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Clyde Lewis | November 5, 2021


During the Halloween weekend, I decided to go back and listen to the old radio play of War of the Worlds. I saw a story that was floating around my news feed about what really happened when Orson Wells announced that violent gas explosions were seen sending debris towards Earth, only to learn later that we were being invaded by a vanguard of extraterrestrial terrorists.Fake News "War of the Worlds" - "praying, crying, fleeing frantically to  escape death,”

Every film version of this event captures the Cold War paranoia of invasion. The sky lights up with various bolide meteors. These disturbances trigger earthquakes and super storms that send down terrifying lightning bolts.

These distractions provide a cover for the aliens to draw up their plans on how to attack the planet and annihilate the population.

In the Orson Wells radio play, the aliens start their rampage in a small town called Grover’s Mill in New Jersey.

I was sought after to be in a documentary about the night that terrified the world and had the privilege of going to Grover’s Mill. It is one of those postage stamp towns that if you blink you would miss it.

Grover’s mill is just over a small bridge. There is a barn that sells arts and crafts and a old water tower that was mistaken for a Martian tripod that still stands there today.

In a park just outside of the small towns border hidden in some bushes is a monument to Orson Wells and engraved on the monument. it says “On this spot the aliens invaded planet earth in the broadcast of War of the Worlds.Grovers Mill, New Jersey - Wikipedia

Out of all of the hot spots of UFO lore I have visited from Roswell, New Mexico to McMinnville, Oregon – Grover’s Mill, I felt was the most special.

It just captures the imagination – a fictitious alien invasion that many people believed was happening –only later learning it was an elaborate ruse.

What is also interesting is that we are wired to think that some unknown invader is always out there and that we are doomed to defend ourselves against it.

Every other year we are told that the idea of alien disclosure is near and we gather up whatever table scraps we get to keep the story alive – hoping that someday we will get the truth.

However, there are those that can see that the disclosure is already begun. It is a slow burn process.

We all have affirmed that we are not alone and it appears that our leaders are preparing us for some very real possibilities that something is going on in space and that it needs to be addressed.

The War of the World’s scenario is not so far-fetched anymore, which is why it is important to pay attention to what the government is planning.

An asteroid skimmed past the Earth last week at just 3,000 kilometers away from the planet’s surface, but no one noticed until after the fact.Asteroid sneaks within 2,000 miles of Earth undetected

Dubbed 2021 UA1, the asteroid, which skimmed by Antarctica on Halloween, was very small — Only around 2 meters in diameter, which is roughly the size of a golf cart. Now scientists say it would be highly unlikely for the rock to do any damage– but the possibility of it hitting satellites had scientists breathing a sigh of relief that none were damaged.

Another danger is that an asteroid came so close to the planet and nobody noticed — it could have exploded over a populated area and create a Tunguska or a Chelyabinsk event.

2021 UA1 flew very close to the planet and is estimated to have been the third closest asteroid flyby ever recorded without impacting, following 2020 QG in August 2020 and 2020 VT4 in November 2020.

With a distance of 2000 miles, 2021 UA1 was far closer to the Earth than the Moon, which orbits at a distance of 250, 0000 miles from the planet.

2021 UA1 was not as close to the Earth as the International Space Station, it was far closer to the planet than many of Earth’s communications satellites.

This is not the first time such an asteroid passed the planet without anyone noticing: On September 16, 2021, an asteroid with a diameter between 42 and 94 meters, flew past the planet at around half the distance between Earth and the Moon, and nobody noticed until a day later.

With its large size and clocking in around 23.8 km. per second, the asteroid could certainly have made an impact if it hit.

The last known significant asteroid impact was on February 15, 2013, when an asteroid exploded in the air above Chelyabinsk, Russia. This asteroid was 17 meters wide, and while it didn’t result in any casualties, the shock wave from the explosion shattered windows in six different Russian cities and caused 1,500 people to require medical attention.

This asteroid, too, came from the “back.”

The destructive nature of asteroids, even small ones, is something well-known to experts, with space agencies around the world monitoring for potential catastrophic impacts, as well as researching potential means of stopping them.

Over a span of three days this week France and the U,K, received 187 reports of huge fireballs heading towards the planet and exploding in midair.

Back in March, NASA had announced that the planet was at little to no risk of an asteroid impact for the next century, following calculations by astronomers that 99942 Apophis – a massive 340-meter asteroid – will safely pass by the planet at a distance of under 32,000 km. on April 13, 2029.Apophis asteroid will not hit Earth for 100 years, Nasa says - BBC News

However, as incidents like the close flyby of 2021 UA1 show, the risk of unexpected asteroids closer to the Sun remains a possible threat.

The continued sightings of these exploding bolides is a cause for concern.

NASA is getting to the point where they can no longer keep space and what goes on up there a secret. Hard as they try people who have eyes to see are wondering when we will witness a catastrophe in space — in our lifetime.

In the not-too-distant future there are four major threats that we will have to cognizant of with regard to space — the overcrowding of satellites and space junk, adversarial countries that have the ability to destroy space platforms and satellites and now we are told that we have to prepare for the inevitable announcement of life in space.

There’s a growing consensus in the scientific community that there’s alien life out there, somewhere, in some form or another. It’s only a matter of time and scientific rigor before we find it.

If this summer’s spasm of excitement over “UFO sightings” is any indication, the public is primed to run with any evidence, that we’re not alone in the universe. Even if our extraterrestrial company is merely some microbe, living or long-dead.

Anticipating mounting evidence of alien life, and also anticipating that the media might mischaracterize that evidence, NASA’s good-natured chief scientist wants to put some guard rails on the story—by placing potential evidence of alien life on a seven-step scale that ranges from interesting to definitive.

In a paper published in Nature on October 27, NASA’s James Green proposed what he described as a “framework for reporting evidence for life beyond Earth”—a plan for how to confirm whether we’ve really found aliens.

“Our generation could realistically be the one to discover evidence of life beyond Earth,” Green wrote. “With this privileged potential comes responsibility. The magnitude of the question of whether we are alone in the universe, and the public interest therein, opens the possibility that results may be taken to imply more than the observations support, or than the observers intend.”

Imagine, for example, that NASA’s Europa Clipper probe—which is due to launch in 2024 on a mission looking for signs of life on Jupiter’s moon Europa—detects possible fleeting evidence of organic molecules under that world’s icy shell. “How do you announce that?”

Serious protocols are now being considered which indicates that NASA has the news but they still act as though it is the 1960’s as the Brookings Report warned that announcing the discovery of alien life could cause an upheaval on planet earth.

In the 1960’s, there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. This plan, provided by the Brookings Institute, was completed in December of 1960 and pointed out the very real fear of social disintegration if humanity discovered in its cosmic journey proof of extraterrestrial life.

The Brookings statement speculated that there would be discoveries of artifacts on Mars, Venus and the Moon.

The Brookings Report was very clear when it suggested that “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different societies in different ways.”

Needless to say, the guardians of intelligence suggested that if the U.S. space program found evidence of alien life or technology that it would be advisable to withhold that information.

However in 1968, NASA released a document that is accessible to the public called the TR R-277. At that time this document was the single most complete listing of all observed lunar anomalies that were recorded by observers from the year 1500 until 1967.

The report refers to over 450 years worth of notes recording observations of unique or unusual phenomena seen on the lunar surface and in the surrounding area between the Earth and Moon. They include reports of seeing areas on the moon’s surface with strange colors, streaks of light, the appearance of mists, or even possible volcanic activity. It also indicates that there is evidence of ancient structures that were detected up by Lunar Orbiter II in 1966.

The document reports that there is an obelisk-shaped object on the moon that is a staggering 1.5 miles high. There is also a 5 mile high tower located in the Sinus Medii region of the Moon.Six mysterious 3-mile high 'alien towers' discovered on the moon in Nasa  satellite images - Irish Mirror Online

There are also blinking lights seen in craters and very bright flashed coming off the Moon.

I would speculate that perhaps life has already been found, signals are being sent and techno signatures have been confirmed. The official policy is to hold back the excitement or any announcement unto the timing is right.

NASA is notorious for framing the narrative in all things about space and at times they never seem to provide straight answers about what is out there.

The framework for the announcement is a ladder to evaluate evidence, with seven rungs. At the bottom rung: “detection of a signal known to result from a biological activity.” Perhaps microbes eating and excreting in a relatively hospitable extraterrestrial environment produce a gas.

The rung at the top of the ladder calls for “independent, follow-up observations of predicted biological behavior in the environment.” That essentially means different agencies have sent more than one specialized probe to follow up on sketchy initial signs of life—and they have confirmed it. Unequivocally.

Nasa believes that Ideally, these guardrails used to frame the narrative can temper the excitement of discovery and ensure no one announces we’re not alone in the universe until we’re really, really sure of it.

Again many space agencies around the world have announced that they are certain that life is in space — but NASA has always shut down any and all claims saying that it has ti be contextualized — before misinformation is released.

NASA claims that journalists misconstrued the whole Tic Tac UFO/UAP affair where in 2017 the New York times reported that the Pentagon was curious about UFO’s as they were buzzing our Navy ships on several occasions.The U.S. military takes UFOs seriously. Why doesn't Silicon Valley or  academia?

The U.S. intelligence community noted that most of these UAP were probably physical objects, given that they were registered across a slew of different instruments like radar, weapons seekers, and even through visual observations.

But military and spy agencies declined to say with any certainty what kind of physical objects the UAP might be. The possible categories include “airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, U.S. government or U.S. industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems and a catchall ‘other’ bin.”

The catch all other bin is of course alien or unknown origins.

If the UAP are aliens taking joyrides in close proximity to Navy jets, they’re in that “other” category. But serious astrobiologists and experts who are involved in SETI research have dismissed the idea.

Some members of what is dubbed the UFO community are not very trusting of this so called disclosure — but getting the government to admit that they are again curious about UFOs is just part of their battle with regard to disclosure.

The military has established a Space Force where another branch of government is now claiming that we need to prepare for space threats from adversarial bad actors — and even alien incursions that could cripple our satellite networks.

It is odd to see that the Pentagon, NASA, SETI, and Space Force are taking this very seriously; in fact, there has even been a plan to avert what the military calls a Space Pearl Harbor attack.Next 'Pearl Harbor' could be a space attack that would render US military  'deaf, dumb and blind', US army chief warns

They have intelligence that shows that this may be in the works.

On October 24, China launched its Shijian-21 into orbit. The satellite, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., is “tasked with demonstrating technologies to alleviate and neutralize space debris.”

As Beijing sees it, American satellites constitute “debris.”

Shijian-21 has a robotic arm that can be used to move space junk—there are more than 100 million pieces of it floating around the earth—or capture, disable, destroy, or otherwise render unusable other nations’ satellites. That arm makes Shijian-21 a “satellite crusher.”

The Chinese satellite was launched into geosynchronous orbit, where many of America’s most sensitive satellite systems—those critical to Nuclear Command, Communications, and Control surveillance, and military communications—are located.

Because the U.S. satellites in geosynchronous orbit are so far away from earth, they are both expensive and hard-to-replace. Losing any of these systems, with no replacements on hand, would give China’s military an unprecedented advantage in the event of an outbreak of hostilities.

This is being called the Chinese Sputnik moment — and we should be concerned.

China has designed its new space station, to incorporate additional large military modules that can be equipped with lasers, microwave, or missile-based anti-satellite systems.

In September 2008, China’s Shenzhou-7 manned mission came within 45 kilometers of the International Space Station as the Chinese crew was launching a microsatellite.

This triggered some old fashioned Cold War paranoia as military Space force strategists believe it was a simulated attack on the ISS.

At one time, America was dominant in space, and American political leaders decided to go slow on developing anti-satellite weapons for fear of triggering a competition. With the U.S. having the most assets in orbit, the reasoning went, the U.S. would have the most to lose with a race.

That view was the product of a fundamental misunderstanding of Chinese and Russian attitudes. The misunderstanding also directly led to America falling behind in another crucial space technology. The U.S. was the early leader in hypersonic flight with the X-15 reaching Mach 6.7—6.7 times the speed of sound—in 1967. Now, however, America is about a half-decade behind China. The U.S. is also trailing Russia.

The Obama administration took many of the space budgets and threw them into Green or Climate change programs. As you may have already guessed the current administration is far more concerned about Green economies, while Billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elan Musk see space as an escape hatch when the planet becomes a wasted husk of itself.

All that American restraint did was to allow the Chinese and Russian military to grab commanding leads in the race to deploy these impossible-to-defend-against delivery systems for nuclear weapons. In late July, Beijing shocked the Pentagon with an orbital test of a hypersonic glide vehicle.

Similarly, America is now behind China in the ability to take down satellites.

Space, of course, is the ultimate strategic high ground, conferring control of the earth. Therefore, American leaders should have known that China would try, to build the capabilities “to first knock the Americans out of orbit and then to place their own systems there.”

The U.S. has the ability to catch up, of course, but big course corrections are necessary. For one thing, American satellites are easy pickings for the Chinese military.

America does not have “a resilient space architecture.”

Unfortunately, “the Department of Defense is still unbelievably bureaucratic and slow–e Pentagon’s bureaucracy “is just brutal.” So don’t count on the U.S. military, which has taken a decade to design a yet-to-be-launched survivable space network.

I have indicated that Elon Musk is building the Starlink constellation of telecommunications satellites in low-earth orbit. When complete, there will be some 42,000 satellites that can be used by the satellite-dependent U.S. military when China has crushed, lasered, shot down, or bumped out of orbit America’s military assets in space.

Of course, China will also try to take down the Starlink constellation too.

This is what the military fears — a space or cosmic Pearl Harbor.

This event could trigger what is known as the Kessler Effect.The Kessler Syndrome - The National Space Centre

We know that there is a lot of space out there but the space just outside of the earth is getting cluttered with ore satellites and space detritus that create a major collision.

As the number of artificial satellites in earth orbit increases, the probability of collisions between satellites also increases. And furthermore, that any initial satellite collision would produce orbiting fragments – a cloud of unintentional missiles traveling at tens of kilometers per second – each of which would increase the probability of further collisions, leading to what is known as “collisional cascading.”

All of this was proposed by a NASA scientist named Donald Kessler in 1978.

If you’ve seen Alfonso Cuarón’s 2013 movie, Gravity, you know exactly how this works.

Director Alfonso Cuarón Discusses the Realistic Approach to Sound in ' Gravity' Once the exponential chain of collisions begins, it will keep going for decades, until there is a ‘shell’ of debris surrounding the Earth, orbiting at high speed, capable of destroying any other object that enters that zone of destruction.

And this isn’t a hypothetical: according to Donald Kessler, it has already begun. He claims the cascade is happening right now.

He says it started with a collision in 2009 between two communications satellites, the Iridium 33 and the derelict Russian military satellite Kosmos-2251. That one event is said to have created around a thousand pieces of debris that will likely orbit the Earth for the next 10,000 years.

If Kessler’s scenario plays out in coming decades, it will have grave implications for modern society – cascading collisions of satellites and a resulting ‘dead zone’ that limits our ability to place satellites in orbit could play havoc with telecommunications, weather forecasting and other systems that depend on this technology.

But there is another possible implication: could an orbital shell of debris grow to a size and density where it is virtually impervious to spacecraft attempting to leave the planet?

If so this would actually imprison us on the earth and we would find it difficult to send any spacecraft out into space to explore other planets.

Not only that but think about what Enrico Fermi has said with is question about aliens. In Fermi’s Paradox, the question is asked: if there are aliens why don’t we hear from them?

Maybe it is because many space fairing civilizations have had to face the danger of polluting the space around their planet with space debris from either interstellar war or even exploration.

They’re all isolated on their own planets, locked in by an orbital debris field created by their own technological success.

One would hope that any advanced civilization would eventually be able to figure out a way to clear a path so they can leave their own planet.

if so they could find a way to reach ours –which of course creates another unwinnable scenario if these alien beings pose a threat.

In an op-ed published in Scientific American, Avi Loeb writes that he believes an advanced civilization could create powerful machines that send particles and energy speeding through space that would burn everything in the galaxy – including our own planet.

The bad news is that we would not receive any advance warning before this cosmic disaster hit us in the face because no precursor signal can move faster than light to alert us to the risk.

This could partly explain a lot about what is happening with the whole UFO phenomenon and how it has accelerated into being a chief interest of the military.

We are now at a time where unidentified aerial phenomena is being taken seriously.

This is why NASA will create a new office to oversee space observatories and overlapping missions in the coming decades.

First up should be a telescope that’s significantly bigger than the Hubble Space Telescope that would be capable of spotting planets that are 10 billion times fainter than their stars.

Once the necessary technologies are ready, this telescope could be ready to launch in the 2040s for around $11 billion, followed by other mega observatories in the billions of dollars.

The report noted the threat in years past of cost overruns and delays in major projects. Due to finally blast off next month, the NASA-led James Webb Space Telescope — designed to scan the early universe and explore the atmospheres of other worlds — is a prime example of that. Yet its launch promises to be “a momentous occasion that will shape the course of astronomy and astrophysics in the coming decades.”

James Webb Space Telescope: An Astronomer on the Team Explains the “First  Light Machine”

Written by Clyde Lewis

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