Space is the new frontier for warfare — it is still the fighting domain of the future and affects all of us on a technological level. It remains an explicit US policy to control near space as part of the doctrine of “full-spectrum dominance” and, further, to be able to deny access to space to all other nations. Russian and Chinese space capabilities are growing rapidly, but moreover, both powers are developing counter-space capabilities to blunt America’s advantage in that domain. With recent geopolitical tensions growing, a space war may be on the horizon. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with NASA and Space researcher and author, Mike Bara about ULTIMA THULE – THE IMMINENT WAR IN HEAVEN.
I was reading today that former televangelist Pat Robertson, came out of his retirement to weigh in on the situation between Ukraine and Russia, It appears that he sees something even grander in the whole affair — according to him, Vladimir Putin is being willed by God to conduct the invasion, as a way of triggering the End Times.
Robertson says that Putin went into Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately.
Well, all of this remains to be seen but one thing that is interesting is that while Robertson is pushing end times fulfillment — the blueprint for yet another fulfilled prophecy again is nudging god towards the eschaton.
That is the eventual war in heaven.
President Vladimir Putin hailed new missiles in Russia’s military arsenals but emphasized that the country would only use its nuclear weapons in response to an incoming missile attack.
But he used a term that stuck with me and as Putin has expanded his cause to that of some maniacal spirituality he claims that that such a conflict would end in Russians going “to heaven as martyrs.”
Putin has taken this war to that of a religious and spiritual level and the religious clerics have commented that this is an indication that perhaps they are dealing with something far more sinister than a madman lobbing bombs at Kyiv.
The leaders of the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine called Russian President Vladimir Putin the modern-day Anti-Christ who is going against the will and law of God in his ongoing invasion of Ukraine
Citing nuclear exchanges and heavenly martyrdom is very creepy –as we are constantly being told that Putin is insisting on a scorched earth policy but what about Putin’s idea of setting Heaven on fire?
While we have been focused on the ground war between Russia and Ukraine — there have been just as many threats of warfare happening in space.
We knew that this would become an issue, but there is far too much focus on the ground and not enough focus on what can happen if Russia or even China decide to do damage to satellites or even the space station — since until now, Russia has been providing the United States with the resources necessary to maintain mankind’s presence in orbit.
Considering how President Biden and other leaders are describing their current diplomatic relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is unclear how long space agencies such as NASA and the European Space Agency, which includes 22 nations, can keep their working relationships with Russia untarnished by the fallout.
In some ways, NASA has already been disentangling itself from its ties to Russia. But several international space missions this year currently rely on Russian partnership, and both American and European officials will have to reexamine those efforts and decide whether they’ve reached that point.
Biden this week described the state of U.S.-Russia relations as a “complete rupture”–so why would Russia want to cooperate with any space missions let alone maintain its partnership with the International Space station?
Obviously, there will be no more free rides in space as long as this war continues.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week that he has been “broadly in favor of continuing artistic and scientific collaboration” with Russia despite geopolitical conflict, “but in the current circumstances it’s hard to see how even those can continue as normal.
We all know about how the long-standing space race with Russia has calmed a bit after the end of the cold war — most people remember that there was a very real space race during the ear of tensions with the Soviet Union and how the launch if sputnik was certainly terrifying for Americans that realized that open skies meant a threat to national security and safety.
To counterbalance Soviet space programs and regain the confidence of American people, NASA was established in 1961, and massive funding for space-related projects from the US Government was available.
In 1961, US President John Kennedy said that the USA should put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. This was achieved in 1969, largely putting the United States ahead in the Space Race.
The USSR and USA were competing to outdo each other in the amazing field of space exploration, ultimately to prove that which political system, Communism or Capitalism, was superior. The Space Race was essentially an extension of the Cold War and thus was intimately connected to military-industrial superiority to be shown the world.
If the Cold War turned hot, intercontinental ballistic missiles and suborbital launch units had to be disabled by spy satellites of the other side. Communication satellites (comsats) handled more than half the world’s communications traffic in 1979.
The 1970s was a period of intense concern about natural resource shortages. The dire predictions of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb and the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth report, the 1973 and 1979 oil price shocks and the films trans-creating those horrible futures like Z.P.G., Soylent Green, Logan’s Run. had tilted public opinion considerably.
- Harry Stine in 1975 his book The Third Industrial Revolution advocated that the emerging great business opportunities are in outer space as miners tapped the asteroids for their metals and manufacturing moved into orbit. The solar system is abundant in solar energy and raw materials, and an orbital environment has many advantages.
Apollo–Soyuz was the first crewed international space mission, carried out jointly by the United States and the Soviet Union in July 1975. Millions of people around the world watched on television as a United States Apollo spacecraft docked with a Soviet Union Soyuz capsule. The project, and its memorable handshake in space, was a symbol of détente between the two superpowers during the Cold War, and it is generally considered to mark the end of the Space Race.
For some years, Space has had a relative calm as we have avoided any types of war threats from adversarial countries.
Until now.
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has changed everything and has resurrected the cold war stance of the United States, NATO alliances and Russia.
Now its repercussions are extending off the planet and into space in many ways that are certainly just as imprtnat as giving the play by play of the ground war.
In a series of incendiary tweets last week, Dmitry Rogozin, director general of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, threatened to crash the International Space over the United States, Europe, China, or India.
Rogozin Tweeted the following:
“The correction of the station’s orbit, and its avoidance of dangerous rendezvous with space garbage with which your talented businessmen have polluted the near-Earth orbit, is produced exclusively by the engines of the Russian Progress MS cargo ships.
If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS from an uncontrolled deorbit that falls into the United States or Europe?” he continued. “There is also the option of dropping the 500-ton structure to India and China. Do you want to threaten them with such a prospect?”
Such an inflammatory threat no doubt adds to the atmosphere of anxiety produced by the Russian invasion and its possible consequences.
NASA responded to Rogozin’s recent tweets by reiterating that all of the station’s international partners, including Roscosmos, are working to maintain “the ongoing safe operations of the International Space Station.”
“The new export control measures will continue to allow U.S.-Russia civil space operations,” NASA said in a statement. “No changes are planned to the agency’s support for ongoing in-orbit and ground-station operations.”
NASA assumes that it is not that easy to deorbit the space station and claims that it is incredibly unlikely that Russia would take such drastic action given that the station is currently home to two of its own cosmonauts, Anton Shkaplerov and Pyotr Dubrov, and contains decades of Russian scientific investment.
It’s also worth noting that Rogozin has a long history of bombastic statements, especially in response to sanctions. Perhaps most infamously, Rogozin threatened to withhold Russian rocket rides to the ISS after he was personally targeted by sanctions in the wake of Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula, proclaiming that American astronauts could try to reach the station by trampoline.
At that time, Russia was the only nation capable of ferrying crews to and from the ISS, but the nation never came close to making good on Rogozin’s threat of refusing passage to the station. Meanwhile, SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, a US-based spacecraft, has started carrying crews to and from the station, beginning in 2019, ending Russia’s monopoly on rides to the ISS.
But while NASA tells us that there’s no reason to be anxious about a giant space station falling on your head anytime soon, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is having real consequences for the space sector.
Russia has retaliated against sanctions from Europe by suspending launches of its Soyuz vehicle and withdrawing personnel from a spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, operated by the European Space Agency.
It also looks as if the Exomars mission a joint European Russia project has been cancelled or delayed because of the tensions with Russia. ExoMars has already suffered a delay from its original 2020 launch due in part to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Tensions between Russia and its international space partners have simmered since the 2014 annexation of Crimea, but the full-scale invasion of Ukraine stands to permanently strain or sever many of these relationships. Scientists across the world have touted the success of international cooperation with Russia in space as a form of inspiration and soft power. As of this month, it’s fair to say that era has ended.
Elon Musk received a Tweet from Ukraine’s deputy prime minister asking him to help with their deteriorating internet by sending Starlink hookups to aid in the conflict. Within 48 hours Ukraine had the materials necessary to beef up their internet.
Some have questioned the safety of using satellite internet during a conflict, suggesting that the dishes could be targeted by Russian forces.
In a widely shared twitter thread John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at The Citizen Lab, said that Mr Musk’s offer of assistance was “good to see” but warned users to be careful, noting: “Russia has decades of experience hitting people by targeting their satellite communications”.
Starlink is not the only satellite internet company operating in the region. Commercial satellite internet company Viasat said that on 24 Feb, the day Russia invaded, it suffered “a cyber-event” affecting broadband services.
The company has not said who or what is behind it, but said it was experiencing a “partial network outage” affecting internet service for fixed broadband customers “in Ukraine and elsewhere
Ukraine doesn’t have its own spy satellites, so where does it get its spy imagery?
It gets it from commercial satellites, they can become a target for hackers. Some of the companies behind those commercial satellites are located in the United States.
Should the conflict in Ukraine escalate further, all of the space equipment in the United States that directly helps the Ukrainian military machine… becomes fair game for the Russians to target.
As past precedent has shown, Russian cyber attackers increasingly seem to target large-scale US infrastructure — and there’s only so much consumers can do about it despite the resulting disruption to their own lives.
For individuals, the most important defense is to ensure any potential vulnerabilities in your devices are patched, whether that’s through software updates or additional security measures such as two-factor authentication, where a code from an external device or app is used in addition to your password.
The burden is arguably on the public and private sector to prepare.
America relies heavily on space assets to project force around the globe, from launching missiles to directing warships across the seas. Indeed, the Global Positioning System, or GPS, is actually a group of 31 high-orbiting satellites owned by the US government and operated by the US Air Force.
Some worry that disrupting America’s vast network of satellites and ground-based systems could send US forces back to an antiquated era of targeting, communications, and navigation systems, deeply undercutting battlefield superiority.
The 21st-century version of the “Space Race” is a commercial satellite race – and it is rumored that the satellites can do double duty as weapons if needed.
Per the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, governments aren’t allowed to claim territories in outer space, such as the moon or an asteroid, on behalf of their own countries. However, that doesn’t mean businesses can’t do it. That means the way to promote national dominance in space is to promote space businesses, which in this case, includes commercial satellites.
If they piggy back intelligence for the war effort in Europe, they can become targets for bad actors and enemy forces.
Advanced weapons systems and autonomous killing machines would be controlled from the cloud –and other operations would have to be conducted from bases in space.
Today’s advancements in AI draw a parallel theme to Skynet, the Artificial Intelligence software in Terminator Genisys that leads to Judgement Day.
Skynet type systems would be monitoring any and all threats from space including “Space Aggressors” that are secretly fought in game simulations by the military.
Space is and has always been seen as a “strategic area,” which directly impacts the national security and defense of a country. With United States trying to enhance its capabilities, other states are observing these events very seriously, especially those with their own space programs.
Right now, one can’t say definitively whether this decision by U.S. government that is leading to the reoccurrence of a space race like in the 1960s but we certainly can see how the war in space can be fulfillment of prophecies that point to a future war in heaven.
The Book of the Apocalypse states that:
“Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”
Some say that the interpretation should be left to many examples of earthly revolutions and revolts. But the name associations of ancient mythologies should send a signal that NASA has not abandoned their medieval wordplay to describe what they do.
The truth about space affairs should appear to have its successes in future missions but beyond all of the hype of the good comes the nefarious moves to keep us under the eye of the watchers.
Space is the new frontier for warfare — it is still the fighting domain of the future and affects all of us on a technological level. It remains explicit US policy to control near space as part of the doctrine of “full spectrum dominance” and, further, to be able to deny access to space to all other nations.
Russian and Chinese space capabilities are growing rapidly, but moreover, both powers are developing counter-space capabilities to blunt America’s advantage in that domain.
Perhaps a more dangerous threat are Russian and Chinese satellites that can get close and attack other satellites.
Russia and China continue to launch ‘experimental’ satellites that conduct sophisticated on-orbit activities, at least some of which are intended to advance counterspace capabilities.
On January 22, China’s Shijian-21 satellite, or SJ-21, disappeared from its regular position in orbit during daylight hours when observations were difficult to make with optical telescopes. SJ-21 was then observed executing a “large maneuver” to bring it closely alongside another satellite, a dead BeiDou Navigation System satellite. SJ-21 then pulled the dead satellite out of its normal geosynchronous orbit and placed it a few hundred miles away in what is known as a graveyard orbit. These distant orbits are designated for defunct satellites at the end of their lives and are intended to reduce the risk of collision with operational assets.
The maneuver raises questions about the potential applications of these types of satellites designed to maneuver close to other satellites for inspection or manipulation and adds to growing concerns about China’s space program overall.
If China has the ability to pluck out satellites and send them into graveyard orbit, then I am sure Russia has a few tricks up its sleeve as well.
The more things that satellites do, and the more satellites that do them, the greater the stakes should they become targets in a conflict.
What can this mean for us on Earth?
At first, it may just seem like a glitch: cellphones go silent, ATM cards stop working, auto-mobile navigation systems quit. The hiccup becomes a full-fledged crisis as the disruption affects the complex constellations of satellites that make up the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and its international counterparts. Personal computers go haywire. The internet goes dark. Power grids sputter. Pilots can’t find runways. Transportation networks shut down. Food shortages loom.
Life, as a lot of us have come to know it, grinds to a halt. The scale of disruption would make the COVID-19 crisis seem like a mere inconvenience.
It’s the integration of space into terrestrial warfare– which can and will be felt as we are constantly being warned that this will be the next phase in conducting the Great Reset.
Mike Bara is a New York Times Bestselling author, lecturer and TV personality whose books have sold over 70,000 copies worldwide. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as an engineering designer/consultant for major aerospace companies, where he was a card-carrying member of the Military/Industrial complex. A self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book “Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA” was a New York Times bestseller from Feral House in 2007.
March 1, 2022 at 9:22 pm
We do live in crazy times thank you Clyde my fellow eagle scout we are close in age .
I watched china Joe’s speech tonight I can’t tell you how many times he lied and miss spoke alot I can’t help but to think how since I was very young I watched these speeches and this one was terrible
This war in Ukraine is what you said a bunch of crime family’s who control the world .
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