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Clyde Lewis | November 9, 2020


Before Halloween, I was contemplating the balance I would give to all of the major news stories and the paranormal stories I do. It was difficult because there was so much going on that I am sure that in the process I was overlooking something that certainly needed attention.

Around the time we called out Dark Winter, long before Joe Biden acknowledged it – that plan was underway for a psychological operation that both political parties were aware of and Donald Trump confirmed there would be a viable vaccine by Election Day.

However, as we reported Friday, there was a table top asymmetrical warfare exercise that was carried out six months ago where a fictitious election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump would wind up with Biden beating Trump with a called electoral vote.

The war game plan was carried out by the Transition Integrity Project.


The scenario predicted a narrow Biden victory in the Electoral College: 278 to 260. The group that represented Team Trump were told not to concede the election under no circumstances.

They were told that they had to use whatever means necessary to secure the 10 electoral college votes to swing the election. They were asked to focus on three of the swing states that in this particular scenario Biden had gained— Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because, in all three, Republicans control both branches of the legislature. Normally, the governor certifies the election results, and in all three states the governor is a Democrat. But there is nothing to prevent the legislature from certifying a different election outcome.

In the mock transition scenario, the Republican Party bombarded the airwaves with claims of electoral fraud and insisted that Trump had been cheated of victory. The GOP filed suit to prevent the certification of the results. Attorney General William P. Barr, supported this effort in this mock exercise by claiming to have detected efforts by Chinese intelligence, Antifa terrorists and other enemies of the people to steal the election.

The goal was to tie up the proceedings in the courts, initially at the state level, and quickly force the Republican-dominated Supreme Court to intervene.

While this was going on, chaos reigned in the streets, with pro- and anti-Trump activists mobilizing massive protests and violence erupting. Democrats believed that mass protests could force the government to respect the election outcome. But the team representing Trump, calculated that such chaos would help persuade the Supreme Court to intervene to shut down the dispute. In 2000, even two of the more moderate conservative justices — Sandra Day O’Connor and Anthony M. Kennedy voted to end Florida’s recount and hand the election to George W. Bush.

The question is: was it all that fictitious or was it part of a psychological operation and has it gone real time under the auspices of Dark Winter?

It would appear that a mock exercise has gone real world and that a massive psy-op is now being offered and the media and the people are being led into it without a doubt because of the new found feelings of unity that we are told the country is feeling.

However, actor James Woods tweeted today the sentiments of many conservative voters when he stated: the country has been pummeled by the left like a battered wife and now they are telling her to put on her sunglasses to hide her black eye and be a good little girl.

If the Transition Integrity Project has gone real world, then this is massive psy-op that has been launched across the world because no one is even thinking that the existing and forthcoming litigation from the Trump team might change the final tally in key battleground states, and in turn influence how the Electoral College votes in the middle of next month, since it’s this institution – not the media or the popular vote – which legally decides the presidency, as per the Constitution.

With the psy-op reaching its crescendo towards what might ultimately end up being Trump’s official capitulation (although no such concession on his side is constitutionally required), the question on his supporters’ minds is whether or not they should recognize the contentious results even if the Electoral College certifies them. That’s a personal decision that every person must make for themselves, though it should be said that everyone should abide by the law and not burn, loot, riot, and even murder in rare instances like the “deep state’s” de-facto street militias of Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” have done for nearly the past half-year with practical impunity when expressing their rage against the system. Nevertheless, consent is purely personal and doesn’t have to be given even if one goes through the motions of abiding by the certified outcome in order to avoid the possible consequences of being placed on the “enemies list” that some of the dictatorial Democrats are currently compiling.

Of course, the enemies list was not part of the mock exercise but it was to be expected – Dark Winter means so many things to the Deep State operatives that are behind it.

After we reported that the election would be in favor of Joe Biden as per the exercise there were a few other things that were also in play and that was how COVID-19 would also be used to create even more mistrust of the people as there would be talk of an overnight miracle cure or vaccine that would certainly tune the tide for the election.

Today, Pfizer announced that its COVID-19 vaccine may be a remarkable 90% effective, based on early and incomplete test results that nevertheless brought a big burst of optimism to a world desperate for the means to finally bring the catastrophic outbreak under control.

The announcement came less than a week after an election seen as a referendum on President Donald Trump’s handling of the virus. Trump had announced that the vaccine would arrive before the election and of course it landed 48 hours after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the election by the mainstream media—the same media both Fox News and CNN , MSNBC, to flat out censor any and all talk about voter fraud,claiming that Trump has no evidence.

President-elect Joe Biden has warned the United States is still ‘facing a very dark winter’ and says a COVID-19 vaccine likely won’t be available for months despite the news today from Pfizer that its jab may be 90 percent effective.

Pfizer, which developed a vaccine with German drugmaker BioNTech, are the first to release successful data based on an interim analysis from a large-scale coronavirus vaccine clinical trial.

Just hours after Pfizer’s announcement, Biden made remarks from Wilmington, Delaware saying that a coronavirus vaccine approval process must be guided by science so the public can have confidence it is safe and effective.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government’s top infectious-disease expert, said the results suggesting 90% effectiveness are “just extraordinary,” adding: “Not very many people expected it would be as high as that.”

President Trump, who had suggested repeatedly during the presidential campaign that a vaccine could be ready by Election Day, tweeted: “STOCK MARKET UP BIG, VACCINE COMING SOON. REPORT 90% EFFECTIVE. SUCH GREAT NEWS!”

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted: “The timing of this is pretty amazing. Nothing nefarious about the timing of this at all right?”

Pfizer has insisted that its work is not influenced by politics and that it was “moving at the speed of science.” Denying that they were not part of the President’s Operation Warp Speed program.

Pfizer said its only involvement in Operation Warp Speed is that those doses are part of the administration’s goal to have 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines ready sometime next year.

Even though Pfizer denies it is playing politics, it is obvious that politics are at play here otherwise the vaccine would be distributed without delay, however, I am sure it will be held until the Electoral College votes in December and the transition of power happens between Biden and Trump.

So we will not see this vaccine until February at the latest.

This raises the question of whether using a virus as a weapon against a group of people is tantamount to terrorism.

The “Deep State’s” mainstream media proxies launched a massive psy-op against the world by stoking fear about the virus, encouraging the continues lockdowns, blaming the sitting President for the fatalities and then by coincidence produce a vaccine with 90 percent effectiveness just three days after the announcement of a possible new president taking the White House.

It is also evident that the psy-op includes the declaring Biden the President-Elect despite the outcome still being litigated and the Electoral College not yet having cast their ballots for the Democratic candidate. Many average folks and foreign governments anticipating either oit of innocent ignorance or willing hypocritical complicity with this take over due to their political sympathies for President Trump’s opponents. In any case, just like “The Connection Between World War Covid & Psychological Processes Is Seriously Concerning”, so too should the widespread manipulation of global perceptions be equally concerning for all those are aware of what’s happening.

Last month, an international group of lawyers claimed that they are preparing to sue the World Health Organization over damage inflicted on large parts of the population by the coronavirus lockdowns.

A lawyer named Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who is one of four members of the German Coronavirus Investigative Committee Claims that he along with many lawyers are taking evidence and listening to testimonies of large numbers of international scientists in order to ‘find answers to questions that more and more people are asking worldwide about the Coronavirus’.

This corona crisis he says must be renamed a corona scandal and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. He proceeds to explain how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this ‘biggest tort case ever’. There are three main questions to answer: briefly, the first – is there a corona pandemic or a PCR testing pandemic? The second – is lockdown (social distancing, masks and so on) a protective measure or there to create panic and fear? third – was were governments massively lobbied by the chief protagonists of the corona pandemic?

Meanwhile, Biden still contends that Dark Winter has arrived and that 200,000 more people will die if we do not wear masks and social distance – you may recall that he gave the same quote in August claiming if people would just wear their masks for three more months they would save nearly 200,000 lives.

Now the lives the he said would be saved are the same that will die if we don’t comply.

If they’re not freeing the vaccine and continue this psy-op this can be considered psychological terrorism.

He stated: “We are Americans and our country is under threat.”

COVID-19. Biden, Trump. Social Justice. War. Human Rights. Economics. Whatever the issue, it seems that every day we are being told we must adopt a particular position. And to do so “or else”. Under incredible pressure to be in the right and to feel good about ourselves, we are bombarded with “ways to think” that are quite often delivered by overt propaganda, but that are also, perhaps more than we realize, covert and not aware to us consciously.

None of this is coincidence, none of it is accidental, but it is sinister. If things continue as they have been, and this lockdown remains in place, whether fully or partially, the anticipation of this “dark winter” will be on the minds of most all Americans, especially if it is continually used as the threat of things to come.

With that in the minds of the people, they will be expecting the worst, and will probably get exactly what they expect;  an extension of lockdown or a restart happening sometime either during Thanksgiving or Christmas of 2020 where they will warn families not to gather at these times.

The cooler climate will keep COVID-19 spreading – we are hearing now that it is at its fever pitch – and yet they are sitting on that vaccine. The other dear is that there is no guarantees about the harmful side effects of a vaccine that has been rushed to production.

There will be lockdowns – government pauses extended emergencies and tax collecting during the winter.

Contact tracing of individuals will become more and more evident at public gatherings and in the Shopping Malls this winter. Be advised that there is also plans for door to door visits form Health security officials during the harsh winter that will of course conduct welfare checks, provide food and services if needed and they may discourage family gatherings for the holidays.

The government announced that a contract for $138 million was been issued to fund production of 500 million pre-filled COVID-19 vaccine “injection devices,” this was before any vaccine was available or even in the test range.

Does this sound like a well-planned political maneuver?

As any should be able to see, this is a complex, but easily identifiable plot that is coming to fruition very quickly and with little resistance. It is planned down to the last detail, just as were all the practice runs that were acted out in the past.

COVID-19 is real and it’s very deadly for at-risk members of the population, but the historically unprecedented full-spectrum paradigm-changing processes catalyzed by the world’s uncoordinated attempt to contain it have been greatly influenced by psychological processes that continue to be taken advantage of in order to politically exploit the pandemic, the observation of which should be seriously concerning for everyone.

Every country of economic significance seems to be scrambling to prepare themselves for what their leaders appear to sincerely believe is the inevitable “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, or “Great Reset,” though they’re going about it in different ways.

The expectation of a Marxist post-scarcity economy where the automation and digitalization of many jobs will lead to the large-scale replacement of many workers with AI is predicted to result in greater individual dependence on the government, which is preemptively being forced upon many of them through lockdowns and subsequent economic stimulus packages that might ultimately lead to a policy of so-called “universal basic income”.

In order to enforce compliance, the authorities over-exaggerate the lethality of COVID-19 so as to keep the population imprisoned in the homes out of fear, while those who dare to venture outside are forced to wear masks even though their effectiveness in preventing infection isn’t perfect like they’ve been officially portrayed. Masks also serve the purpose of psychologically reassuring the population that they can survive the pandemic.

It is Security Theater – it is the outside compliance to the psychological operation. It is your protection from what is planned for Dark Winter.


Written by Clyde Lewis

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