Today, many Americans woke up to major cell carrier disruptions along with outages to web-based platforms, apps, and AI programs. It is not clear what caused the problem as the cell companies have yet to make an official statement. Some of the possible culprits for the massive mechanical failure are satellite and cyber attacks along with a “strong solar event” which occurred early this morning. We need to be aware of the Cyber Polygon of the Elite as they will utilize such an event similar to the pandemic by implementing more draconian regulations to control the masses. Technology can be a beneficial thing for humans until it’s used against us. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with cell phone industry expert and co-host of Into The Microcosm, Jimmy Gene, about CELL STORM – FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE.
We are in a world that is constantly changing and is constantly manipulated. These manipulations and changes are being made by very powerful people who are twisted enough to warn you when you are in the cross-hairs of one of their diabolical agendas.
Using what intuitive skills we have, we can tap into the storehouse of information we have accumulated over time and understand that many things go one that are not by accident.
Things happen for a reason, and there are things that I have reported for you to prepare for that may not be as immediate as you would like but there is no statute of limitations on predictions that urge preparedness.
Some manipulators continually try to cover up and obfuscate their machinations. The more we are aware of them the more we should feel obligated to expose them. However, it is important to fully understand what is happening without jumping to conclusions or rattling off some Illuminati list of enemies that we always hear about.
I’m not saying that there aren’t opportunists out there exploiting you and pumping fear into your minds – it is just that we have to keep things in perspective.
Most of us fall into our daily routines fairly easily with little thought. We wake up in the morning drink our coffee eat a little breakfast and head off to work.
Pulling out of our driveways we navigate well-lit and organized streets that efficiently for the most part take us to our destination and return us home in the evening.
After work, we engage in a multitude of various events, hobbies, sports, and video games till our days wind down to a restful or restless sleep.
Oh, and I almost forgot –many people do the ritual of looking at their cell phones when they get up — and looking at their phones before going to sleep.
The phone is our clock — our alarm system our black mirror unto the world. Without it we feel helpless. We use it for news, bank transactions and other things.
Though we clamor on the Right and Left with varying degrees of political outrage over a multitude of issues we seem to take comfort in the predictability of our day-to-day existence. When we flip on the light switch, we expect illumination. We expect the heat to kick on when it is cold. We expect the stove to work to heat up water for coffee or tea, we expect our foods to be refrigerated.
These are what are called legacy systems, we depend on them just like we depend upon our legs for walking or our lungs for breathing. This puts us somewhat into a very vulnerable position — we think to ourselves “How did we ever function without this remarkable invention?”
Now we may have to prepare for times when we may not be able to use it.
Today thousands of people got a taste of the helplessness that happened when there was a major cell phone outage in some places around the country.
AT&T, Cricket Wireless, FirstNet, Verizon, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Boost Mobile, Consumer Cellular and Straight Talk were all down this morning in some parts of the country.
Phones stuck on SOS mode, leaving panicked customers fearing the ‘end of the world’.
Concerned customers across the United States had to endure major disruptions to their service as several providers went down. The outage has sparked several warnings from police departments, claiming that people have been unable to call or text 911 emergency services.
Folks on the Internet have grown suspicious of the mass outage impacting so many major providers at once.
“World is Ending” was trending on “X” today.
One user wrote: “Got the “SOS” mode and thought the world was ending.”
Another said: “Anyone else experiencing these “SOS only” outages on @ATT? Is the world ending?”
A third asked: “OK conspiracy theorists and smart people who know more than me…what is behind the cell carrier outage overnight?”
While a fourth added: “AI bots failing… AT&T down… it’s happening folks, the world is ending.”
It’s unclear what has caused the major disruption, which is thought to have hit at around 4 am Eastern time, with the number of AT&T outage reports peaking at 31,931 at around 4:30 am.
But the outage kept growing exponentially.
More than 70,000 and growing — spreading like a cancer along cell systems.
Service disruptions were reported in New York, Boston, Washington, Montreal, Honolulu, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco.
Nationwide, 911 operators have warned that the outage has impacted their ability to take calls.
San Francisco Fire Department issued a statement saying they had been made aware of the issue and urged citizens to try calling from a landline.
The department added: ‘If that is not an option then please try to get ahold of a friend or family member who is a customer of a different carrier and ask them to call 911 on your behalf.’
Yes do that — your neighbor probably has no service too.
The major cellphone companies have yet to make any statement regarding the outages. It’s not clear what the cause of the problem is. However, we have been hearing about mechanical failures, possible cyber attacks, and satellite attacks and there was also a report of a Solar flare that may have been the reason for the outage.
An Oklahoma news station reported a “strong solar flare event” took place just after midnight on Thursday morning and claimed that could be the reason several cellular service companies experienced outages across the country.
Yes, there was a flare, but scientists say that we were not in the crosshairs of the flare’s possible disruption.
Again we are seeing on social media that everyone is seemingly making the same reference: Netflix’s recent apocalyptic disaster movie, Leave the World Behind.
When the film first came out on Netflix we discussed the possibility that this film was certainly intentionally created for the possibilities of predictive programming.
So far it seems that the universe is making good on the possible synchronicity.
The film opens with all communications going down after satellites get disabled in an apparent cyber-attack. Given that things in the film only got worse from there, some online are either mock panicking or actual panicking, or a combination of both.
Barack Obama as one of its producers–which adds more fuel to the fire that the film was more of a warning than something created for escapist entertainment.
If you have seen the film you know that there is a segment where the whole plan of take over and how it can be accomplished is revealed.
It happens in three stages:
The first step: is cyberattacks, isolating people with power, cellular, and satellite outages. Two: sowing “synchronized chaos” with misinformation campaigns, and Third: Civil war.
This is how you topple a government, this is how you start a coup d’ tat.
As Americans woke up on Thursday morning to reports of a nationwide phone outage, Leave the World Behind quickly started trending on social media as people couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the film and the current predicament.
We are learning with the outage that we are prisoners of the phone. It makes you and me vulnerable.
What we got here is a failure to communicate,” says the Captain to the prisoner Luke in the classic movie Cool Hand Luke. “Some men you just can’t reach…which is the way he wants it.”
There is something very chilling in the way the reality of flesh and blood humans living in a natural world has been replaced by all types of fetishes – drugs, objects, celebrities, machines, etc. While all are connected, the cell phone is key because of its growing centrality to the elites’ push for a digitized world.
No matter how many articles and news reports about Artificial Intelligence (AI) that appear, it is all just a gloss on a long-developing problem that goes back many years – machine worship.
It is also the worship of power, the worship of electro-centricity. But failures in these areas would end the clown show for good because there would be no immediate way of relaying information.
Without the cell phone and power, all of our spoiled entitlements become worthless.
But not to worry, the World has said that through their active tabletop exercises and preparations for Cyber Polygon, the answers will come from a special magical utility that they claim is in waiting for when the grid that we are used to goes down and people begin praying for a miracle.
Rumor has it that the 5G system is only part of their plan and that there are other tools in the works to provide service without all of the problems that carriers face now.
The single most important fact about 5G that nobody is talking about is called phased array. The phased array will change the way cell towers and cell phones are constructed and will transform the blanket of radiation that has enveloped our world for two decades into a million powerful beams whizzing by us at all times.
According to the book The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life’– Arthur Firstenberg writes
“They are going to concentrate their energy in narrow, steerable high power beams. The arrays are going to track each other, so that wherever you are, a beam from your smartphone is going to be aimed directly at the base station (cell tower), and a beam from the base station is going to be aimed directly at you.
If you walk between someone’s phone and the base station, both beams will go right through your body. The beam from the tower will hit you even if you are in the general vicinity of someone who is on a smartphone. And if you are in a crowd, multiple beams will overlap and be unavoidable.”
Yes, all running under the same power and frequency of direct energy weapons. There needs to be a foolproof plan to protect the consumer from losing its electronic pacifier.
Nothing like sacrificing your living cells to the invisible electrical smog.
The goal has always been to alter brain chemistry to make humans more pliable and bendable — the globalists have even stated many times that humans are becoming hackable, just like a computer platform.
I am sure that the globalists at the World Economic Forum and the planners are taking notes on this cell phone failure so that they can use their data to make a pitch for their secret phased array programs.
Initially, the people who said this was a great reset were derided as crazed conspiracy theorists. But then it turned out that the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, had written a book by the very title that you could buy from Amazon. It turns out to be HG Wells’s The Open Conspiracy updated for the 21st-century technology.
There turns out to be much more than that. The way to predict our future is to follow the plan — and how it appears that they have a backup for every damn disaster that they seem to be behind.
Researching and realizing all of this in real-time has been a bit much. It has shattered the old ideological paradigms. The old theories no longer explain the world as it is unfolding.
It causes all of us to revisit our history, at least those with minds adaptable enough to pay attention.
For vast swaths of the intellectual class, this is not possible.
For them it a pursuit in political ideologies that go nowhere, but of course, people in political parties need to impress their friends with some shallow pleasantries to avoid being called an alarmist.
Well, who is going to be there when the alarm rings and no one wants to answer the call?
Shouldn’t the phone systems failures be a cause for alarm? Shouldn’t there be transparency as to why the failures happened in the first place?
Or are we to accept the convenient press release that covers the corporate south end — for purposes of avoiding embarrassment?
Looking back, I believe that Ground Zero listeners already knew that something was up at the outset. There were too many anomalies.
We are also quite aware of the cyber polygon plans of the elite. Remember that they see a cyber or cellphone failure as similar to a pandemic.
It’s always comforting when a guy with a thick German accent talks about how he wants to control everything. How he explains that with all of the disasters that are coming our way, there are solutions he has in a big bag of magic tricks.
How long will it take us to process this reality? We seem to be only at the early stages of understanding, much less resisting.
We seem to feel as if we are tangled in that web that they continue to weave.
Think of your cell phones as the telescreens of Orwell’s book, 1984.
Think of how important it is for the global governments to continue to use this mechanism to have a one-way ticket to your choices and feelings.
Technology is a great thing for humans. This has been proved time and again. It becomes a bad thing when it is controlled by a cartel of people who have no respect for anything.
Jimmy Gene had a 25-year career in the telecommunication industry both wired and wireless telecommunications his company serviced telecommunications giants AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and was responsible for 350 cell sites in the Sprint /Nextel network from in California. His company serviced Fortune 100 clients for Sprint Nextel, and has worked with some of the leaders in the industry to develop systems the bleeding edge of wireless transmission. Jimmy is the podcast host of INTO THE MICROCOSM.
February 22, 2024 at 2:53 pm
Our own government has the ability to shut down communications if they want to, just as much as other foreign powers have the ability. Prepare, prepare prepare! Things are gonna get a lot worse. Take care every day a good day.
February 22, 2024 at 4:39 pm
February 22, 2024 at 6:12 pm
February 22, 2024 at 8:23 pm
Have you heard about the 3-day outage of energy in the nearby future? Check out Lady in the woods444 on YouTube. God has a plan. This is no joke.
February 22, 2024 at 9:02 pm
That is disturbing , correlating the locations of outage with Fed Res Banks. Not good. And medicine disruption for the people. Smells like cyber polyclownagon dryvrun by a global alphabet organization
February 22, 2024 at 9:49 pm
Moon landing warning .from moon base . But earthquakes next in California .in wall street in nyc .in Japan in iran. Turkey Italy. Greece. Stock market bank crash. Oh oh it’s easy too cause cell phone fail .just drop it in pizza sauce true it’s a matrix snow ball effect…vTrump trump coming .will speak and has right too it’s all plan .GOD judgement next two days .hell on earth moon attacks..
February 22, 2024 at 9:50 pm
Earthquakes every where wall St crash
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