People made fun of Chicken Little when he ran around shouting that the sky was falling. But in the past year, respected scientists have come to the realization that the end of civilization may come from the heavens. Humanity may be in as much danger from the fate of the cosmos as from the error of our ways.
NASA and other scientists tell us that we shouldn’t worry about a space rock hitting us creating an extinction level event but NASA and other space agencies in Russia and China are behaving as if Chicken Little is right and there is a good reason to be paranoid about the earth being pummeled by a huge space rock.
Eleven years ago, a meeting was held by the Rockefeller Foundation which issued a detailed workbook called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.”
The book illustrated hypothetical situations by which governments would have to act quickly to avert a population crisis and to preserve sustainable resources.
It outlined plans for a continuation globalist government after a major catastrophe. The booklet offered a few scenarios that the world would be facing in 10 to 15 years. One of the first scenarios is the resurrection of rare diseases triggering mass pandemics.
On page 34 there is a section entitled, Hack Attack. On this page, there is an outline of disasters, and an era of catastrophe called the “Doom Decade.” It illustrates that between 2010 and the mid-2020’s the earth will see some of the worst catastrophes ever recorded.
Now keep in mind the document was released in 2010 outlining scenarios for future doom scenarios. In a paragraph summary it states:
“Not surprisingly, this opening series of deadly asynchronous catastrophes (there were more) put enormous pressure on an already over-stressed global economy that had entered the decade still in recession.
Massive humanitarian relief efforts cost vast sums of money, but the primary sources—from aid agencies to developed-world governments—had run out of funds to offer. Most nation-states could no longer afford their locked-in costs, let alone respond to increased citizen demands for more security, more healthcare coverage, more social programs and services, and more infrastructure repair.”
Many catastrophes that were predicted were eco-collapse brought on by catastrophic weather and earth changes caused by solar weather and possible threats from space.
Much of what was predicted in the workbook has conveniently transpired. The workbook predicted mass loss of life in several African countries. The geological upheaval of crust displacement, climate collapse, violent earthquakes, disease outbreaks, and even a possible asteroid strike throws the earth into chaos.
In these doom scenarios there would be attempts to avert some of these major catastrophes while others were to be exploited in order to gain the confidence of the people and that world leaders would be able to leverage these disasters as a way to gain control of those who survive.
Furthermore, the assessment of the aftermath was clearly painting a picture of how something like a magnetic pulse from the sun or even an asteroid hit would devastate the planet’s eco-system and throw the world into chaos.
According to the document, we read:
“Those who couldn’t buy their way out of chaos, which was most people—retreated to whatever “safety” they could find. With opportunity frozen and global mobility at a near standstill—no place wanted more people, especially more poor people, it was often a retreat to the familiar: family ties, religious beliefs, or even national allegiance. Trust was afforded to those who guaranteed safety and survival—whether it was a warlord, an evangelical preacher, or a mother.
In some places, the collapse of state capacity led to a resurgence of feudalism. In other areas, people managed to create more resilient communities operating as isolated micro versions of formerly large-scale systems. The weakening of national governments also enabled grassroots movements to form and grow, creating rays of hope amid the bleakness.”
It seems that world leaders have a blueprint and plan for every apocalyptic scenario –and they are well aware of what is coming.
The question is whether or not the people want to hear it and if they did hear about what was coming would they believe it?
For 16 months, we have been focusing on what can be seen as an alien event, and that is the perceived biological attack or accidental leak of a virus that has killed more than half a million people.
Now we are encouraging the use of an experimental vaccine that has been given the go ahead to try and we are now hearing of side effects that include death.
We are now facing the threat of drought, famine and scarcity — something that has been included in this blueprint of the Doom Decade and has certainly been exposed and exploited by global interests.
Now there are people that are concerned as to what is next and what more can the world with stand as it plods through a tumultuous apocalypse?
It is obvious to some people that the next phase is to establish control over the new theater for battle and that is Outer Space.
With space threats that have been acknowledged by the Pentagon with their recent UFO threat assessment — there are other threats that are overlooked mainly because the probability of them happening we have been told are slim.
NASA’s position has always been to deny that we are in the cross-hairs of some errant asteroid and yet last year, we learned of a table to exercise that included a simulation of an asteroid hitting the planet.
The Planetary Defense Exercise dealt with several Near-Earth Object impact scenarios that were reviewed for a possible asteroid or meteor strike.
Although this scenario is realistic in many ways, it is completely fictional and does not describe an actual potential asteroid impact, at least that is what the website says in order to divert any panic.
World governments have been concerned for decades about a potential asteroid collision and the chaos that would ensue upon Earth. Now, the information of what the different agencies would do about it is being shared with the public for the first time ever on social media.
Though the drill is run every two years by asteroid scientists around the world — there seems to be a buzz about a program that is designed to send a kamikaze probe to collide with a space rock in order to avoid a future collision with Earth.
NASA is going to send a spacecraft on a suicide mission in an attempt to change the trajectory of a massive space rock.
The good news is that the space rock that NASA will be crashing this spacecraft into is not on a collision course with Earth.
It is only a test.
But why has NASA suddenly become so concerned with figuring out how to defend the Earth from giant asteroids? Could it be possible that there is something heading toward Earth in the future that they haven’t told us about yet?
Most of those “potentially dangerous” asteroids aren’t that large, but 158 of them do have a diameter of more than one kilometer.
If one of those monsters were to hit us, it would be a disaster of cataclysmic proportions.
Of course, there are countless other space rocks that our scientists have not discovered yet, and those probably represent the greatest threat. Because if you don’t see a threat coming, you can’t get prepared for it in advance.
These days, NASA officials have become quite preoccupied by the threat that giant space rocks potentially pose, and we are being told that “scientists are at work on a plan to avoid the destruction of Earth by an errant asteroid”.
We read that NASA and a cadre of the world’s leading engineers and space scientists are at work on a plan to avoid the destruction of Earth by an errant asteroid like the one 65 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs, created a cloud of dust so impenetrable that it blocked out the sun, and plunged the planet into a prolonged winter that sent half of all plant life into extinction.
While NASA tells us the threat of an extinction level event is slim — the are certainly deciding to move forward with a project that will change the trajectory of a known asteroid.
Most people don’t realize this, but our planet is actually being pelted by space debris on a constant basis at this point. In fact, NASA says that we are being hit by very small objects “every day.”
Every day, Earth is bombarded by tons of dust and sand-sized particles from the solar system. Meteoroids burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere causing little or no damage. They are easy to spot, streaking across the night sky in brilliant, short-lived bursts of light. Of more concern are the asteroids that pass by Earth unnoticed; they are difficult to detect and track as observers depend on reflected sunlight to spot them.
Thankfully, the vast majority of the objects that we encounter are too small to do any damage.
But it is just a matter of time before a really big space rock comes along.
NASA officials like to give the impression that they have a really good idea of what is going on up there, but the truth is that our ability to detect large space rocks is still quite limited. In May, a “potentially hazardous” asteroid that came close to Earth was only discovered about a week before it arrived…
And late last year, a fairly large asteroid was not discovered until it had already buzzed dangerously close to our planet.
The American science fiction writer Larry Niven once said, “The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program.”
Well, we have one, but we have a space program that never gives us a straight answer when it comes to space threats and equally the Pentagon seems to issue nebulous talk about what these strange UFO’s are that are buzzing our navy ships.
Their report that was issued last week was a major disappointment but it left the door open for speculation about what is out there — which of course could mean more money for projects to make space a battlefield and to somehow find ways to hunt down possible alien threats and to carry out missions to deter errant asteroids from hitting planet earth.
Everything has its reasons and every potential threat can be used by governments to control the populations by fear of the unknown.
So if a major threat is headed our way, we may or may not see it coming in advance.
If we do have advance warning that a huge asteroid is coming, obviously we would want to try to do something about it. With such a scenario in mind, NASA will soon be crashing the DART spacecraft into a giant space rock called Dimorphos.
DART stands for Double Asteroid Redirection Test.
Developed by a team of scientists from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, DART is an unmanned, remotely controlled astronomical suicide mission designed to nudge an asteroid that is half a mile in diameter out of its orbit.
NASA wants to remind doomsayers that this is only a test and that it does not mean that Dimorphos is on a collision course with Earth.
I guess you can believe what you want — but we all know how the government operates and how NASA is always dangling cosmic carrots and then telling is there is nothing to see or fret over.
Sometime between Thanksgiving week (perhaps as soon as the evening of Nov. 23) and February 2022, the team behind DART will launch it from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The spacecraft will, if all goes according to plan, travel 6.8 million miles to reach and collide with Dimorphos.
Is NASA testing out technology that they plan to use on another giant space rock at a later date?
Some have suggested that an asteroid known as Apophis could hit us on April 13th, 2029.
It will be a Friday the 13th in 2029 — just a coincidence — wink, wink.
But NASA insists that Apophis will not hit us “for at least a century”.
The orbit of Apophis is now very well known by astronomers all over the globe.
Depending on what scientist you read or what agency is quoted you get several opinions on what will happen — some are not so optimistic.
Unfortunately, the number of large space rocks going by our planet has been steadily increasing, and there is a good chance that we could see an asteroid impact long before 2029 ever rolls around.
If NASA officials know about such a threat, for now they aren’t admitting that to the public. But they are admitting that they are trying to figure out how to deflect a very large asteroid, and that should definitely be getting our attention.
But what if DART is a dud, or what if the technology doesn’t work quite right? Are we simply to be sitting ducks for a huge rock that will wipe out mankind?
Thomas D. Jones, a veteran of four space shuttle flights who is chairman of the committee on Near-Earth Objects of the Association of Space Explorers says that they have other tools that could possibly change the trajectory of a space rock.
He says that they can ‘park’ nearby and tug on the object through gravitational pulls. They can use a nuclear explosive devices.
And there is an exotic idea of using a solar-powered laser pulse to hit the asteroid repeatedly, creating a puff of gas that will vaporize a piece of the surface and propel the asteroid like a rocket.
NASA says the physics of DART are simple: They just run into s space object the way we have automobile crashes on the highway.
Dimorphos is actually quite small as celestial bodies go. DART will travel at approximately 4 miles a second, and in the spacecraft’s final four hours before collision, scientists on the ground will yield DART’s steering to autonomous onboard computers that will have a greater-than-human-guided chance of smashing DART into the rock, thus pushing the asteroid off course.
It all sounds like a plot from a science fiction film — and many will say that it is a great idea but there are still many threats that exist that can pop up at any time.
There are comets that can shoot toward Earth at high velocity. They can come from completely unexpected directions, and we can have no advance warning of their arrival.
Same with small bodies that hide behind the sun and then just show up without warning.
In the past, NASA has admitted there are many Apollo class asteroids lurking in places where they cannot always be seen and many times, they have to rely on amateur astronomers to get the word out. By then, it may be too late.
The Space Force has been charged along with NASA to eliminate any and all space threats. However, The Space Force has been under scrutiny for integrating the proposed department’s joint war-fighting functions in the solar system; however, the planetary defense department has made some quick moves to explore the threat of Apollo or Apollyon (Extinction level) class asteroids that could impact the planet.
At the UN, they have created a program in infancy called the International Institutional Infrastructure to detect and respond to asteroids. As part of all this and in line with an increasing scientific opinion there is also a notable focus at governmental and intergovernmental levels on the use of nuclear weapons as our best hope. The US and Russia have even mooted working together on a nuclear planetary defense initiative.
It was announced today that Chinese researchers want to send more than 20 of China’s largest rockets to practice turning away a sizable asteroid.
Again, the question is why are the Chinese getting into the act of deflecting asteroids if there is no threat.
At China’s National Space Science Center, researchers found in simulations that 23 Long March 5 rockets hitting simultaneously could deflect a large asteroid from its original path by a distance 1.4 times the Earth’s radius.
Their calculations are based on an asteroid called Bennu, orbiting the sun, which is as wide as the Empire State Building is tall. It belongs to a class of rocks with the potential to cause regional or continental damage. Asteroids spanning more than 1 km would have global consequences.
The science center cited a recently published study in Icarus, a journal on planetary science.
Long March 5 rockets are key to China’s near-term space ambitions – from delivering space station modules to launching probes to the Moon and Mars. China has successfully launched six Long March 5 rockets since 2016, with the last one causing some safety concerns as its remnants reentered the atmosphere in May.
Chinese scientists argue that altering an asteroid’s path presents a lower risk than blasting the rock with nuclear explosives, which may create smaller fragments without changing their course.
Russia believes differently — they believe that if that asteroid appeared, it likely would opt for “launch first, litigate second”.
Meaning that even though space treaties have banned the use of nuclear weapons in space — they would not hesitate to use them to avoid an extinction level event.
But ignoring the law is always a dangerous business, and it’s not hard to envisage nuclear powers using the vague threat of “asteroids” as a pretext for developing new warheads, or even for launching nukes into space.
After all, isn’t this what Werner Von Braun indicated when he told his secretary, Carol Rosin, that one of the major threats that would prompt the weaponizing of space would be the asteroid threat, but a lot of conspiracy theorists only remember what the last card would be and that would be an alien threat.
If the powers of the world opted to commit an unapologetic violation of international law, they’ll also circumvent all the checks and balances that the law can provide. That threat is maybe more worrying than the threat of some hypothetical alien or space rock.