security measures to curtail abstract thought. Interaction within the information environment is rapidly evolving, and old models are becoming irrelevant faster than we can develop new ones. The result is uncertainty that leaves us exposed to all sorts of manipulation and the homogenizing effect on independent journalism.

Again, freedom of the press all over the world is becoming a casualty and we do not hear anything from corporate journalists because they want their power back to filter information.

Bold journalists who expose corruption are being abused and replaced by government intelligence operators and dead bots that dole out Artificial Intelligence and algorithms.

Has the internet died? Has it been overrun by bots? The argument certainly is compelling.

Written by Clyde Lewis

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